France Yields Control over Subway
From the desk of The Brussels Journal on Mon, 2006-11-06 05:40
A quote from the Augean Stables weblog, 5 November 2006
100 “youths” from the “difficult neighborhoods” [...] attacked and robbed of their personal possessions passengers on the Metro inside Paris to the point that the police had to evacuate the station Chateau-Rouge, a site already on some people’s “dangerous sites in Paris” list.
This incident, which had people fleeing the subway in panic, [...] is not unprecedented. [...] [T]he French MSM [apart from Le Parisien] avoid any mention of the incident. Thus the French slowly but surely let some of the Metro stops and lines become “lost territories,” taken over by gangs whose information network is excellent, and the losers don’t even know it’s happening.
30 major attacks...
Submitted by buccaneer on Fri, 2006-11-10 09:32.
I too, hope, that the government will finally draw this line, but I don't believe it. I won't even wonder if the sharia will become legal law within the next 10 years. I just read an article on the German weekly saying that in Great Britain currently 30 major terror attacks are being planned.,1518,447597,00.htmlÂ
30 MAJOR attacks - only in Britain! Who are these people.. well, we needn't be told, their religion at least seems pretty obvious. So maybe the French are just happy that their "difficult" youth is so engaged in burning cars and comitting street crimes that they simply ain't no time for planning anything major?
So what emergeny measures do the British take to counter that threat?
They are still wondering if profiling is politically correct...still not contemplating to close down any of the mosques the suspects visit and get indoctrinated in. Still wondering if it's okay to take Muslims under arrest on ramadan etc.. Still wondering if it's okay to raise even the shield when already one arm got chopped off.
Just imagine - someone's pointing a gun at and you are afraid of hurting his feelings if you asked him to stop firing? I am afraid our governments are so afraid of crossing ditto line of action that they simply refuse to draw it.
Translation Tools by Google
Submitted by FLLegal on Fri, 2006-11-10 16:52.
Dear Buccaneer:
Thank you for the link,1518,447597,00.html
However, I did not see an english page and I don't read German even though my heritage is English and German.
However, no problem with Google Language tools. So if anyone else who wants to read the link and don't know German, then first go to:
and insert (paste) the German web page link in the translate web page box choose German to English and presto.
If you have a problem make sure when pasting, you don't end up with two httphttp at the start.
Or if that is two difficult, then simply cut and paste this link:
God is In Control - Saharian & buccaneer - Part I
Submitted by FLLegal on Fri, 2006-11-10 16:05.
Dear Saharian & buccaneer:
I understand your frustration and if I lived in Europe I honestly would not have much hope that my government would do nothing more than roll out the red carpet for Sharia law. The governments are appeasers, intimidated, and deluded with multiculturalism and political correctness so much so they are willing to take away my free speech and free press.
There is always a hope, but perhaps it might take several terrorists attacks like you mentioned buccaneer before governments get over this multi-culturalist, politically correct mental disorder. They have bought into the lie that all "cultures" are equal. Islam is fascism. The Quran is fascism. Islam is both a tyrannical religous and political ideology. Islam is not peaceful Remember it took awhile before the West realized that Hitler was evil, then they tried to appease him, then finally a light came on that war was inevitable. But it took awhile. If and when the Western governments do open their eyes, if they do, I pray it won't be too late.
Europeans are also worse off then we are in the U.S., in that the government has been able to deny them the right to self defense by stripping them of firearms. Thank God we can have firearms here.
I'm a reading that a lot of "REAL" Danes are leaving Denmark for Canada, Australia, and the U.S. So one could flee, but damn it these are your countries. Why should these barbarians by immigration, intimidation, and demographics take you over? As long as Europeans are not like our liberals and Democrats here, your more than welcome to come here to the U.S.! :) Maybe we could do an exchange program! :)
I don't know what the answer is. I know the things I would like to advocate.
God is In Control - Saharian & buccaneer - Part II
Submitted by FLLegal on Fri, 2006-11-10 16:09.
