Multiculturalism is to Blame for Perverting Young Muslims
From the desk of The Brussels Journal on Tue, 2006-08-15 20:21
A quote from Michael Nazir-Ali, Bishop of Rochester, in The Daily Telegraph, 15 August 2006
It is clear, therefore, that the multiculturalism beloved of our political and civic bureaucracies has not only failed to deliver peace, but is the partial cause of the present alienation of so many Muslim young people from the society in which they were born, where they have been educated and where they have lived most of their lives.
When will I have to learn Arabic?
Submitted by panamboy on Mon, 2006-08-21 05:22.
I pray the day will never come, when I have to speak Arabic. All western countries find common ground on how we handle the spread of Islam. With the vast numbers of immigrants coming into each country, we will find this problem, to becoming overwhelming. The laws of our countries must be changed to accommodate others religious demands. Holding on to the separation of religion and state, will help to defend our nationalist cultures. To dilute will me suicide.
Submitted by Kapitein Andre on Sun, 2006-08-20 03:02.
One of the most important points of the article is the "dual psychology" of victimhood and supremacism that are prevalent in contemporary Islam.
If the West is going to deal with the challenge posed by Islamic extremism, than it must address this duality at home and abroad...
Inside the West, Muslims should be forced to assimilate i.e. no Mosque schools, headscarves, etc., fundamentalist preachers, fundamentalists or their families. Ideally, Muslims should be banned from emigrating to the West until such times as they do not pose a potential danger which may be indefinitely.
Western foreign policy should be geared to alleviating the sometimes valid concerns of the Arab-Islamic World e.g. the removal of military bases from Muslim countries, support for a two-state solution for the Palestinians, and an attempt to wean the West off fossil fuels from Muslim countries.
In these days when CNN blends Hizbullah, Al-Qaeda, Hamas, Iran, and Syria into one united front, and ignores the rampant extremism in Saudi Arabia and Pakistan (which HAS WMDs), it is crucial that Western governments differentiate between ethno-national grievances and religious intolerance, rogue NGOs (Al-Qaeda) and national governments (IRI).
Of course, geopolitical conflict cannot be elimated but rather minimized i.e the West cannot abandon Islamabad lest its nuclear weaponry fall into the hands of extremists. However, the West can do its best and the Coalition can try to gain the moral highground in the eyes of the rest of the world.
@ kapitein andre
Submitted by USAntigoon on Sun, 2006-08-20 05:39.
What's the point.. As far as I am concerned you can write, spin, twist all you want.. Dual this or dual that.. There is ony one single force who hates the west and it's roots of western civilization..and we better stand up.. with or without you..
I'm Impressed...
Submitted by Kapitein Andre on Mon, 2006-08-21 07:52.
I must commend you for your stunning indictment of my post and myself, and your initiative to go completely off-topic!
"Dual this or dual that.. There is ony one single force who hates the west and it's roots of western civilization..and we better stand up.. with or without you.."
This makes little grammatical or logical sense I'm afraid. Firstly, it was scarecly twenty years ago that the Eastern bloc was diametrically opposed to the West, with the most powerful army in the world, ten thousand nuclear warheads, spies and saboteurs in every Western country, sympathizers everwhere, and hundreds of millions "hating" the West and its roots e.g. calling us Fascists, Imperialists, Capitalist pigs, etc. You have a short memory.
Secondly, the Muslims and Westerners share the roots (not all of course) of Abrahamic religion and Ancient knowledge, despite differences in practice.
Thirdly, "standing up" to the threat of Islam has nothing to do with the current conflict in Iraq and Afghanistan and EVERYTHING to do with immigration policy, dependence on fossil fuels, previous support for Islamists in the 1980s, preferential treatment for Israel, military bases in Saudi Arabia, not assimilating Muslims here in the West, and allowing them to create Muslim communities on Western (esp. European) soil.
squawk squawk ...
Submitted by long range recon patrol on Mon, 2006-08-21 09:59.
notice the trend and trained explanations from ... its the WESTs fault . all thsoe bases in saudi arabia eh ( hmm sounds like something bin laden cried about...) where are they again? exactly. all that dependence on middle eastern oil (where America gets less than 35% of its from) all those shared common values, right? LOL . Standing up and FIGHTING Islamic fascism and terrorism has EVERYTHING to do with Afghan and Iraq.. no matter how hard you dislike it and wish, oh wishy wish it wasnt the case (insert ridiculous 'blame the west' EXCUSE here again). It has EVERYTHING to do with analysis and examination and criticism of the very religion that is used to justify the hundredds and hundreds of terrorist attacks committed yearly, often in countries where there is ZERO 'western' presence.
oh all that support for 'islamists' in the 80's ( just repeat the lie about aiding bin laden in afghanistan vs. the soviets... just dont mention the only aid went specifically to
native afghan resistance and not to imported mujahideen... that 'preferential' treatment of Israel ( LOL), surrounded by how many psychopathic muslim nations hell bent on their destruction, as COMMANDED in that blueprint called the Quran. Ah, yes... failure of THE WEST ( love it) to assimilate muslim immigrants ... and hell.. if that doesnt work.. just scream 'imperialism'!
Head in the sand, eyes shut, blame the west. LOL, good luck.
deflect, deny, decieve .. its ALWAYS someone elses fault...
Submitted by long range recon patrol on Mon, 2006-08-21 10:06.
The terror and death inflicted on humanity is not the work of radical Islam, neither the political Islam, nor the militant Islam. It is Islam, period. Get it? And the perpetrators are not fringe elements confined to brainwashed Saudis, loony Taliban, or a know nothing Pakistanis who have hijacked Islam and are now in the business of mass murder. The latest project of the practitioners of the “religion of peace” aimed to blowing planeloads of innocent civilians to smithereens in midair over the Atlantic -- ought to finally drive the point home: it is Islam, dummy. Get it?
How could people calling themselves sincere God-fearing religionists bring themselves to even think of acts of such barbarity, yet plan them methodically and cold-bloodedly proceed to execute them?
The answer is Islam. The life manual of Islam, the Quran, is a document of exclusion, hatred and violence that shapes the Muslims’ thinking and behaving. This stone-age document is optimally suited for people of stunted development. People who prefer to follow than to think for themselves, to hate than to love, and to seek death rather than to celebrate life.
Sadly, Muslims themselves are the ones who are most victimized by Islam. They have inherited this viral psychological disease of hate and violence; they live by it, and transmit it to their children as well as to receptive others.
Freedom of Iran
UK will 'look sympathetically' at demands for Shari'a
Submitted by Cranmer on Tue, 2006-08-15 20:41.
Following the thwarted terrorist plot to bring down numerous aeroplanes, Secretary of State Ruth Kelly has told Muslim leaders that she will 'look sympathetically' at their demands for aspects of Shari'a law to be introduced in the UK: here