The Closing of Civilization in Europe

Europe’s current problems are entirely self-inflicted. This does not mean, however, that the result will be less catastrophic. By subverting the roots of its own Judeo-Christian culture – a process that started with the French Enlightenment (as opposed to the Scottish Enlightenment, which was not anti-religious) – a religious and cultural vacuum was created at the heart of European civilization. The collapse of faith in its own values has, not surprisingly, led to a demographic collapse because a civilization that no longer believes in its own future also rejects procreation. Today, a new religion and culture is supplanting the old one. There is little one can do about it, but hope for a miracle.

America’s immigration problems pale in comparison with what confronts Europe. America’s major ethnic minorities – Blacks as well as Hispanics – are Christian, while the meanstream culture is also rooted in Christianity. In Europe a secularized post-Christian culture is facing a Muslim one. The secularized culture is hedonist and values only its present life, because it does not believe in an afterlife. This is why it will surrender when threatened with death because life is the only thing it has to lose. This is why it will accept submission without fighting for its freedom. Nobody fights for the flag of hedonism, not even the hedonists themselves.

One could also put it in a slightly different way: Europe lacks what America still has, namely the so-called “conservative reserves,” or as the German sociologist Arnold Gehlen explained over 30 years ago, “the reserves in national energy and self-confidence, primitiveness and generosity, wealth and potential of every kind.” Every so often I travel to the U.S. to recharge my batteries, and I am not the only European Conservative to do so. From time to time one needs to breathe the air of freedom before submerging again in the stifling atmosphere of Europe.

America’s “conservative reserves” are far stronger than Europe’s, because America, unlike secular Europe, has remained rooted to a larger extent in traditional Christian values. I do not doubt that if these values continue to decline in the U.S., American culture will collapse as European culture and civilisation have collapsed. However, America can learn from the impending European catastrophe, and avoid a similar fate.

The old European civilization – the pre-secular or the pre-post-Christian one – will live on in the U.S. If it perishes there too, mankind will relapse into the dark ages that are now taking hold of Europe, the cradle of Western civilization.

I suppose one could feel sad about all this, but sadness is not what I feel. One can feel compassion for those who die in accidents, fall in battle or get murdered (like the countless unborn children that perish every day) but can one pity those who have killed their own future for the pleasures of the present? Europe’s predicament, I repeat, is entirely self-inflicted. Not Islam is to blame. Secularism is.

The coming decade will witness the war between the values of Islam and the secular “values” of the decadent, hedonistic post-Marxist Left. We have seen the assassinations of Pim Fortuyn and Theo van Gogh, last November’s prelude to the French civil war, the Danish cartoon case. This is just the beginning of the beginning. I do not consider myself a pessimist, merely a realist. It is quite clear who is going to lose – and whose fault that will be.

Yes, but..................

Yesm but you must realize that immigration for European countries is much different from America. The fact is that Americas population is so much higher than European countries, and The US birth rate is still through the roof. Therefor, the US can successfully "absorb" these people with relativly no cultral effect, and no negative social impact. Europeans must understand that, yes, maybe "physically" thier countries will still be around in 100 years, however, the rich European culture will cease to exists, as well as the native Europeans. Sadly, what it seems like is volunteery "Natural Selection" on the part of European culture.

Salman Rushdie warns against totalitarian Islam

Salman Rushdie warns against totalitarian Islam

One of the Islam critical persons the writer Salman Rushdie, the French philosophy Bernard Henri-Levy, the exile writer Taslima Nasreen and a number of other writers, are warning in their declaration, about the global thread: Totalitarian Islam.

After having won over fascism, Nazism and Stalinism have a new thread "Islamism". W

The article are going to be publish in the French magazine: "Charlie Hebdo"

Since I haven't read the article it would be nice - if any could provide a link - to the original article, when it's available.

It will give me the greatest

It will give me the greatest of pleasure Sister to remove those offending organs, and to feed them to the wide dogs.

Does he have female relatives I wonder ?

Have no worries Sister I

Have no worries Sister I promise to break the little tart in myself, and she will lick up any mess she leaves behind.