Dear Saharian & buccaneer (con't):
Let me say this. I am an attorney. I am sworn to uphold the laws of my country and my state. However, there is a point where certain acts or failures to act by my state and federal governments would nullify my oath and/or release me from it.
There is a time to prepare for war and a time to engage in war. We can't rely on our governments to prepare for us. We each must do what we can to keep ourselves, our families, our homes, and our friends safe. We need to prepare. We need to make our voices known to our representatives. We need to march, not riot, although our governments tend to reward those who do riot. In today's society, we oftentimes don't even know the name of our neighbors that live in the apartment next to us. I would research for groups and people who are likeminded as you are. I would also try to find churches that actually have God there. Not a country club church, but a church were you sense or feel the Spirit of God being there. It will take time and prayer to find the right church, if you don't already have one. That would also be a great place to meet like minded people.
There is so much I would like to say, but I won't say it on a public forum. But I will say this as if I was talking to a client. If you commit acts of violence, then it won't be the Muslims, but your very own government, that will lock you up. They will deem you a "worse terrorist" than the real terrorists that live and riot among you. In taking any drastic measure, one must consider the consequences. That is why I would like to work on my government first, then with the enemy.
God is In Control - Saharian & buccaneer - Part III
Submitted by FLLegal on Fri, 2006-11-10 16:12.
Dear Saharian & buccaneer (con't):
Again I am not in Europe, but in the U.S. I am not willing to, for example, go burn down a mosque or kill a bunch of Muslims. The time may come, but it is not yet here. Islam is my enemy. I deem it evil, but the time for that kind of action is not now... My nephew in the Marines almost died Tuesday fighting in Ramadi in Anbar Province. A friend of his was killed and he was less than 10 meters from the Islamic insurgent. If you want to read more about the Ramadi ambush, then check my posts at: I post there under the same name FLLaw33870
In preparation, I think a man needs to look to a higher source than himself in these matters. I think this the perfect time to look to God for without God, I don't see how any of us will make it, in what I believe will come upon this earth. I think we are merely at the beginning of what will become much worse. I believe there will be a time coming that we will long for days like today. I think we each need to look to the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob who came in the flesh, i.e. Jesus Christ the Son of God. I think it is time for each of us to develop the best PERSONAL relationship with God that we can for we will need that relationship and His strength one day. but it won't be easy for persecution is promised to the saints in the endtimes and I believe we are in the endtimes and I don't believe in the pre-trib rapture where we can escape persecution. I believe in the rapture, but not the pre-trib rapture.
God is In Control - Saharian & buccaneer - Part IV
Submitted by FLLegal on Fri, 2006-11-10 16:14.
Dear Saharian & buccaneer (con't):
The best weapon you can have is God's Word. The Word of God is a sword. If you don't have a Bible, go buy one if you can find one in Europe, then read it. I suggest reading first the Gospel of John first, but read as you feel led. Pray for God to give you wisdom and understanding as you read. If you are sincere, He will hear and answer you.
God is a better weapon that a Herrier jet.
Finally, something that I often times forget:
God is IN CONTROL. All of this was planned and foreordained before the foundations of the earth. The best place to be is have a personal relationship with Him and stand next to Him.
My nephew lived from that ambush the other night in Ramadi and we just believe that God did have His angels around him. He has a lot of people praying for him and his relationship with God it getting better in the hell he finds himself now.
It is true there are no atheists in foxholes.
Bring back the O.A.S
Submitted by Steuart on Wed, 2006-11-08 21:56.
