Iraq: The Lemmings Want to Get Out

In February 2003, I participated in a massive anti-war demonstration in London because I did not believe a democratic government could be installed in Iraq. The Anglo-American forces did not seem to understand the proper conditions on which they could rest a modern Western government. Today, however, Britain should not follow the dishonourable turncoats in the American Democratic Party and in the British press advocating a sudden exit from Iraq.

Why did Britain and its American ally topple the Iraqi regime? This week, Martin Bright, the political editor of the New Statesman, wrote an article entitled Iraq: the new cover-up – the riddle of the missing WMD document. In the article, Bright exposes the fact that a secret first full draft of the Iraq WMD dossier – which Tony Blair put before parliament in making the case for war – had been suppressed and kept secret by the government. Bright is just one of a series of journalists believing that the central nugget of truth put before parliament and the public was that Iraq held weapons of mass destruction (WMD). Their cases suppose what? That it was only because Iraq held WMD that Blair had a safe case before parliament to assert an Anglo-American force within Iraq? I don’t think so – the long list of reasons and detailed explanation for invading Iraq involved a consideration of decades of ruthless slaughter and suppression of Northern Kurds and Southern Shiites in Iraq.

In his article, Bright digs the British press into an even larger hole of trivia and fact-finding exercises on the war, by concluding: “The government’s problem is that the very existence of the secret draft suggests that its spin machine was more deeply involved in the production of the dossier than it has previously admitted.” The entire reason why the British government have denied and admitted so many different versions of events – even in front of the Hutton inquiry – is probably more to do with the fact that they are tired and bored of the “leaked documents” and “secret drafts” game that many journalists play so well. Neither would it make any sense for the government to release an official intelligence plan to the press: the protection of state intelligence documents is very different from a “cover-up” and it is also not clear whether this publicly-unavailable document had been presented to the Hutton inquiry in confidence.
In all the striving for “independent journalism” and originality of research, a large number of the British press frequently displace the key question – why did Britain jointly invade Iraq with its American ally? In my view – which I believe I share with a number of Westminster parliamentarians – it was because the violent dictator, Saddam Hussein, needed to be legitimately toppled from power following decades of crimes against humanity, particularly following the atrocities of 1982, 1991 and 1999. The dictator had become one of the greatest depictions of “tyranny”, by committing himself relentlessly to the mass-slaughter of his own people.

To put some perspective on it, that is precisely why I believed parliament and the public (who I am positive still recall the Gulf War actions in 1991) believed that a justifiable war could be launched in Iraq. Furthermore, it is likely that Blair put before parliament – both back in 2002 and now – that when Saddam would be toppled, then a suitable order of elected, reflexive and accountable government (i.e. a democratic one) could be installed to suit the diverse needs and wealth of resources of the Iraqi population. (Please note – I did not mention WMD once in this explanation).

Britain should not be concerned for one minute whether WMD are found or not, and nor should they have been troubled whether Iraq might once have deployed biological weapons within 45 minutes – all of which seemed to have come about through a combination of crap journalism, speculative MI6 and JIC reports and public hysteria following the World Trade Center attack in September 2001. The WMD pretext is not the true “reason” why Britain intervened in Iraq.

In February 2003, when I marched with friends in the anti-war demonstration from Malet Street to Hyde Park, I held a distinctly bizarre position on the Iraq war. In a nutshell, I had been convinced by the arguments of a number of independent parliamentary dissenters – particularly the late Robin Cook – and the absence of a war-evidence inquiry, which was later headed and concluded by Lord Hutton. Although I was no more interested in the WMD pretext than I am now, I believed it would be massively problematic to install a democratic government within a geohistorical climate that could not support those conditions of government. With a passion for the political philosophy of both Hegel and Montesquieu – both of whom seem to suggest that different governments arise from their defined geographical and historical “spirit of the laws” – I did not comprehend then (and to some extent still do not understand now) exactly how a purely democratic government could be placed in Iraq. In brief, the Anglo-American forces did not seem to understand the proper conditions on which they could rest a modern Western government i.e. do not build your house upon sand. However, I strongly (and secretly) supported the removal of Saddam Hussein, and it is certain the Blair government has made a valuable and reasonable contribution to the future lives of Iraqis in doing so.

Even the usually reliable opinion of Simon Jenkins, former editor of The Times, has sunk into counter-culture cowardice. Jenkins claims after the Democratic win in US Congress that America now “gets real” and it is time for British parliament to also do so:

None [MPs] appears to have believed fully in the war – yet, apart from Robin Cook, all signed up to it. If Rumsfeld must resign, what are Jack Straw, Geoff Hoon, John Reid, Margaret Beckett and Des Browne doing in office? As for the majority of Labour MPs. They were so compliant that last month they dared not risk even a parliamentary inquiry into the war’s conduct. They are about to be taught a lesson in oversight by the New Congress.

