Muslim Festival Stops Terror Trial
From the desk of The Brussels Journal on Wed, 2006-10-25 13:28
A quote from Cranmer on his weblog, 24 October 2006
Hearings in the Glasgow High Court […] were adjourned yesterday – because of Eid. […] The High Court case involved terror charges. […] While one of Scotland’s leading advocates said it was unacceptable that justice should grind to a halt over religious objections, Osama Saeed, Scottish spokesman for the Muslim Association of Britain, said: “This is like asking a Catholic to come in on Christmas Day.”
Does Mr Saeed not know? Has he not heard? In Islamic countries, Christians have to attend their courts not only on Christmas Day, but also Whitsun, Easter, throughout Lent, and indeed whenever their courts instruct them to do so. Shari’a justice does not grind to a halt out of respect for any religious observance, save that of Islam, and any suggestion that it should would probably be met with a death sentence.
Islam Peaceful on Paper...Not in Reality
Submitted by Flemish American on Wed, 2006-10-25 21:10.
Quote: "Why? Because Islam is a religion of peace, more so than Judaism which provides Gentiles the same rights as slaves, or Christianity, which encouraged brutal invasions such as the Crusades and the Reconquest.
Thus, any Muslim who commits an act of terror or any violence should be regarded as renouncing Islam for Islam does not support or incite such things."
Now the whole problem of this analogy is that it simply does not relate to modern times. Christianity has had its share of dark moments, not just in the Crusades, but in the Spanish Inquisition, African and American colonialism and in more recent times, Yugoslavia and the ongoing saga in Ireland.
Unfortunately, compared to the mindset of the modern Muslim who, despite your own belief that it is a religion of peace, seems dead set on destroying all the "infidels", we cannot just ignore the influence of Islam on the insecurity of our daily lives.
The biggest flaw of the West is not recognizing the real source of the problem. Our own colonizing of Arab lands, lack of proper educational infrastructure and the supporting of rogue leaders because we perceive we might need them someday has created many of our current difficulties and we should spend more time working on solutions to these issues.
Lord, grant me the strength to change the things I can;
the serenity to deal with the things I cannot change;
and the wisdom to know the difference.
Islam even on Paper is not "peaceful"
Submitted by FLLegal on Thu, 2006-10-26 08:53.
You can not say Islam is peaceful on paper unless you have never read the Quran. Having read the Quran I can attest that Islam is not peaceful whether the Quran is printed on paper or digitized into electronic form.
The evil you see in the world arising from Islam is a natural outgrowth of the words in the Quran. The "distinguished" Imans and Islamic scholars who call for jihad and issue fatwas to kill accurately interpret the Quran. They know and understand correctly the Quran.
By the way, a "peaceful" Muslim or "liberal Muslim" is an apostate. Such phrases are truly an oxymoron.
I have read the Quran and I suggest everyone who has not read the Quran to do so. And if you are in Europe then in about 20 years you will be required to learn it or else...
By the way, when a Muslim tells you "Islam is a Religion of Peace" don't be duped. The Quran instructs Muslims to lie.
Take not their word or mine....READ THE QURAN: Note I have heard that Muslims have created Western translations that are not as accurate as the Arabic ones for they are "toned" down. So try to find one of the older, less recent, English translations of the Quran.
They are a deceitful lot and great at feigning "victimhood". Islam is my enemy and should be an enemy to anyone who loves freedom and liberty.
Quote: Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice. And moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue.
Barry Goldwater
I like that quote. So I am an extremist against Islam for Islam is tyranny and evil.
Islam encroachment
Submitted by Dr Daniel Falor on Fri, 2006-10-27 21:42.
Wake up, Europe. You are being over-run. Islam/Al Qaeda know that they can't defeat you in a frontal assault, but inch by inch, it's a cinch.
A quote from Cranmer
Submitted by Paul Weston on Wed, 2006-10-25 17:30.
The wonderful British police have a similar policy with regard to NOT arresting Muslims during Ramadan. That this perverse policy does not apply to Christians over any of their religious days tells you all you need to know about the dhimmitude of our so called elites.
No one told me but.....
Submitted by oiznop on Wed, 2006-10-25 16:32.
Who's the majority in Scotland???....What are the laws in Scotland based on???...Sharia???...or Scottish law (Scottish law?...Oh, yeah, Arlen Specter's favorite, especially when it comes to impeachments!...;-D..)........Is Eid a federal holiday in Scotland/UK?...(Oh God, don't ask that...It's coming!!!....)....In this country, if you are a Jew and you are the accused, and your trial date is scheduled for Yom Kippur, you are to be in the courtroom on that date unless a law is passed saying otherwise..If you are Catholic, and are accussed, and your trial date is All Saint's Day, you show up for your trial, unless a law is passed saying otherwise...Christmas is a bad example, Mr. Saeed, because in the USA, it's a Federal holiday, and has been since the mid 1800's...I believe mandated by President Grant...I am not sure if that is the case in other countries...The point is, if you are accused of a crime and your day in court is set, you don't have the right to dictate something like this unless the law OF THE LAND says otherwise.....Stop this nonsense and get a clue, Mr. Saeed, it's not your country!.....
All Faiths will get the same deference
Submitted by mickeydblv on Wed, 2006-10-25 16:15.
I hope, but think not...
Kill them with kindness...
Submitted by Kapitein Andre on Wed, 2006-10-25 15:45.
While I commend him for placing spirituality above the mundane goings-on of terrestrial justice, Mr. Saeed should not be upset if this terror suspect were in court on Eid.
Why? Because Islam is a religion of peace, more so than Judaism which provides Gentiles the same rights as slaves, or Christianity, which encouraged brutal invasions such as the Crusades and the Reconquest.
Thus, any Muslim who commits an act of terror or any violence should be regarded as renouncing Islam for Islam does not support or incite such things.
Were the Muslim to come into court as a witness, etc., I would then agree with Mr. Saeed.
I beg to differ
Submitted by dosser on Wed, 2006-10-25 19:36.
I'm willing to let you call Islam a religion of peace, even though I fail to see in history when they were ever peacemakers. Enough, though, on the Crusades. After some research I found that even though it was brutal, it was in response to initial Muslim aggression by taking over the Holy Land as well as just fighting back the Muslim horde. Why are there stories of conversion by the sword? Why are muslim heroes just military? This does not give me the feeling of peace.