I’m afraid you’re right, Although I think we should back off from targeting Socialist leaders although they can spout a lot of nonsence at time, I believe large segments of the left are in lock-step with us in countering Jihad.(just read the English language blog Harry’s Place)
As for targets? They are all around us, such as Najmuddin Faraj Ahmad more commonly known as Mullah Krekar in Norway, Mounir el Motassadeq of Hamburg who was part of the 9/11 massacre but who has been released on a technicality, Tariq Ramadan and his brother and Dyab Abou Jahjah of the Arab European League. I really could go on as the list is very long. I’m not a BNP type,(honestly) my wife is of South Asian descent and most of my friends are Muslims, although of the Church of England type. What we need to do is study how the IRA, ETA and the other sundry terrorist groups trained, organized and supported themselves. It really doesn’t take much, the Mossad’s favorite weapon in this sort of line of work was the easily obtainable .22 which is not exactly a piece of heavy artillery. But who is going to take the first step?
Proceeding with caution - Part I
Submitted by FLLegal on Wed, 2006-11-08 23:03.
Dear Steuart:
You stated, "But who is going to take the first step?"
I think we need to be careful, particularly when we get to the edge of the line where we could easily cross over from being law abiding to non-law abiding. I am not saying that is what you are advocating, but I just want to clear up any ambiguity such a statement might create.
At present, even though we live in dangerous times, I still do not think we have yet arrived to the point, even in Europe, where we still don't rely on our respective governments to protect us even though it seems they are failing us.
Yes I think our governments are failing us with regards to protecting our liberties. Said violation of liberties, i.e. like free speech, arise at present, not from the hands of the Islamic threat directly, but from the hands of those who govern acting out of fear and in response to said Islamic threat.
It sometimes seems that people committing heinous crimes in the name of "Allah" have more protections and get more concessions from our governments for the most illegitimate of grievances, at the expense of our liberties. If our governments continue to submit to the threats, intimidation, both implied and express, and continue to arode our liberties I guess it will be up to each man and woman to make that ultimate decision as to when the government has simply gone too far. But each man and woman must understand the full consequences involved. At present, I want my government to act and not I for that is why they are in power. It is their DUTY and responsibility.
Proceeding with caution - Part II
Submitted by FLLegal on Wed, 2006-11-08 23:04.
I know right now I use my pen (keyboard) to release my frustrations with the hope that my cry for the governments of our Western Civilization to realize and recognize the threat and take the appropriate actions. It seems they are deluded and blind to said threat and don't understand that appeasement is not the answer; we need to try desperately and peacefully make them aware of such for they are placed in authority over us and they are suppose to protect our liberties not erode them.
But when that time for war against the Islamic threat does arrive domestically, and I believe that it will arrive, I want my government to be fighting with me, or rather I with them.
So we need to continue to write, call our representatives, and try to open their eyes. Pray also.
Whether or not our respective governments finally and fully realize the real threat that the Islamic political & religious ideology called Islam imposes via domination, there will eventually be a time when a line is drawn in the sand.
I just hope when that time comes that the government, whose duty to protect our liberties, is on the same side of that line as I find myself.
Patrick Henry, an American patriot once said: "Give me liberty or give me death".
Just remember that the conflagration to come will cause lives to be lost for that is the nature of war and the price or sacrifice sometimes required to protect our freedoms and liberties.
So who will take the first step? No one knows, but I hope and pray that it is my government.
moderate muslims vs. moderate tube users
Submitted by Cinnamon on Wed, 2006-11-08 10:51.
A lot of 'moderate' muslims are just normal people, just like the people in the Parisian tube who gotten mugged by a bunch of kids. Just like you and me are a bit at loss what to do with our radical idiots, if you ask me what I, as a German think about the rise in Neonazis, well yeah, I tell you it is bad, but if you ask me to sort it out, I would tell you that I'm a housewife, not a superhero and that this is the job of the German politicians and police.
Why didn't the people in the metro prevent those kids from robbing them and conduct citizens' arrests?
Mostly because fisticuffs with a dangerous idiot is not worth it over minor possessions that can easily be replaced.
And because no group thinking exists that can turn a bunch of strangers into an instant fortress, just like people in the hijacked planes 'allowed' 9/11 to happen by reacting logically on false premises. Nowadays, any attempt to repeat this would be no longer possible as people would instantly react decisively and ruthlessly, knowing that if they lose, their life is over, instead of holding on for survival.