So do not fret and listen for the moans


Do these animals realize what they are up against? With everything that has been happening here of late, more and more people are waking up to these fools. It's gratifying to say the least. Your sentiment is one that is felt by millions. The more our giant foot crushes these cockroach bastards the better off we'll be.

Muslim Cowards

Hide... shoot. Run. Hide. Find some kids to stand behind.


Bravely attack wedding receptions, school buses, kidnapped women. Kill yourself and hope that it kills the people you don't have the balls to face down.


Dress as a woman when you see the US Army. Then, toss a grenade and run away.


Cowards. Dogs. Muslims.

1- can i in return ask the

1- can i in return ask the christians a question ? You say tha Jesus is God or son of God whatever, how come a God would let his own creatures torture, humiliate and even crucify him as you say? and please dont answer with this rediculous phrase "to forgive our sins" because God can do whatever he wants with our sins without being degraded on a cross.
2- You say that the jews tortured Jesus they still dont believe in your religion does this means that their religion or their priphet is bad? please stop judjing Islam and prophet Muhamed based on what terrorists are doing now.

Islam and terrorists

please stop judjing Islam and prophet Muhamed based on what terrorists are doing now.

OK. And the same for honour killings? And blowing up Shia holy places? And killing people standing at bus stops? And bombs in nightclubs? And genital mutilation? And stopping women from driving, voting, being educated? And wanting to sweep Israel into the sea?

So why do they do it?

Bob Doney

To Bob

OK. And the same for honour killings? And blowing up Shia holy places? And killing people standing at bus stops? And bombs in nightclubs? And genital mutilation? And stopping women from driving, voting, being educated?
None of the above is related to Islam and again dont judge the religion based on these terrible and ignorant terrorist acts condemned by all true Muslims.
Perhaps you can answer my question regarding Jesus. You know my best friend is christian and she never gave me a reasonable answer.

OK. And the same for honour

OK. And the same for honour killings? And (blowing up Shia holy places? And killing people standing at bus stops? And bombs in nightclubs? And genital mutilation? And stopping women from driving, voting, being educated?)

None of the above is related to Islam and again dont judge the religion based on this violent and ignorant behavior condemned by all true Muslims.
What about my question regarding Jesus perhaps you can tell me your opinion Bob. You know my best friend is christian but she never gave me a reasonable answer.
Sorry for the bad english it would have been easier if i wrote in french or arabic

Not secularism, but absence of moral is to blame

I totally agree with the article, but I disagree with the afirmation that secularism is to blame for this decadence.

Decadence comes because of a lack of moral codes to follow, as it is happening right now in some countries of Europe (here in Spain it can be noticed everyday), but religion is not a requisite for moral codes, although it's true all religions have a moral code :p. The problem is, Europeans forgot to put something in the hole that religion left, and now they will pay for the error.

Arrogance and Ignorance: The Muslim Life

Once you get past the entirely subjective "defamation" routine, you've got nothing. More importantly, you have no credibility left with which to say it.


We don't need to live in muslim countries to see what your newspaper cartoons and media are like. A muslim could hide behind the ignorance of the rest of the world to his language and media. Still try to, with the childish cries that the koran cannot be translated into any foreign language, as if that would make the ignorance and violence being preached magically disapear.

No, in this age of communications everybody gets to see what everybody else's media "defames." The outrageous defamation of Jews and Christians is completely tolerated, both in the guise of real "news" and opinion.

That is why muslims have no credibility  crying about having "their feelings hurt" or that somehow drawing your prophet with a bomb in his turban would amount to "negative stereotyping."

What a laugh! These are people that broadcast videos of civilians being beheaded, who kidnap women and broadcast them, who bomb wedding receptions, who burn churches... and then "demand" respect.


You do not respect yourselves. You do not respect human life. You blame everybody but yourselves for your problems. You are the constant "victims" of life. You have a belief system that excuses all your sadistic violence and makes you feel justified in everything you do... Islam.


You brag about a future "world conquest", while the rest of the world just laughs at you. You cannot stop killing each other long enough to even run a country properly.


