No Bush Bashing in Baltics

US President George W. Bush was in the Estonian capital Tallinn on Monday and Tuesday and travelled on to Riga, Latvia, where he met leaders of NATO. Bush thanked the Estonians for their support in Afghanistan and Iraq. His visit is seen as a clear signal to Moscow that the Baltic States are out of the Kremlin’s sphere of influence. The one thing that was NOT on display in Tallinn and Riga was anti-Bush protests or any visible hostility towards the visit of "the biggest tyrant and killer."

Altogether four anti-Bush protests had been organized, two of them by Russians, who object to Estonian membership of NATO and who think the Soviet Union should still rule one sixth of the world. Not even a dozen people participated in each of these meetings, which were very peaceful and diffident. Then there was a local pagan worshiper and neo-Nazi, who managed to get arrested for throwing fireworks towards the US embassy. No-one followed his call to join him in his protest march against Bush and America.

The biggest demonstration was organized by anarchists. How they reconcile their anarchist ideology with organizing marches is beyond me. Some 150 to 200 people joined their march. Their main complaint was not, however, against Bush but against the Estonian government for sending troops to Iraq.

There was a small pro-US welcome party of about half a dozen people with Estonian, Latvian, American and NATO flags, but the media mostly chose to ignore it. Several hundred people lined the streets when Bush's motorcade arrived on Monday evening.

I have not heard of any serious protests in Latvia either though the media would be certain to report them, if there were any.

One reason for this calm is the high security that was put in place both in Tallinn and Riga. Some streets were temporarily closed even to pedestrians and traffic was restricted as well. But on the whole I am sure that the general population in Estonia and Latvia have no deeply rooted animosity towards America or their president. The reason is pretty obvious – we can still remember what oppression and planned economy really mean.


@ FFLaw...

Thanks for the clarification. 

It is hard (impossible) to know what the outcome would have been if the conduct of the war had been done along the lines advocated by Churchill instead of Roosevelt.  We agree that Truman had very "little latitude" after the war. 

However, the initial point made by the three 'dissenters' from your initial contribution was that Roosevelt/Truman had no political support for taking on Stalin over Eastern Europe.  And the fact remains that Truman was in charge of foreign/military policy after the war.     

But, you make an interesting military point.  And we certainly can all agree that 'hammerheadcow' is a sad case of prejudice and  'moonbattery'.


@ FLLaw....

I know that you were expressing Churchills' frustration. But, since you concurred with it so clearly, I think I was justified in presenting it as your frustration (for the sake of brevity I wanted to keep Churchill out of it). 

Sure, there are always PLANS made in advance for all sorts of possible outcomes in the future, particularly in the Pentagon, but elsewhere as well.  It is no different today.  Wouldn't you really want to see the alternate plans that are being developed for when Iran nukes Israel, or for when NATO breaks up over the refusal of troops from Germany/France/Italy/Spain to come to the aid of besieged Canadian/British/Dutch troops in southern Afghanistan in the near future? 

My (implicit) point was that Roosevelt had only a few days to live after the end of WW2.   The actual implementation (i.e. choices among alternate plans) of US policy vis-a-vis Stalin's designs on Eastern Europe was in the hands of Truman (and his successors).   

P.S. I think you better burry the hatchet w.r.t. your replay (with Atheling) of the religious wars of the Protestant Reformation. They are (should be) ancient European history.

Course and Conduct of War determined fate...not Truman

Dear marcfran:

You stated: "My (implicit) point was that Roosevelt had only a few days to live after the end of WW2. The actual implementation (i.e. choices among alternate plans) of US policy vis-a-vis Stalin's designs on Eastern Europe was in the hands of Truman (and his successors)."

But you fail to realize that WHAT could be implemented by Truman was determined and/or LIMITED by Roosevelt. Roosevelt took many options off the table.

Churchill did NOT want to have the thrust of the war, i.e. invasion via France, but in southern Europe via Greece and/or east of Italy.

Truman was LEFT with very few options in postwar planning of Europe, as to whose armies would be in what country, for those decisions were made by Roosevelt and Stalin in the conducting of the war which set the stage for the Soviet Union to have all of eastern Europe by the time Truman came on the stage. Truman could not reverse the outcome of these decisions. The Soviets were not going to withdrawal their armies.

