Shouldn’t We Just Throw Them Off the Dover Cliffs?

A quote from The Sunday Times [London], 5 Novenber 2006

One of Britain’s royal medical colleges is calling on the health profession to consider permitting the euthanasia of seriously disabled newborn babies.

The proposal by the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecology is a reaction to the number of such children surviving because of medical advances. [...] The college’s submission was also welcomed by John Harris, a member of the government’s Human Genetics Commission and professor of bioethics at Manchester University. “We can terminate for serious foetal abnormality up to term but cannot kill a newborn. What do people think has happened in the passage down the birth canal to make it okay to kill the foetus at one end of the birth canal but not at the other?” he said.

@ Cinnamon

Just re-read your post. Still can't believe what you're saying, which is that it's okay to "formally" legislate what's been going on in "secret" anyway then how about murder?

Murder is illegal in the civilized world. However, since the dawn of man, murder has been going on in "secret" too. Should we also throw in the towel and legalize murder? Your reasoning astounds me.

Such is the moral decay of Europe.

When does life begin. A touch of levity

A Roman Catholic priest, a Protestant Minister and a Rabbi are debating at what point life begins.

The minister is asked to speak first and he says " There is no question that life begins at birth".

The priest speaks next and says " Reverend, will all due repect, you are mistaken.  Life definitely begins at the moment of conception".

The Rabbi shakes his head, " Reverend, Father, with all due respect to both of you, life begins when the children leave home and the dog dies."



When you say "severely" disabled babies, what do you mean? How is that defined? How do you know if they are in terrible pain? How can pain be measured?

There is no objective criteria established - you're simply speaking in subjective terms. Therefore, who decides the definition of  "severely" disabled? Do you think that a standard could be established which everyone can agree on? Of course not. The raging debate about abortion and when does human life begin has been going on for almost 40 years with no possibility of agreement in sight.

My fear is that if subjective criteria is used to kill a disabled baby, then why not kill any baby one might decide as "disabled". That's the slippery slope on which Nazi Germany descended.

My argument still stands. It is wrong to kill an innocent human life, particularly those who are weaker than oneself. It is important that those who enjoy inalienable rights (life, liberty, pursuit of happiness) ensure that those rights apply to the unborn, the handicapped, the elderly etc... No amount of "compassionate" posturing for the "pain" they might feel can override that principle.

Legalising that which has been happening anyway

You people are talking about severely disabled children, who often have brief and very painful lives. Those kids would never have lived for very long anyway, and modern medicine prolongs their suffering pointlessly, without offering a solution or even brief quality of life.

I would not want to see people with bearable disabilities killed, that would be murder, and I don't think that this comparison should be made here at all.

But, keeping a child alive in horrible pain for a few month before it finally mercifully is released to death is abuse. Right now, this euthanasia happens in secret, because this has been the way since forever because it is the most humane way, but it is better to formalise it as a set official process that is open to scrutiny.

Moral Emptiness

Denker, people like Kapitein Andre are morally bankrupt. They only think of other human beings in terms of usefulness. If you're not useful or productive in their book, then you don't deserve to live. It's a master/slave mentality. In the ancient world, if a slave wasn't productive or failed to work to the satisfaction of the owner, then the slave was dispensable. After all, he's not a human being, but an asset whose value has plummeted.

Euro liberals (and many American ones too) subscribe to a Marxist ideology which translates everything into economics. Similarly the Nazis also practiced a utilitarian philosophy. If you had a useful skill, then you were allowed to live; however, if you had no meritable skill, you were killed. That's why they automatically murdered the elderly, the infirm, the handicapped, babies and children.

We may have won the war against reprehensible regimes like the Soviet Union or Nazi Germany, but in today's Left we see that their ideologies are alive and well.

True words, my friend

You are right! I made my own experiences. I came from the former-USSR/Russia as I was 8. Maybe I am a little bit "unpatriotic", but to hell with socialism... I made my experiences, thats why I became a neocon...