Muslims are the least educated, most illiterate people on earth. Thank your islam and your "prophet" for that one.


To: emada30

You describe the Danish cartoons as classless and offensive cartoons. Have you ever seen the cartoons printed in Arab newspapers against Israel and the western world? Have you ever seen the cartoons of Muhammed that for many years have been on the internet and to which the Danish cartoons are tame in comparison? And by the way how can it come as a surprise to you or anybody else for that matter that someone would depict the Prophet with any kind of weapon as almost all terrorist on the planet are doing their dirty deeds in the name of Allah, I don’t see any mass demonstrations against them, despite the fact that all of you peaceful Muslims say they are not true representatives of Islam, but I guess it is a lot more comfortable to be a hard ass in front of a cartoonist with a pen, than being it in front of a guy with an AK-47 and a sword and just maybe an explosive device or 2. Oh and this may come as a surprise to you, but while you and your fellow hotheads are running around protesting, in Denmark the printing of the cartoons has led to a much better debate about integrating Muslims, because of the hotheads burning down embassies and death threats and the lying scumbag Imams, many of the moderate Muslims have come forward in support of Denmark and in support of freedom of expression, Yes they say their feelings was hurt by the cartoon, but they have unlike many others recognized the fact that the cartoon was not an attack on Islam but one mans view on Islam (shared by many) when the extremist are doing the talking of Islam, and now the Moderate Muslims are coming out in force to tell the Imams and the hotheads that they do not represent their views. Radical Muslims in Denmark are issuing death threats against the moderate Muslims because they see their power and dream of an Islamic controlled Denmark fading away, but these radical bastards, who should return to Iran were they will feel right at home, will never be allowed to win.

A cheap shot at secularism

Mr. Belien paints a very bleak picture.  Subverted roots, cultural vacuum, demographic collapse, rejected procreation, a secularized hedonist culture doomed to surrender and the end of Western civilization.  All because of those damned secularists while he paints the Islamists as some force of nature, like a tsunami or a hurricane.  I honestly thought I was reading something from Pat Robertson.  I was disappointed he didn't close with a call for me to accept Jesus and be saved from the Muslim hoardes.


The present incarnation of Islam represents everything Secularists have struggled against in the West since the enlightenment began.  Another sky-god based system of repression organized and executed by a cadre of studied supernaturalists with less regard for the well-being of their fellow Humans than their desire to submit to their ether-based tyrant.

I'm in no such rush to count the descendants of the enlightenment down for the count.  Despite Mr. Belien's assertion that secularists are baby-hating hedonists I believe there is hope for Europe.  There is a lot more strength in an ideology of materialism than he recognizes and much more concern for the future of the children we do have than he acknowledges. 

Secularists just haven't reached the end of their tolerance yet.  Granted, it will probably take a few more cartoon rows and a few more Theo van Goughs before the average European on the street finally declares enough is enough, but the time will come. 

Secularists may have smaller, more sustainable sized families, they may prize their existing lives higher than a speculative afterlife and they may be more accepting of alternative lifestyles, but once they feel threatened, after they acknowledge that the lifestyles they have fought for for so long are genuinely at risk, they will respond.  If the lessons of previous secular regimes, Stalin and Pot Pol come to mind, the defeat of secularism at the hands of irrational spiritualism is not at all a certainty.

The giveaway of Christendom.

The Clinton-Blair-EU betrayers are  achieving decisive progress in their goal to sell off to Islam the land that Serbs have disputed per centuries with their blood and lives  to the Ottomans.


Moreover it seems that almost everybody forgot the decisive role played by the brave Serbs during WW2 when, with immense courage, they  rebelled against the Nazi occupants, thus forcing Hitler to delay of 5 weeks the launch of Operation Barbarossa :


Excerpt from Wikipedia : 

"...the fatal decision of the operation was the postponement from the original date of May 15th [1941] because Hitler wanted to intervene against an anti-German overthrow in Yugoslavia.........This action cut five weeks off the already short Russian summer."