It appears to be an “oversight” for Jenkins to question this compliance of parliament since there does not appear to be the slightest piece of evidence on their compliance over the Iraq war. To the contrary, the trashy counter-culture critique – to which Jenkins now seems to adhere – is suffering from public complacency, a true ‘tyranny of the majority’. When British individuals oppose a war, they really only ever do so en masse. For the troubled British press – who have even taken to misconstruing events in Iraq to suit the majority public opinion – very little support for the British soldiers can ever be heard. That is to be expected in the prevailing climate of a fully-fledged democratic cowardice of the electorate, unable to see a job through.
Following the dishonourable politics plighting the Democratic agenda in the US, it should remain clear that no counterpart critique or inquiry should arise in Britain. The reason why the US Democrats do not need to think twice about the Iraq turnaround is that they have no intrinsic sense of honour – for them, transparency and accountability is enough. Turncoats! They offer, as the basis of their agenda and goldfish-minded approach, a very different history on the origins of the Iraq war – openly swearing that the US and Britain went to war precisely and only because of the presence of WMD.
Desperate to reinvent the Iraq war as a new Suez crisis – Britain’s reminder that it can still fail in the East during a post-imperialist age – the press and democratic charlatan politicians continue to suggest Britain went to war precisely and only because of Iraqi WMD. However, in addition to the pretext of WMD (which have been neither proven nor unproven), Britain backed the Iraq War precisely because of the Iraqi dictator’s ruthless and horrific extermination of his own people, given a free reign in the international community under the resignations of rogue Arab governments and Euro-socialist non-interventionist governments.
In my own view, I would have no objection to the horrific end of the Iraqi dictator, Saddam Hussein, and look forward to flourishing political and economic relations with the new generation of freed Iraqi citizens. Whether those freed Iraqi citizens and Arab-onlookers have yet had the time to express their gratitude is another matter. Furthermore, nowhere in my objections to the British policy on Iraq do I have any concerns over WMD – that is not the reason why Britain found itself there and it should not be the reason for Britain making a sharp exit.

Malloc, I don't recognize

Malloc, I don't recognize what your reference to me is about. I thank you if it is a compliment and curse you to if it isn't.

I don't want to be associated with a comment against Bush. My options have to remain open on him on some things while condemning him on immigration and continuing to push through an agenda to do away with US borders and soveriegnty. There are other things, but none which the more doctrinaire leftists would do even half as good on.

As stated in the main article above,

"The reason why the US Democrats do not need to think twice about the Iraq turnaround is that they have no intrinsic sense of honour...".

I consider them some of them lower than outright traitors, and I have no question in my mind, that some are, which is why I don't quote the full statement.

I know of few in either party which would get many votes if American voters truly had a say in who ran in the elections. It is damned near impossible to get a statesman elected, who can stay in long enough to get to higher level politics. If the special interests don't get them, the one true political party of the US(the self-called "free press")press and media, will taint and destroy their images.

To the author,

The only reason the US and England invaded Iraq is because of the increasing demand for oil and to strengthen their presence in the region in the face of the Islamic Republic of Iran, and to protect their spoiled Israel. The West and the US on the top of the list could not care less about crimes carried out by the Iraqi government nor did they care about the WMD lie they were making up and trying to make their constituents believe. Only this time they tried to bite more than what they can chew.

Unfortunately, people in the West especially in America never learn from their past experiences. The administration is making another big lie about Darfour and the violation of human rights and other stories, they never talk about the secret hidden war with China over Darful. The region is so rich in oil and uranium than the Sudanese government would ever know.

To Voyager

They are called IMMIGRATION LAWS, if you enforce them London would not be the most Arab city in Europe. If your immigration laws say only X number of Arabs can immigrate to England and X=100 per year then thats all you let in! Those that come in illegally YOUR COUNTRY DEPORTS.
The problem is when your government has NO limits or refuses to enforce the laws ( like in the U.S.) then sloooowly you will be forced out of your own country. If you continue to elect the same morons who refuse to enforce the laws ( or ammend the laws to cut down on immigration) you will have no one else but yourself to blame.


Flanders Fields thx you.
I know that Bush is an idiot, anyone that knows the workings of the parties knew that a long time ago. I forgave him 9/11, but Katrina proved it. Please don't mistake this internal vote, for it is just that.]
Europe has become lazy, you are giving yourselves away and it is not your right to do that. Your Grandfathers would turn in their graves to see you import your enemies after so many of them gave there lives. Nazi, Commi, Islamist, its the same old story, nothing has changed.
Do not give away your birthright, those are your countries my (old)family gave their lives to liberate from the Nazi's. Now it has been perverted...Your enemy lives among you, they seeks to soften you. You blame America, wake up.



What are you talking about? I'm as puzzled as the commenter below.


Dear Saharian,

Please explain. Did you get your right and left mixed up? What you said goes against everything I thought I knew. If the liberal left understood then why are they more dovish? I just can't see the current Left waging a war.

@ JimMtnViewCaUSA

The US will be far, far less likely to stand up to protect the peace.