How many here of you have bothered to learn how to deal with an attacker? I guess not too many, so, here is a video that will hopefully make you consider taking some lessons (even if you're old and creaky):
Best way to rid of violent Radical idiots is to kill them
Submitted by FLLegal on Wed, 2006-11-08 13:01.
Dear Cinnamon:
Great video and important to know for self-defense. But I still prefer this form of self defense:
Here in Florida we can easily get a permit to carry a concealed weapon. Can't physically carry concealed a shotgun or rifle, but a handgun does quite nicely.
I don't put much trust in politicians or police to protect me. Seems like the police show up after the fact and politicians enact laws in your name after you are dead.
When it comes right down to it, one must be prepared to defend theirselves and family.
Your video is a great start, but when surrounded by more than one or one with a ball bat, I'll take a handgun over a policeman or politician anytime.
Florida is great, but it isn't Europe
Submitted by Cinnamon on Wed, 2006-11-08 16:03.
Well, here in Europe we don't do allow citizen handguns, only criminals are allowed to have those.
So, we have to be a bit more creative, and given what I said, educating people as to how a group of strangers can turn into an ad-hoc self defense group is probably the best direct medicine against this kind of occurrence.
Even a baseball bat, knife or a gun can be won against if you learn what to do, in most cases a weapon is more of a handicap for your attacker than a useful asset. It does not require you to be fit or young either, see here:;jsessionid=ONPCME0W3JUCBQFIQM...
when do "modest" muslims flip?
Submitted by buccaneer on Wed, 2006-11-08 09:28.
The "modest" majority of Muslims keep silent whenever atrocities are committed in the name of islam (beheading 13 year old school girls in Indonesia, throwing bombs in Thailand, massacrating villages in Sudan, terror plots, burning buses, belittling of rape like in Australia etc.).
Does this upset the "modest" Muslims? I simply don't get that feeling. Hardly a Muslim speaks out, no Muslims acts against the perpetrators. And whenever they speak out, it's basically to accuse the victim of the crime. But when someone dares to make a picture of their prophet or asks their women to take off the veil - then even the "modest" Muslims flip.
As long as that continues Europe should show zero tolerance towards islam - prohibition of the veil in any from by law, mosques that harbour terrorists or advocate hate are to be immediately closed, no new mosques allowed and immigration from Muslim countries absolutely restricted.
Erdogan, the Turkish prime minister, once said that the minarets of the mosques are the bajonets of islam...
Texas Law
Submitted by flynn on Tue, 2006-11-07 16:40.
As a Texican who has deep roots there (Daughter of the Republic of Texas), it is unbelievable to me to witness first hand at what is going on here in Europe. Members of my family and other families that I know of have put their lives on the line in every generation to defend America.
In my 4 years spent in Europe, I can honestly say that I have only met a handful of men who would be willing to die to protect their freedom. The politicians and left-wing media here have brainwashed the people into believing that America is the enemy and ignoring the fires going on around them. Look at any poll, including those of BBC and you will see all the moonbats who are full of hate for America, meanwhile bending over backwards to embrace those who are plotting to kill thousands within their country.
If rioting by illegals, burned cars, burned buses, and injured police in Texas would happen, the result is being hauled off to jail, and then probably to one of our fine prisons in Texas, hopefully to have a 'Bubba' as a cell mate. By the way, it is an 'automatic death penalty' if a law enforcement officer is killed there.
Europe will disappear within the next 25-50 years due to a very simple explanation. The thousands of Muslims that are invading Europe are breeding like rabbits. Not so for the Europeans. Do the math. It doesn't take a brain scientist to figure that one.
Meanwhile, very shortly I will be back home. Thank God for America, thank God for Texas, and thank God for all of the rights that we have to be able to live in a free society with law and order.
Submitted by Taurus689 on Tue, 2006-11-07 20:14.