Indeed Operation Barbarossa started  on June 22nd, and to have deprived the Nazis of 5 precious weeks of the short Russian summer, was of decisive relevance for the failure of Operation Barbarossa : when the harsh Russian winter arrived the planned goals of the invasion were not yet achieved.        Many WW2 scholars  consider the Serbs' rebellion as the turning point in WW2 : it was the beginning of the end of Hitler's megalomaniac dream of submitting the world.


I have always thouhgt that the whole free Europe owed a great deal to the Serbs for both their unyielding resistance to the Turks domination and their rebellion to the Nazis, while today's EU's shameful politician rushed alongside the infamous Clinton to bomb them out of Kosovo in favour of the barbaric legacy of the Ottoman empire.


The sell-out of Kosovo is not only a matter of losing Christendom land to Islam : it is the adamantly clear signal that Europe is pushing forward in giving up its own identity and historical roots. Europe was forged in the fight against the muslims : it seems that on the long run Islam is the winner.


Whazzup Kung Fu Master! Re taming muslim dogs 2

Is okej Gee! ( whew! Hope I did that right)
You be down with me, we teach em to like some bratwurst, and smoked pig feet too! Get them some tacos and pork tamales and some of that table cloth stainer mexican stew ( chock full of dig! gots some pineaplle in there too!)we teach em some sushi and saimen, and how to do the hula. maybe go on television and wrestle the fabulous Moolah.. (I saw her.. that was some woman she scared Capt. Lou Albano & Hulk Hogan!) You citizen dig. do not need to be on the watch, you belong, that is strong and that all it got to be. But we need to take all them ragheads shake em up like on tv. Well borrow some hookers, strippers, and folks that usually disturb the peace.. hey we can get them a house like on reality tv. Give them a good mix.. tell them the rules.. show them all the new tricks. A little booze, a little fly.. time will drift or maybe fly.. but one thing is sure.. whatever happens.TEACH about teh Mexican FatWah Ciwahwah religion, get them some sliders, holy rolling too. turn into baptist, presybter too! Some will have to learn to slaute Rome.. seem s the only way to stay and make it home. We did our part.. to give them a new start.. Word!

Odin be Praised!  Baldur Save Us!

Whaazup Kung Fu Master! * (Peace out on taming muslim dogs)

Yes Kung Fu Master.. Muslim dogs CAN be domesticated but first you have to WHIP the Shit out of them.. So grab the Vikings and we can start here with the DANISH Homies, helping them whup some muslim tail, and then whup it into shape, word!.. You know! give them a little taste of the them what Compton is going to be like, and Fort Apache in the Bronx and oh Skokie.. Do not be tripping, we are not giving them weapons and such, they will learn what to duck when they are in the USA! We are settling them down in all the right places. Their men can trip through Miami wearing those long white dresses if they like.. but I surmise they will be wearing Colombian neckties in the morning! *wink* And you know the all the drags in South Beach are gonna cut them long wide deep and epeatedly! hehehehe

what is the slang for respect.. oh yes. they will teach them about giving Props! ( this is hard I need a translator half the time doing US street slang)

Odin be Praised!  Baldur Save Us!


There is some kind of irony or justice in this world. Some 70 years ago spelled the rise of a monster that send europe and the world into a sprey of killings. After the monster was dealt with, efforts were made to put that monster to sleep for good, including questionable laws.

But some people recented those efforts, primarely due to similar hate towards groups of people.

Lately we have heard a leader of a country going in the same direction.

The irony is that the monster, that they want to keep alive, was the monster that wrote the following:

"There were very few Jews in Linz. In the course of centuries the Jews who lived there had become Europeanized in external appearance and were so much like other human beings that I even looked upon them as Germans. The reason why I did not then perceive the absurdity of such an illusion was that the only external mark which I recognized as distinguishing them from us was the practice of their strange religion. As I thought that they were persecuted on account of their faith my aversion to hearing remarks against them grew almost into a feeling of abhorrence. I did not in the least suspect that there could be such a thing as a systematic anti-Semitism.