In my opinion, the US is already beginning to look irrelevant to the future health and protection of western civilization. As two of your most influential politicians are dogmatic, nut-case, narcissistic women: Nancy Pelosi and Hillary Clinton, you can no longer be taken completely seriously or trusted.

You field armed forces whose very existence is destested by your dominant yet effete, political classes and your mainstream media. Therefore, why should I and other Europeans waste energy worrying about America's future intentions on the international scene? After all, it is your Marxist State Department that has been creating avoidable problems since 1946.

To be fair to the average American--who in my experience is a decent and sincere fellow--the problem isn't America per se, it's the number of Communists you've got within your borders, still running the show. McCarthyism didn't go far enough; he should have executed all the Commies and Marxoids they found, at dawn.

Sometime in the not-too-distant future, America will need to fragment, and let the many far-left states fend for themselves. They can rename themselves, the Socialist / Feminist Republic of North America (S&F-RNA), or something along those lines. Thankfully, most of the east coast military bases are located in the south, where women tend to be more like women, and the men are not freeloading creeps like John Kerry.

WMDs (yawn)

It appears that the war in Iraq could be reaching a point of collapse. Europe, by and large, will rejoice.

It will be interesting to watch the next (say) five years. I think it will become clear that Iraq was a last chance for a soft landing. Nuclear proliferation is starting to accelerate in earnest. Be afraid. Be very afraid. The US will be far, far less likely to stand up to protect the peace. Don't assume that Euro nations can escape danger.

Europe, by and large, will

Europe, by and large, will rejoice

Just as Americans would rejoice if Mexico collapsed and all the Mexicans flooded into Texas and California.................I bet that would excite most people in Mountain View !

Does it ever occur to you Jim just how many Iraqi refugees we in Europe have had to absorb and are still absorbing ? Iraq is a long way from you in California - it is not far from us here.


We have at least 300.000 Iraqis in England and more coming in..............London is the major Arab city in Europe. If the US had not made such a complete disaster of invading Iraq we would be much better off. How could anyone be so amateurish and incompetent as this ?

the and WMD in America

First WMDs in Iraq. To those of us who take the time to read the Jordanian Isreali and Russian press, it is very clear that WMDs where there and where found, i.e. 500 lbs of yellow cake in Iraq or the 500 tons of sarin gas that was caught being smuggled into Jordan as the coalition forces marched on Bagdad. These news organizations all documented the the fact Iraq sent the WMDs to Syria and Iran post haste.

Second the leftist Democrats in America. These people hate the very country they supposedly serve..Nancy Pelosi was asked if she wanted America to win the war on terror she replied NO. Of cousre this interview was not aired until after the election. As is the rule in America the media praise the left and ridicule the right on all issues. The media allow and even help the leftist run as moderates and conservatives to get elected. You see here in America the left agrees we have free speech, that is if you agree with them, if not then you are labeled extemist at best or more often a racist. As the Truth in Media Institute just reported, during this election cycle (last 2 years) of all the news features on Democrats 88% where positive and of all the news features on Republicans 77% where negative, No, no bias there was there?
Therefore, it is rather simple really why the democrats won. 80% of Americans get all their news from the propaganda machine of the Democratic party, otherwise known as the main stream media!!! Example Americans were bombarded for 2 weeks before the election every night and day about the Republican Mark Foley's sex scandal ( he did not commmit a crime nor violate anyones person or rights) while at the same time the Democratic leader of the Senate somehow made $1,100,000.00 on the sale of land he did not own was declared not news worthy.
Interestingly most Americans still do not know of this fortune made by the new Majority Leader of the Senate as it is still not newsworthy.

The medias WMD

At the time the war began, it was a generally accepted fact that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction. No credible source could be found to dispute this. The UN resolved and found that the burden should be placed on Saddam to dispute this, which he chose not to do for whatever reason. It was not until it became politically expedient to attack American and British patriotism( which is too conservative for the left) that real questions were presented, and then they took the form of a political attack designed to make it seem that information was being hidden.

There had been continued and repeated violations by Saddam's Iraq of UN orders and denials of inspections on such a scale that it would be only reasonable to assume that, indeed, things were being hidden or moved. It is entirely possible, even now, that the WMDs had been removed to another location-or just never located.

People seem to lose sight of the times when decisions are made, and neglect to remember them in the aftermath. Often the confusion is intentionally done by media which have a leftist agenda in support of political attacks raised by leftist politicians.

In Iraq, the media, and all leftists are ignoring that peoples lives in the US, Britan and Europe- and their way of life -is in true jeopordy. It is bad enough that the leftists expect us to adopt exceptions to what has been our way of life in order to appease their allies of the moment- the muslim population. They, also, would be happy to sell our mortal lives for their political advantage.

The leftists and their media are dropping their weapon of mass destruction on our way of life and on the lives of our citizens. The UN is happy to forget their standing at the time in order to perpetuate the duplicity of the fellow leftists.