Muslim Immigrants Get the Full Wahhabi Blast

A quote from Bernard Lewis in Imprimis [the free newsletter of Hillsdale College], September 2006

When Muslims living in Chicago or Los Angeles or Birmingham or Hamburg want to give their children some grounding in their faith and culture – a very natural, very normal thing – they turn to the traditional resources for such purposes: evening classes, weekend schools, holiday camps and the like. The problem is that these are now overwhelmingly funded and therefore controlled by the Wahhabis, and the version of Islam that they teach is the Wahhabi version, which has thus become a major force in Muslim immigrant communities.

Let me illustrate the significance of this with one example: Germany [...] [W]hereas in Turkish schools in Turkey, students get a modern, moderate version of Islam, in German schools, in general, they get the full Wahhabi blast. The last time I looked, twelve Turks have been arrested as members of Al-Qaeda – all twelve of them born and educated in Germany.

Not muddled thinking but Hitlerian lies, hype and spin

For over 900 years, Indians were subject to colonial brutality by the islamic savages. Yet, long after colonialism ended, the islamist savages are illegally occupying Holy Land of the Hindus in spite of separate homelands for the islamofascists in two very big fertile areas called 'fakistan' and 'bangiland'.

All they know is savagery, evil manipulaiton of facts and subversion of others to their evil cause like subverted phony mahatma 'gandhi'  to be their puppet:
Gandhi ex-employee of a filthy rich muslim in S Africa, was always was more caring of the living muslims than
even of deaths of millions of innocent Hindus. He implored the Brits,
"Until, therefore, **Indian Mussulmans** are placated,
there can be no peace, and the sine qua non of Mussulman conciliation is that
what is termed the Island of Arabia must remain under the exclusive Mussulman
control and under the spiritual sovereignty of the Khalifa, whoever he may be
for the time being.

It would be a breach of implied faith with Indian Mussulmans
in particular and the whole of India
in general. Not an **Indian** soldier would have gone, if Britain
on the eve of war had declared even the possibility of any such
Gandhi got 1000's of Hindus killed in the infamous "Moplah pogrom"  that Miriam Madam has cited too.

The hatespeech guy

@ Nansi

I still don't see a 'subject', man, in all your endless ramblings.  I suspect the reason is that you don't want any one of your numerous assertions to be subjected to closer scrutiny.

And I see that you still don't know the difference between facts and opinions. Let me give you two examples of 'facts'.

-- Shias and sunnis are killing each other with gusto in Irak.  No one else is doing it for them.  All your ramblings about Americans and 'western democracy' cannot hide that fact.  And your assertion that they didn't do this before, that is a straight lie or reflecting your historical ignorance.  But, I know that you must be a sunni, smarting for the return of Saddam's 'control' (and mass murders).

-- Per capita income is today lower in Iran and in Saudi Arabia than 20 years ago.  That fact alone 'blows away' all your nonsensical musings about "resources".  But, I repeat, your ignorance about 'economics' cannot be repaired here in this medium.

I know that you do not want western "democracy".  How could you, since you don't even understand the very basic elements of it.  Many westerners don't either, if it's any consolation.  Yet , why do you think so many muslims (particularly those that don't sit on oil) want to emigrate to America and Europe?  It can't be for your purported western "greedy, selfish, barbaric, selfish, uncivilised agendas". Can it?  No, they do this because they can see the 'fruits' of "western democracy" (which do not rest on natural resources in the ground, but on democratic cultural behavior patterns).  Of course, most of these muslim emigrants are mentally incapable to make the link of one (these fruits)  to the other (democracy).  Neither can you.    

Nansi still muddled

@ Nansi

You keep repeating the same mantra, but it doesn't hang together.  What is your subject: the causes of the Iraq war, or Israel, or is it "resources"?  Not only do you not have a clear subject, but you seem to muddle them all up.

Iraq is a long and complicated story.  But you do not seem to have noticed that your "barbaric and savagery terrorism" is largely committed by moslims against other moslims in Iraq (just like in Sudan, Algeria, etc...).  However, I do recall that you do not like to make empirical observations.  Hence your muddled thinking.

We better leave Israel aside, even though it is the only democracy in your part of the world.  You do have a point, however, that attempts to get to genuine democracy in such undemocratic 'islamic' cultures are doomed to "failure".  Have you considered that, perhaps, the real goal is not to get the impossible (i.e. democracy in islamic culture) but, rather, to get more 'responsible behavior' from islamic governments?  Allah knows that that is needed.

You seem to confuse economic resources with natural resources (like oil and gas).  That is a grave mistake.  But, it would seem foolish to begin to try to teach you basic economics in this medium.  There is a big difference between (a) generating SUSTAINABLE economic wealth from your own 'resources' (basically brain power, labor, and certain cultural behavior patterns) and  (b) generating TEMPORARY (or unsustainable) wealth from natural resources (sitting in the ground or water).  You will soon find that out in a couple of years.  If you knew economic history, you would already have known that, but I remember that you do not make empirical observations.  You prefer to parrot dogmatic 'certainties'.

marcfrans; promise this is the last one for today

Do not you wonder why only in the last year or so the killing of Sunni and Shiat started in Iraq? It did not happen before. It did not happen when Saddam was in power. More than half of Saddam closest and most wanted by the American were Shiat. His closest and right hand man Mr. Tariq Aziz was Christian.