It would be tragic to see the end of Europe as we know it and as Europe goes so will go the USA. We're bending over backward to embrace those same people who have already tried to kill us several times. In addition we are also bending over backward to appease and apologize for a violent home grown minority who have turned large areas of most of our major cities into no go zones. They also account for the majority of native born Americans who have converted to Islam the "religion" of the very people who enslaved their ancestors and continue to enslave their cousins in many parts of Africa. I wouldn't hold out too much hope for the survival of the USA, Canada or Australia once Europe is dead.
Submitted by atheling on Tue, 2006-11-07 08:23.
Submitted by Kapitein Andre on Tue, 2006-11-07 05:34.
Those "rednecks" would otherwise be a nuisance during normal conditions. While certain extremist or counter-culture elements may be useful during periods of instability, they are generally undesirable during times of stability - which usually are the majority.
Certainly, the United States has done its fair share of "sticking its head in the sand" and using immigrants for electoral purposes e.g. the Peurto Ricans. Nor has any element of American society been able to counter to decline of the White demographic and the rise of the Hispanic one, through largely illegal means. While illegal aliens may not pose the same threat as Europe's Muslims, they and their legal supporters have succeeded in hijacking the American republic with demonstrations and political pressure (from Latin American capitals) that aim to open the floodgates rather than stem the flood.
After de-segregation, it would truly be a shame if the average American city came to resemble Rio, with its White minority surrounded by ghettoes and shanty towns of impoverished Hispanics and Blacks. The socio-economic and ethno-racial inequalities and conflicts in Latin America are no less palatable to the Western world as Sharia law is.
Would any French readers
Submitted by sonomaca on Tue, 2006-11-07 06:25.
Would any French readers with knowledge of these events enlighten us as to the relative organization of these 100 youth. Was this just a "clockwork orange" style rampage, or a more directed effort? Was this designed just to net some cash, or was it intended to create an atmosphere of intimidation and fear?
It would would seem, to the outside reader that the youth gangs have gotten more organized, greater c-cubed (command, control and communication). At what point does this activity morph from civil unrest or mere criminal activity into a real intifada?
Will they have improved upon their capabilities next year, ie will we see armed, coordinated attacks, bombings, IED's, mortars?
Submitted by Taurus689 on Tue, 2006-11-07 06:38.
In the USA whenever the word "youth" is used in a news article reporting a crime, the reader automatically translates "Out of control blacks between 18 & 25 years of age."
What France needs is some
Submitted by Voyager on Tue, 2006-11-07 08:08.
What France needs is some Texas Rangers
I used to hear such naive comments when I lived in Texas - like we can't have terrorism here because we all have guns. That's what prevent OK City and 9/11 - Rednecks with guns. It was amusing considering that terrorist groups like the IRA would slice through any US police force and that terrorism has not yet come to the USA, just randomised violence.
Those who remember the 1970s when Bonn had armoured cars and sandbags against the Baader-Meinhof, or Italy had The Red Brigades, and France Action Directe, and Britain The Angry Brigades, IRA, and Carlos, tend to forget that terrorism today is much much less than in the is hyped up because it involved New York, but in reality nothing much has changed except that the Americans get hyped up and want quick-fixes.
There could easily be fresh terrorist attacks in the Us because security is lax internally. The old US approach is to blame foreigners because Americans use cocaine, to make foreign airlines jump through hops - biometric passports, fingerprints, digital visas - but noone gets checked internally in the USA. The EU may introduce Visas for US travellers to Europe in retaliation.............probably a good idea.
So the Texas Rangers are about as much good in dealing with matters in Europe as the Yeoman of The Guard would be in Texas - they could be decorative.
Texas Rangers
Submitted by Nahanni on Tue, 2006-11-07 09:26.
Obviously ol' Voyager never lived in Texas judging from it's post.
That being said stuff like what is happening in Paris at the moment would not be happening here in Texas. You see, Voyager, we have three things here that perhaps you forgot about after your many years of "living in Texas".
1. We have CCW permits here. In case you forgot what CCW means it stands for "Carry Concealed Weapon". Yup, that is right, average citizens are packin' heat here.
