Preparing for the Job

A quote from Aftenposten, 8 July 2008

- Vi er mest sexy [Siv Jensen, Per-Kristian Foss, Carl I. Hagen]

After decades of being the noisy underdog in Norwegian politics, the country’s most conservative party is riding a wave of popularity. […] "I'm going to use a lot of time on government plans this summer," Progress Party leader Siv Jensen told newspaper Adresseavisen on Tuesday. "Strategy needs to be formed, and I need to use the summer to make some preparations."

Her Progress Party, long the lone voice in the wilderness in Norway's social welfare state, has been able to boast support from more than 30 percent of the country’s voters for weeks now. […] Jensen is seizing the opportunity.

"It's important that we have a plan so we can get to work immediately," she told Adresseavisen. "If we come into power, we don't know how long we'll be sitting with it. We'll have a certain amount of time to operate, and then it's important that we're as effective as possible."

Jensen is keenly aware that her party may need to try to govern alone in a minority position, if none of the other non-socialist parties will cooperate with it. One of Progress' strategies involves sitting out a full year regardless of how many defeats it may suffer in Parliament. Or it can move from issue to issue until the other parties in Parliament force it to resign. Either way, Progress would be able to make its platform clear, and gear up for the next election in 2013.

If the non-socialist parties do cooperate, current polls suggest they would enjoy a solid majority in Parliament.