Crisis in Belgium: Growing Rift between Wallonia and Brussels

A quote from Expatica, 21 September 2007

Amid concern that Flanders might yet declare independence as Belgium's political crisis drags on, French-speakers have begun to ponder the future of their Wallonia region and mainly Francophone Brussels. […]

“Today, Francophones have legitimate reasons to be concerned about a radicalisation among a number of Flemish representatives,” Marie Arena, the [Socialist] head of Belgium’s French-language Community said Thursday. She proposed that a “Wallonia-Brussels Commission 2009” be set up “with the aim of redefining the Francophone project in a Belgium of contradictory and destructive streams.” […]

Belgium’s French-speakers, however, do not appear united on the way ahead. The president of the Walloon regional parliament, Jose Happart [another Socialist], called Wednesday for a “period of reflection,” but he wanted it limited to “the future of Wallonia alone.” [i.e. without Brussels] “We have to know what we want for ourselves,” he said.

Others insist on the need to strengthen the bonds between Wallonia and Brussels.


See also:
If Flanders Secedes Wallonia Disintegrates, 9 September 2007

Trembling Thrones in Brussels
, 18 September 2007