2. We also have a little something that is known in the vernacular as the "He needed killing" law. Yup, that is right, you have the right to defend yourself and your property here with the use of deadly force.
3. The cops here have very itchy trigger fingers. They tell you to stop you had better stop, or they will stop you with a generous helping of lead.
If those French "youths" try pulling the crap they are pulling in France in Texas they would have to hose what was left of them out of the bus. The passengers on the bus would use those "youths" for target practice.
Texas "Immigration Law"????? :)
Submitted by FLLegal on Tue, 2006-11-07 13:06.
Dear Nahanni:
You stated: "2. We also have a little something that is known in the vernacular as the "He needed killing" law. Yup, that is right, you have the right to defend yourself and your property here with the use of deadly force."
Shoot (sorry never say shoot to a Texan) that law will probably do more to cut down ILLEGAL immigration than the unfunded 700 mile fence and all the federal immigration laws combined!!!! :)
Let's hope the other border states adopt a similar "immigration" law.
Forget just the border states, but every state, for illegals have invaded us in nearly every state.
Please give your opinion
Submitted by Flanders Fields on Tue, 2006-11-07 10:54.
The media of France and Belgium are unashamedly suppressing and sanitizing the reports so that many who live there do not know that the incidents are happening. Many french and belgian citizens have no way of knowing what is happening in their own countries. I think the same is happening to all of us, no matter where we live.
I reference the article in:
about Dhiren Borat(not related to the movie), on November 06 @4:13pm.
I think the story is being suppressed by the major medias, and suspect that it is being done because of the elections in the US. This terrorist apparently had viable plans to attack Britan and Washington, New York and New Jersey. His targets included the IMF, World Bank, stock exchange, Citigroup and Prudential. His plan was to use dirty bombs, radiation dispersal devices and other means.
I apologize for not being able to give a direct link. Maybe someone else can provide it. I would be interested in your opinion on the story and whether you think it is being suppressed.
Change of National Colors for France?
Submitted by FLLegal on Tue, 2006-11-07 12:58.
Isn't it about time the French changed their tri-colored flag from Blue, White, and Red to White, White, and White?
Unlike what one previous poster stated that when one thinks or reads of crime & "youths", they automatically think black is not true.
When I hear of crime and "youths" in Europe, I think of Muslims!!!
And I'm probably right 95 percent of the time when it comes to rioting and burning buses!!!
Yes I like Texas, but never even been there. We too, in Florida, have the right to carry a concealed weapon. Got my permit!!!
We, in Florida, need to look at that property "shootem dead" statute. Sounds like a great law.
Hey I know what perhaps Brussels or Paris should have a student exchange program with a "sister city" in Texas!!!
Wouldn't that be a culture shock for both!!!
French kids learn to stand up and fight (and WIN for a change) for their country and way of life as the brim of a Stetson keeps the sun out of their eyes as they shoot the culprit...
Texas kids learn to apologize for the Alamo, wear funny effeminate hats called "berets", understand the principles of appropriate surrender etiquette, dhimmification, and pee their pants when a Muslim says "boo"!!!
FLLAW &Rioting "youths" in Paris
Submitted by Taurus689 on Tue, 2006-11-07 14:05.
When I made that comment I was trying to convey what most American readers think when they see the term used in our own newspapers. However, in looking at the video from the Paris, quite a number of the "dah youfs" were Black Africans and some were Arab looking North Africans. I'm quite sure that they were probably all Muslims who come in all different sizes, shapes and color but apparently with only one universal agenda.
I was unaware that Thailand has a Muslim population. I thought that they were all Buddhists.
Shouldn't it be a peaceful place..
Submitted by buccaneer on Tue, 2006-11-07 00:04.
The "youth" of the "difficult neighbourhood"? I wonder how a neighbourhood can be called difficult, if it's mainly inhabited by adepts of the religion of peace.. Shouldn't it be a place of peace? Full of peaceful and loving, tolerant and openminded people following the great example of their prophet?