Once, when passing through the inner City, I suddenly encountered a phenomenon in a long caftan and wearing black side-locks. My first thought was: Is this a Jew? They certainly did not have this appearance in Linz. I watched the man stealthily and cautiously but the longer I gazed at the strange countenance and examined it feature by feature, the more the question shaped itself in my brain: Is this a German?"
(Mein Kampf, vol. 1, chap. 2: "Years of study and suffering in Vienna")

So I guess by keeping the monster alive, they also keep the gazing alive and also the question:

"Is this a European?

I stand Corrected, New Believer

I won't forget about Native Americans ever again. That was stupid. But you know how stupid Americans can be.


The muslims in the US know better than to even *THINK* of holding a rally like the kind that have been held in London, decrying these cartoons.

They wouldn't last 1 hour.

Is alright Gordonz

That is alright Gordonz no wories okej. We just like to be remembered is all. Oh I would love
them to take thos e protests out to teh rez.. as many NA's as hae died in WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam, the Gulf, in Afghanistan & Irag. That would not be good.. Ohh and keep them away from teh inner cities, appallachia, and oh.. just tell them to stay home with that mess. because damn, some US cities donot have enough street cleaners to clear up all the muslim blood that will be spilled.

Odin be Praised!  Baldur Save Us!

Simple Rules for Immigrants to Europe & America!

Simple Rules for Immigrants to Europe & America! * AMENDED*
Submitted by A New Believer on Thu, 2006-02-23 09:54.
I think the Danes should be angry.. damn angry. I get mad when I think of the people that emigrate to Europe and to America, and they never try to do the following things:

1) Learn the language!
2) Speak the language!
3) Study the language!
4) Try to assimilate and fit in ( okej as native american in a country that is
mostly blonde haired, blue and hazel eyed people.. a red skin with dark hair will stick out like a sore thumb..granted.)
4a) Learn the customs!
4b) Learn the holidays!
4c) Learn the money!
5) Learn the language ...did I mention this before.. this is really important.
6) strive to fit in!
7) Learn the politics.. if you are a monarchist at heart this becomes easy as pie!
8) Remember to be grateful!
9) Remember to say thank you!
10) Remember NOT to BITE the HAND that FEEDS You!
11) Remember to be a good citizen or even a citizen in training!
12) Read the newspaper.. ENJOY the CARTOONS.. try not to Freak Out and act like an ASS.. if you see something you do not like.. Remember it is just a cartoon!
13) If you have permission, find a job and work! You need to get off of others backs as quickly as possible. The greatest houseguest is the one that helps clean the bathroom, dries the dishes and takes out the trash.
14) Respect your host..ensure that your family does also!
15) NEVER BURN YOUR PASSPORT after receiving it! Just bad taste to do so!
16) PAY TAXES! ( NO one can have a free lunch FOREVER!)
16a) GET A JOB!
( Did I mention this before?)
18) Try NOT to Stir up trouble for your HOST! ( This is extremely bad form!)
19) Learn Tolerance!
20) Practice Tolerance!
21) Try NOT to INSULT your HOST!
( This is extremely bad form!)
22) Be Nice to your HOST! ( IMPORTANT!)
23) Try to learn their foods and culinary arts! ( If you do not eat certain things due to religious restrictions.. fine.. just do not be a pig about it!)
(Very Important!)
25) Learn to have fun with your Host!
26) Remember That you HOST has a history and traditions as well!
( Very Important!)
27) Study your Hosts Culure, Music, and Sayings... especially the idiomatic expressions! whihc leads us back to!
27a) LEARN the language!
28) If you cannot say anything good at all.. KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT!
30) Do not Impose your religion on your HOST! ( Very important!)
32) LEARN THE LANGUAGE & SPEAK IT!(Did I mention this before
(Did I mention this before)

thank you for listening to my simple rules for immigrants! These are a lot easier than you think.. Try them.. You will like them! Thank You!

Odin be Praised!  Baldur Save Us!

The Shareef Don't Like iT ROCK THE CASBAR!