I will tell you, you see those guys thought the Iraqis were going to receive the American liberators with roses and chocolate but they did not, and after years of fighting militia war in Iraq, a war that the US will never win they decided to create this civil war. It is easy to do it in a country that has no real government in place. It is you again the ugly west practicing another form of divide and concur. Yeah, that is western democracy. See you on the next round.

Anothe one for marcfrans

You keep criticizing the leadership in the Middle East, well I do not think you are following the news. Maybe you should know why the US secretary of state is visiting the region. You know after all their projects “new middle east, modern middle east” failed they decided it is best to keep things the way they were. Keep their alliances with most current governments so long they protect the interests of the west. But Syria, Iran, Hams, Hezbollah are not part of this. Simply because they say no and they do what is best for them and their people so you call them terrorists. You see how much learning you have to do, whole lots.

Economics, no the region has over 100 years of oil reserve and 300 years of natural gas. I wish someone utilizes the solar power and let those oil companies go out of business. Maybe the regimes I was talking about earlier will also collapse. Something you people do not want.
For your information since I always feel you need more education, Dubai has no oil and no gas. It gets it from Abu Dhabi but it has managed to come up as no other city in the world because of its strategic location, economic policy and trade. Bahrain is doing the same.

@ marcfrans

You are so smart man. Israel is the only democracy in our part of this world. That is what you people keep saying all along. A democracy to you people is speaking your mind and expressing your opinion criticizing the government…etc. But how would that be democratic when the state practices the ugliest form of systematic and organized crimes in modern times, assassination of who ever they disagree with, invasion of other people territory, indiscriminately killing of women and children in Palestine and Lebanon. The same goes for the US. If this is western democracy we do not need it. And if freedom is the ability to speak out freely then can you explain why the Americans the ones you are so proud of tried and carried out many attacks on “Al Jazeera Channel”. The fact to the matter is that you people do not like to hear the opposite view and what we are experiencing today in another form of colonization same like what the British and the French did but slightly different. When few rise up to resist this form of colonization you people freak out. You want everyone to accept your greedy selfish, barbaric, uncivilized agendas.


Whasabi, Whahabbi, Whatever!...I don't care what version of Islam is being taught...The Religion preaches violence against those who don't follow it's teachings...Plain and simple!.....

Another failure attempt to attack Islam

I wonder which religion or faith inspired George Bush to invade Iraq. Maybe he really spoke to God as he claimed. Or maybe he and his administration believed the WMD theory they made up. That’s why they invaded only after they made sure the inspectors were coming empty handed. Or maybe because they believed that Saddam had ties to terrorists, only to come back three years later and admit Saddam had nothing to do with any terrorist groups.

If you are upset with these small terrorists groups then how do you explain the invasion of Iraq? What about the unconditional support for the little Zionist state? That is also called terrorism but state sponsored one. The US and it is allies get an A+ for the modern time barbaric and savagery terrorism but with a democracy mask. Best of all no believes it except their cronies. And as I always said all their projects starting with Iraq, Afghanistan, Lebanon, and Palestine…etc are major failures.

I know most of you can not accept that in the Middle East Dubai and Doha are advancing more than your own cities. Believe me we do not want you in Dubai or any place near it for that matter. We have enough people anyway. We do not even need your money. You need us need our resources. 75% of the entire world’s resources are in this region that is why your soldiers are falling everyday. That is why your cowboy president lied to you and brought all your kids to fight these winning wars.


Mind you Dubai was a place to go for shopping before all this terrorism started. 


But I wonder when the first outbreak of terrorism will be directed against the rich and famous foreigners who are buying homes there.

Like the attack on the ex-pat compound in Saudi Arabia, the attackers only wanted to know if you were Muslim or not, and for everyone who was not there was an execution style of death.


I suppose it is wishful thinking to believe that these kinds of aggressive anti-Western sentiment don’t exist in Dubai.


Good Luck – is all I say. But is it wise to risk the children there?

Historic example to learn from

Wahaabism may be new to us in the West. For those in India, it is one of the old maladies. In the 1920's when the British messed with the Caliphate, there was a savage serial mass murder [called Khilafat movement] in which 1000's of innocent infidels were slaughtered by Moplahs of Kerala province of India [Historically noted as "Moplah pogrom"]. These were indeed the dreaded Wahaabis of savage status. Some of them were jailed by the brits in ANDAMAN islands in the infamous cellular jail where freedom fighters were also tortured much more cruelly than any Abugraib prison of Iraq. [We didnt have any Human Rights activists or trials like the Hague or Saddam/Milasovic type trials].

The only country worst hit by islamic savages most frequently and for the longest duration is again India.

To support India, we need to disengage from the pakkis who got many billions of dollars in the war on terror and for the earth quake in the stolen part of Kashmir where most terrorists operate from. [In effect, we have been feeding these terrorists!!]

We need to boycott and stop all dealings with even islamic jihadis of Dubai/Qatar where they are getting filthy rich from our pockets. [UAE is selling apartments that are being bought by the WESTERNERS in large numbers ironically. We must stop that for our own good in our long term interests].