Truman just had to accept the realities on the ground. Truman did NOT have the latitude that you think he had for the determination of how postwar eastern Europe would take shape for that had already been decided by how the war was waged. The Soviets were in Eastern Europe and they weren't leaving....but for Patton's willingness to remove them. Yet Truman did not follow Patton's advice.


@ hammerheadcow

So far, apart from yourself, 7 people have posted comments on this subject.  Three of them (Oiznop, nostreo, Zen master) expressed no opinion on the matter of Roosevelt's (really Truman's) failure to stop Stalin's designs on Eastern Europe after WW2.  Three others (Lee, marcfrans, and Atheling) expressed doubts and explained why Roosevelt couldn't do much about it.  Only ONE - yes 1!! - person (FLLaw33870) expressed frustration about Roosevelt's 'failure'. 

And you have the gall to start off with...."YOU ALL should be Stalinist revisionists etc..." .   The rest of your lengthy 'contribution' is 1 long (truly infantile) anti-american rant which has nothing to do with the issue at hand.

For someone who apparently cannot read intelligently, and who goes off on an irrational anti-something rant besides the point under discussion, you seem to be 'blessed' with a massive amount of arrogance.   Which goes to show again that Americans certainly have no monopoly on arrogance!

P.S. Perhaps you haven't noticed yet (given your ideologically-inbred anti-americanism), but it is largely Irakis that are kiling Irakis, and Americans are trying to prevent them from doing that.  But, you are probably more interested in making anti-rants than in making factual empirical observations.  Hence, your arrogance will, inevitably, be...unbounded. But your pseudonym seems well-chosen, given your inability to read and absorb what is written by others.  









You all should have been Stalinist revisionists. You have the same spirit but fortunately lack the intellectual thoroughness. Well where were you all in 1945? Saipan? Berlin? Americans love playing arm chair military genious and 20-20 hindsight moralists. So okay, How do you think the invincible United States was going to invade the Soviet Union? What would you have invaded with? and with what money? Let alone political will? Then again this is 2006 if I am not dreaming not 1946. Political will was something in great abundance in those days compared with the current U.S. regime and its supporters. Like I said this is 2006, all that was 50 years ago and whatever moral collateral you might have gained then is long gone so enough of the pomposity. As for FDR do you really believe that? Thats as dumb as the idea that he allowed Pearl Harbor to happen. It just doesn't wash freepers. Its such a good thing that the United States of today was not fighting the war in 1942. Today you people don't even have the stamina and energy or humanity to ascertain the difference between a Kurd, Sunni or Shiite let alone "stay the course". That was so humanitarian of you guys. Who supported the Baath party in the first place or encouraged Iraq to invade Iran and subsequently sold arms to both sides? Now what is/was that plan (plans) to "win" in Iraq anyway? Do you even have any idea what you mean by "win"? At this point the only way you could win is by killing every single Iraqi left and I'm sure that wouldn't bother your conscience. And how do you all plan to pay for this little fiasco? Borrow more money from that great bastion of political and relegious freedom; China? You haven't a clue to what the European psyche is. Or any other nations for that matter. You don't even know your own nation's history or current foreign policy. I don't appreciate these simple two dimensional and condescending views. And what makes you think all them "ape-shits" in other countries love and admire you? Look around, you piss people off everywhere.

It was Just me..It was Just me...It was Just me!!!

Dear marcfran:

You stated: " Only ONE - yes 1!! - person (FLLaw33870) expressed frustration about Roosevelt's 'failure'."

Actually, I was expressing CHURCHILL's frustration with ROOSEVELT and eventually Truman which is part of the historical record and to which I concur in said frustration. Plans for Postwar Europe commenced BEFORE Truman finally came upon the world stage near the end of the war as President.

The rest of the post is directed at hammerhead only and those like him in the world.


You stated: "Well where were you all in 1945?"

None of us were there, but Churchill and Patton both were there and had arguably a more realistic view of the situation than you do today on what should have been done then or could have been done. In hindsight, it is MY opinion they were right and had we taken on the Red Army we would have won. But that was then. That was an opportunity we lost and millions since then paid for it.

As to the rest of your post, it simple "blathers on" with anti-Americanism. You need to take a course in communication for your diatribe won't win any converts.

You hammerhead stated, " Look around, you piss people off everywhere."

Obviously, we got your panties or underwear all up in a wad.

You stated, "You haven't a clue to what the European psyche is. Or any other nations for that matter."

