Sarkozy Wants to Bring Back EU Constitution
From the desk of The Brussels Journal on Fri, 2006-01-06 13:21
A quote from Nicolas Sarkozy in European View, the EPP’s quarterly
The Draft Constitutional Treaty contains important advances which improve the functioning of Europe, and move towards a political Union, which is the UMP’s aim: a stable presidency of the Union, a European Minister of Foreign Affairs, double majority, reform of the Commission, co-decision, and the extension of the qualified majority. Our objective must be to implement these advances, whilst respecting the democratic vote of the French people. […] One way or another, we must give Europe the procedures that will enable it to make decisions in a quick and effective manner. The rules that have already been proposed have not been criticised, but they have nevertheless been refused along with all the rest. In order for these rules to be re-adopted, it is essential that Europeans rekindle their faith in Europe and its progress.