Now the king told the boogie men
You have to let that raga drop
The oil down the desert way
Has been shakin' to the top

The sheik he drove his Cadillac
He went a' cruisnin' down the ville
The muezzin was a' standing
On the radiator grille

The shareef don't like it
Rockin' the Casbar
Rock the Casbar
The shareef don't like it
Rockin' the Casbar
Rock the Casbar

By order of the prophet
We ban that boogie sound
Degenerate the faithful
With that crazy Casbar sound

But the Bedouin they brought out
The electric camel drum
The local guitar picker
Got his guitar picking thumb

As soon as the shareef
Had cleared the square
They began to


The shareef don't like it
Rockin' the Casbar
Rock the Casbar
The shareef don't like it

Now over at the temple
Oh! They really pack 'em in
The in crowd say it's cool
To dig this chanting thing

But as the wind changed direction
The temple band took five
The crowd caught a wiff
Of that crazy Casbar jive


The shareef don't like it
Rockin' the Casbar
Rock the Casbar
The shareef don't like it

The king called up his jet fighters
He said you better earn your pay
Drop your bombs between the minarets
Down the Casbar way

As soon as the shareef was
Chauffeured outta there
The jet pilots tuned to
The cockpit radio blare

As soon as the shareef was
Outta their hair
The jet pilots wailed


The shareef don't like it
Rockin' the Casbar
Rock the Casbar
The shareef don't like it

He thinks it's not kosher
Fundamentally he can't take it.
You know he really hates it.


The shareef don't like it
Rockin' the Casbar
Rock the Casbar
The shareef don't like it

- The Clash
Thanking them for this tune!

Odin be Praised!  Baldur Save Us!

To emeda30: When i failed to get a job

"When i failed to get a job as a Doctor , i opened a Restaurant " I met some racist acts" but when i got a job as a doctor " i faced racist acts 100 times more before".

Has it ever occurred to you that in the west there isn’t much need for doctors, whose main training was to perform hand, foot and eye amputations?



Handing over my sheep.. so I can stand with some peeps!
(I said that right, I think KungFuMaster!)

Rock the Casbah! We Don't Like It! Rock the Casbah! * winking at you Kung Fu!*

Odin be Praised!  Baldur Save Us!

"Save my sorry ass, and I will save your sorry soul"

Yes the subject title is a provocation, I admit and no excuses. But is that not what is happening?

The majority of immigrants in europe are refugees and later subjects of family reunions. (That does not include the european nations that carry skeletons in their cargo, and for that reason is allowed to accept citizens from their former colonies into the european community). They arrive, receive shelter and protection, and then they start to "assist" their hosts. The assistance includes proposing new values, new believes, and the promise that it will all open the path to heaven. Do I smell a fish here?
They arrive from countries that are more or less exclusively ruled by the values and believes that they want to "assist" us with. Very nice, but how come that they arrived and got asylum because they were "procecuted and under risk" in the paradises that they want us to copy? Does that make any sense? By doing that, the same refugees would sooner or later be forced to seek asylum in a new "hell".
Or maybe it is not the refugees that are trying to "assist" us. Maybe it is their procecutors and tormentors that slowly trickle into the new "acquired" territories and hunt their former victims and their hosts?
The Danish imams that blew the cartoon case out of proportion, might be part of that trickle. For sure there is a Palestinian among them, not trying to help his displaced people for sure, because his actions will do more harm than good to his people. Then there is a Lebanese. His family fled the civil war, went back when they considered it safe, but returned to Denmark within one year. Now he is preaching the blessings of the society that he and his family did not want to live in.

I think it is about time to embrace the needing people that enjoy and participate in the societies that let them in, and send the "trickles" back to where they came from.

Simple Rules for Immigrants to Europe & America!