There is always an idiot

My dear Captain,

you are an idiot! Why?

I myself are disabled and sit in a wheelchair. So what? Am I less a human being than you?

Let describe me my person a little bit more:

I am 20 years old AND would describe my views as neoconservative ( and you have to admit that this is a miracle, that a youngster like me is a Neocon ). I supported Bush from the beginning of 2002 ( as I was 16! I am sure, as YOU was 16, you was one of those who compared Vietnam with Auschwitz ). Made a blog ( closed down, a shitty story, realy. Another time. ) for Bush and the Iraq war etc. And now I AM JUST SHOCKED, that such a nerd like you can call himself also "neocon". To clear the things: I visit a NORMAL university ( Hamburg ) with NORMAL students ( only ten others in wheelchairs out of 2,500 students ) and will soon ( hope ) work as a political correspondent for a newspaper. WHO THE HELL GAVE YOU THE RIGHT TO DECIDE about human being lifes? Where would be the world without a Stephen Hawking or my personal hero, the first neocon ever, Franklin D. Roosvelt!

he should oppose abortion

"What do people think has happened in the passage down the birth canal to make it okay to kill the foetus at one end of the birth canal but not at the other?”


His own argument is evidently exactly the same as of those who oppose abortion. He should be shocked by his conclusion, based upon this correct argument, that it is ERGO ok to kill Babies. He should go back and check his premises.



I'm Christian Right and I support capital punishment. I oppose euthanasia and abortion.

My conscience would not allow the deliberate murder of an innocent human being based on economics. People are not "assets" and "liabilities"; each individual human being has INTRINSIC merit which cannot be denied or destroyed by any fashion, philosophy or ideology. That value, that merit, TRANSCENDS the mundane world.

Capital punishment, however is justice meted out to those who transgress law. I do not oppose it when applied legitimately and with jurisprudence.

Eating and Having Cake

On the one hand, the Brussels Journal advocates small government and on the other seems to forget that such disabled babies come with huge medical costs. Who is going to pay for them? You? The parents? While the Christian Right wants neo-conservative values imposed, they seem quite willing to let murderers rot in prison for decades on the State's coin.

Disabled babies have the RIGHT to LIVE - Murderers don't

To Kapitein Andre's first post on thread,

As to murderers:

Murderers rot in prison, because first they deserve the punishment and secondly if let out they might kill, rape,and/or plunder you.

Now why am I against shorter prison terms? LOL

Seriously, I prefer they not rot in prison, but hang from the gallows. That would be true justice.

Now before YOU confuse death (murder) of a child, i.e. abortion, to the death of a murderer, i.e. death penalty, and make a specious argument or comparison remember there is an important difference which is that the murderer committed a heinous act deserving death.

The fetus is an innocent human being. There is no moral equivalency.

For the Kaptien

The classical liberal argument against life is based on their view that life is descended from monkeys or evolved from scientific reasons. Your life has no intrinsic value for them, being so scientifically valueless, while theirs is valued because of the "superiority" of their intellect over yours.

I am glad that my life came as a gift from God, which gives it intrinsic value and should not be needlessly squandered. I prefer that my doctor have this same view.

Our birthday would be a real reason to celebrate if leftists were to make the determinations. They will not stop at the birth canal, but follow a longer list of reasons to terminate your life(just for scientific reasons, you know-nothing personal). I know that my true birthday-and yours too- is long previous to our passage down the birth canal.

As for criminals who sit in prison, I wish they did not. I would prefer they stayed out, for their own good and for ours. I would welcome seeing shorter imprisonments if such would be effective against people who don't give credit for others lives or property.

Neo-conservatism is

Neo-conservatism is completely different from the palaeo-conservatism espoused by the Christian Right. Neo-conservatism is essentially "liberalism + a big stick", while the Christian Right holds to a more traditional conservatism, where the government is prevented from meddling in peoples lives, for good or ill.