Illiberal Europe
From the desk of The Brussels Journal on Mon, 2006-04-03 15:47
A quote from Gerard Alexander in The Weekly Standard, 10 April 2006
This swirl of speech-law charges, lawsuits, and investigations is now sustained by an “antiracism” industry. Dozens of antiracism groups and self-appointed representatives of religious and other communities, like France’s Movement Against Racism and for Friendship Between Peoples (MRAP) and the Muslim Union of Italy, readily file complaints and suits and sometimes are the direct beneficiaries when fines are imposed. [...]
Europe’s speech laws are written and applied in ways that leave activists on the political left free to whitewash crimes of leftist regimes, incite hatred against their domestic bogeymen of the well-to-do, and luridly stereotype their international bogeymen, often with history-distorting falsehoods such as fictitious claims of genocide said to be committed by the United States and Israel. [...] All this matters. It sends an important signal to the broader culture when Hitler is the symbol of evil while Stalin and Mao are given a pass, and when, in effect, Pat Buchanan’s ideas risk indictment while Michael Moore’s are protected.