I think the Danes should be angry.. damn angry. I get mad when I think of the people that emigrate to Europe and to America, and they never try to do the following things:

1) Learn the language!
2) Speak the language!
3) Study the language!
4) Try to assimilate and fit in ( okej as native american in a country that is
mostly blonde haired, blue and hazel eyed people.. a red skin with dark hair will stick out like a sore thumb..granted.)
4a) Learn the customs!
4b) Learn the holidays!
4c) Learn the money!
5) Learn the language ...did I mention this before.. this is really important.
6) strive to fit in!
7) Learn the politics.. if you are a monarchist at heart this becomes easy as pie!
8) Remember to be grateful!
9) Remember to say thank you!
10) Remember NOT to BITE the HAND that FEEDS You!
11) Remember to be a good citizen or even a citizen in training!
12) Read the newspaper.. ENJOY the CARTOONS.. try not to Freak Out and act like an ASS.. if you see something you do not like.. Remember it is just a cartoon!
13) If you have permission, find a job and work! You need to get off of others backs as quickly as possible. The greatest houseguest is the one that helps clean the bathroom, dries the dishes and takes out the trash.
14) Respect your host..ensure that your family does also!
15) NEVER BURN YOUR PASSPORT after receiving it! Just bad taste to do so!
16) PAY TAXES! ( NO one can have a free lunch FOREVER!)
16a) GET A JOB!
( Did I mention this before?)
18) Try NOT to Stir up trouble for your HOST! ( This is extremely bad form!)
19) Learn Tolerance!
20) Practice Tolerance!
21) Try NOT to INSULT your HOST!
( This is extremely bad form!)
22) Be Nice to your HOST! ( IMPORTANT!)
23) Try to learn their foods and culinary arts! ( If you do not eat certain things due to religious restrictions.. fine.. just do not be a pig about it!)
(Very Important!)
25) Learn to have fun with your Host!
26) Remember That you HOST has a history and traditions as well!
( Very Important!)
27) Study your Hosts Culure, Music, and Sayings... especially the idiomatic expressions! whihc leads us back to!
27a) LEARN the language!
28) If you cannot say anything good at all.. KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT!
30) Do not Impose your religion on your HOST! ( Very important!)

thank you for listening to my simple rules for immigrants! These are a lot easier than you think.. Try them.. You will like them! Thank You!

Odin be Praised!  Baldur Save Us!

Human Rights Watch (HRW) : Step up to reality

The problem today is that most people wants to be loved by everybody and are afraid to be called racist, and a lot of people are willing to call you just that if you utter just a single word against Muslims or asylum seekers. Just look at “Human Rights Watch” which have just declared that they are hiring more people to keep an open eye on Denmark and the Netherlands because “they are concerned about the tone in the countries immigrants debate and their though immigration laws.” We are fighting for our way of life in these countries (and if you haven’t noticed, moderate Muslims are backing us up) which are being threatened by radical Muslims, don’t native people from NL and DK and moderate Muslims who actually enjoys living in free countries have any rights because we are not a minority (yet), apparently not we are racist, we should just sit back and change our ways of life so we don’t offend any kind of religious clowns, we should just open up our borders and join the great big global village in which we are all friends. (HRW fantasy world). Wake up HRW and smell what you are shovelling, printing these 12 cartoons is the best thing ever done, because now Muslims have been forced to show their true colours, it was not the intention of the cartoons but a wonderful side effect, the radical governments and Muslims have shown themselves as the scum of the earth they truly are but more and more moderate well integrated Muslims have finally got the balls to stand up in numbers with the Danes against the lying scumbags Imams
Imagine for how long HRW would be allowed in our countries if the radical Muslims should win this battle. (by then I’ll be dead or in Texas).

Islam is not a race

Dear Defender I fully with what you wrote, however I strongly want emphasize that islam is not a race but an ideology or sect cloacking as a religion. The race card is very often used by the the islamo-fascists and their apologists as an effective weapon against any attempt to expose the true face of a war-cult as it was created by Mohammad (HBUH) in order to motivate people to give their lifes in a constant jihad.

I dare say that islam equals nazism turned into a cult, which probably would have happend to nazism as well if the mad dreams of Hiltler woud have been fullfilled and it would gotten a few generations of time. Mark my words it would have been prophet Adolf.

I know

Dear DewiSudarsono, I am fully aware that religion is not a race as people with different ethnic backgrounds can be found in various religious movements, but i chose to use the word because it is used not only by Muslims who feel persecuted but also by those who criticsize people with anti-Islam opinions.

American vs. Muslim

Asians, Africans, Latinos, and Europeans make up most of what is American culture.