Submitted by atheling on Mon, 2006-11-06 21:16.
Funny, how the French and other Euros of the liberal persuasion always enjoyed mocking American "vulgarity" and "crudeness", especially personified by the "redneck". However, it's precisely that rough and ready attitude that will save America from Islam.
France, we see, with all its cultural disdain and hauteur, will disappear from the map.
Submitted by Taurus689 on Tue, 2006-11-07 06:33.
"Funny, how the French and other Euros of the liberal persuasion always enjoyed mocking American "vulgarity" and "crudeness", especially personified by the "redneck". However, it's precisely that rough and ready attitude that will save America from Islam."
I sometimes wonder if we still have the aforementioned "attitude" anymore.
We have been so propagandized that I think that we've lost the will to resist.
I have never seen so many Muslims as I have in the few years since 9-11!
In my area alone there are at least 5 Mosques. It seems as though, in order to show our tolerance, we have invited more of them in since the attacks. Our government is protecting us with one hand tied behind its back.
Strange when one considers the treatment given the Japanese- Americans after Pearl Harbor.
The Lost Territories
Submitted by Carmela on Mon, 2006-11-06 20:48.
This is beyond comprehension...forget the police, this situation requires a true European military force, one that doesn't include the enemy!
wake up
Submitted by surjit.1936 on Tue, 2006-11-07 00:31.
This is only the begining,wait until the Muslim population is about 30%to40% in Europe,then they would want a seperate state in Europe which will have Islamic name ie [Eurobiasthan] with Islamic sharia laws,Arabic language ,strict Islamic dress,Islamic madarsas ,nothing else will matter.Read the history of India and see how the Muslims over 3 to 4 hundred years increased their population and then in 1947 when India was getting freedom from Britan, Muslims fought to have a seperate state ie[home land] for Muslims,now called Pakistan in the west of India and Bangladesh to the east of India,both the countries were carved out of India,same will happen to Europe in time to come if nothing is done with the increasing population of Muslims in Europe and USA.You MUST understand one thing that to a Muslim first loyalty is to their religion and not to any country.
Submitted by oiznop on Mon, 2006-11-06 20:34.
Europastan is evearynyyyce!!!!!....Ses a Borat!!!!....
Submitted by Lazarus Long on Mon, 2006-11-06 20:13.
welcome to the new islamic country of Europastan!
Paris subway attacks
Submitted by Taurus689 on Mon, 2006-11-06 15:54.
This is absolutely outrageous. France, What the HELL are you doing? You have betrayed your parents and grandparents who died fighting with the Résistance against the Nazi occupation. You have betrayed those allied soldiers who left their entrails and brain matter in the sand at Normandy in order to free you and, last but not least, you have surrendered one of the most beautiful cities in the world to the ravening beasts whom you invited in to destroy you. Shame on you and the rest of Western Europe!!! You have allowed these savages to take control of your cities and make them living Hell holes of crime where they murder you, rape your women with the approval of their equally bestial clerics and make life generally unlivable for you and what few children who may come after you.
"The appeaser feeds the crocodile in the hope that it will eat him last". Sir Winston Churchill.
Well Said Taurus....
Submitted by oiznop on Mon, 2006-11-06 20:35.
...and this episode is just the tip of a this giant iceberg....
Texas Rangers
Submitted by Baciagaluppo on Mon, 2006-11-06 15:46.
What France needs is some Texas Rangers -- but then, Europeans are contemptuous of all things Texan, aren't they? They probably know nothing about the heroism of those brave volunteers who protected settlers from savage Comanches, Apaches, and Mexican banditos. If there are any red corpuscles left in France, they had better start organizing themselves immediately.
Submitted by Kapitein Andre on Mon, 2006-11-06 09:03.
Where are the Russian skinheads, British, Polish, and Bayern Muenchen soccer hooligans when you need 'em? Certainly these denziens of their respective public transit systems could give these impoverished, unemployed, marginalized, and oppressed young men (and their hairy sisters) a proper European welcome!