We fight amongst ourselves endlessly. But we also fight and die together. And nothing unites the United States more than the muslim common enemy, which we embrace with a lust of death.

Re American vs. Muslim

well that was cheerily and truthfully said! though you forgot the native americans.. everybody always forgets us.. We ain't dead yet Gorsonz *winks*

Odin be Praised!  Baldur Save Us!

Nothing is as Foreign as a Muslim

sorry, Mr. Ethnocentrist. Your theories about US ethnic minorities are all wet.

American "culture" is not understood in Europe, is mocked and laughed at in Europe.

But it does exist, strongly, in US African Americans and US Latino Americans... much, much more than a cultural tie exists between Americans and Muslims, or Europeans and Muslims, from what I see happening.

This American culture is not exclusively based on Christianity. It's more a shared tradition of Christianity as a base, branching out to more of a "pop" culture as a representation.

There is *nothing* that Americans of all races hold more in common than the mutual disgust and hatred of Islamic society. 

RE:Nothing is as Foreign as a Muslim

GORDONZ: hahaha.......thats funny, you mock and laugh at the culture of the only nation that will undoubtably, be there to save you when all falls down. I guess we are equil now, because we Americans often mock and laugh at, the economy of Europe that is supposed to rival the US,.....the overall laziness of europeans for the most part,....oh yeah and find the fact that Europe cannot even defend itselfe pretty funny too. I can keep going but I am not comforatable bashin the land of my origins, unless, of course, I am called out by a supposed friend. Just one more question, are you better than the US in any that is really realavent? Probobly are growing ever more irrelivent every day. I DO love Europe so please stop this America bashing, it is growing too old, espeically from our so-called friends. Like it or not, America is the only true ally of Europe.

Sorry Gordonz, however you

Sorry Gordonz, however you are wrong. There is no cohesion between Blacks/Whites and Hispanics/Whites. Most of it is forced through the wonders of television. What is happening in actuality is an increased incidence of inter-racial crime directed AT Whites by Blacks and Hispanics. Please brush up on the stats from the US Dept of Justice website and the FBI.

No one denied there is an American culture, however that was a European derived one with its roots in Christianity. The further we move away from that, the worse this culture becomes.

impending train wreck

It feels like Europe in the 30s, people slowly waking up from their denial, but too late to avoid continent-wide violence.

"And do not suppose this is the end.
This is the beginning of the reckoning.
This is only the first sip, the first foretaste of the bitter cup,
which will be proffered to us year by year,
unless by a supreme recovery of moral health and martial vigour,
we rise again and take our stand for freedom as in the olden time." -Churchill

A Film Pitch

i have an idea for any film director/producer out there.
2 astronauts get catapulted thru a time vortex on returning to earth, and find themselves 10000 years in the future, on a planet run by brutal, unevolved, ape-like islamofacists.
a race of leftwingers, called dhimmis, are their slaves.
i'm thinking of a title... "planet of the mullahs", but feel free to improve upon that

erm.... any takers?

Mr. Belian, overall very

Mr. Belian, overall very good post, however I have to disagree with you on this particular point...

America’s immigration problems pale in comparison with what confronts Europe. America’s major ethnic minorities – Blacks as well as Hispanics – are Christian, while the meanstream culture is also rooted in Christianity.

While Blacks and Hispanics may be Christian, they are as foreign and probably more so than a Muslim. Religion does NOT bring cohesiveness to the racial turmoil that plagues the US because race is race and it is important to everyone except Whites. We have shed its importance for some "strange" reason.

Also, you know better that I about Europe, however I gather extreme negativity in your post which I am not sure if it is justified. The situation does appear dire, though not hopeless. Am I wrong?

I don't think so.

Our European civilization is under attack from the muslims. Anyhow it's a thread we european we must face, and solve.

If we look at the EU - it was a chock for the goverments in central europe - that people of France said no to the new Union.

Maybe people are more clever, than the media think's.

Because of the huge immigration -to Europe, creating social problems. Goverments around in europe - are trying to reduce the number of social "non-educated" immigrants.

In Denmark we have done it with succes - and are now having a strong economy.