Well if your post is a glint of said European psyche or other nations, then you people (from wherever you come from) are further along in your arrogance, elitism, pompausity, anti-Americanism, and ignorance than I was even unaware of and/or gave you credit for.

You stated: "Do you even have any idea what you mean by "win"?"

I can't speak for anyone else, but I do. I don't believe Bush has the will to win. He disappoints me. There should not be fewer troops in Iraq, but far more. I've got a Marine nephew in Ramadi, Iraq (Anbar Province), who I've spoken to from that hell hole who said we needed at least two more Marine battalions. He has been there several months with months to go and he is in the worst of the worst already seeing fellow marine friends die and having killed many Islamic fascists himself.

America may not be the America she was in 1945 who would have waged war until there was VICTORY which is the only way to win a war. You beat your enemy into a pulp until they submit with total surrender. We firebombed Dresden and Tokyo, dropped two not one nuclear bombs, and did not give a "shit" about idiots at Amnesty International, U.N., or in the EU. That is how we should be fighting in Iraq.

Luckily for us these retards did not exist as they do today or we probably would have lost WWII. Now we and Israel must wage war with our hands tied behind our backs. If not, we then have idiots crying out the idiocy of "disportionate" attack.

War is suppose to be brutal, not clinical, and brutality is the only language these Islamic fascists understand and the idiots with the "European psyche" do not understand.

You stated: "And what makes you think all them "ape-shits" in other countries love and admire you? Look around, you piss people off everywhere."

Keep referring to them as "ape-shits" and eventually they (if they ever did in the first place) won't admire or love you either. Perhaps it is just your arrogant "European psyche" and elitist mentality rearing its ugly head.

Learn such thinking from Chirac did you?

Worse than the nazis #2

@ Frank Lee

Yes, it is frustrating to be faced with such a degree of (collective) delusion.  But, I doubt that, assuming the political will had been there to stand up to Stalin, the generation of Europeans of that time would have condemned the US for being "worse than the nazis".  Later generations, including the current one, of course have not been able to resist that stupidity, for the temptation to feel morally 'superior' is irresistable when 'own' failures (of inaction) have to be obscured.

But, truth be told, at your dinner party the "American man" with the rhetorical question was an American, which goes to show that some Americans are not immune to grand self-delusions.  His "Dutch wife" obviously lives on a comfortable fantasy planet and will undoubtedly have to be brought back to reality by the events still to come.  

By the way, I do recall the 'public' incident with the Russian submarine aground in Swedish waters.  I suspect that that happened 'quietly' on a number of occasions before. 

Worse than the Nazis

My point wasn't simply that the political will to confront Stalin was lacking.  My point was that, even if we had possessed the political will and acted, we would have been condemned across Europe for being worse than the Nazis.


I was at a dinner party last week where an American man mentioned a submarine that a Soviet commander had ineptly run aground in Sweden during the Cold War.  "And we were afraid of them?" he asked rhetorically, and his Dutch wife said, "You were.  We were never afraid" -- implying that the deeply wise Europeans were never foolish enough to believe that the Soviets were a real threat.  That is the brick wall of condescending ignorance and denial that FDR/Truman would have faced from Europeans -- including, let's face it, those in the Baltics -- if they had acted as Churchill presumably wanted them to.


And that, too, I might add, is the sort of ape-shit stupid comment we Americans have to listen to from Europeans CONSTANTLY.

The Baltic citizens regard the US as different than the EU15

It is encouraging to notice the difference between the Baltic States and the original EU15, many of whom enjoy bashing the US. There is a vast difference between France and the three Baltic States. The Baltic States have a better understanding of what the real world is, with ‘ethnic Russians,’ still remaining on their soil.

They are daily reminders of the Russians who moved in and took the best jobs and the best apartments. The Baltic States have reasons not to like Russia or Russians. They know that the EU15 did nothing to help free them.

I know a second generation Latvian-Russian who is still proud to be 100% Russian. Most of the ethnic Baltic citizens would like to see the Russians return home.

Dealing with the devil

@ Fllaw

You fail to appreciate the core of Frank Lee's point, which is that Roosevelt did NOT face a simple choice, but rather a terrible dilemma.  Perhaps, it is unfair to judge him in the way you do. 

We may reasonably assume that Roosevelt could foresee the tragedy that would befall Eastern Europeans (although even today many in the west cannot fully appreciate that even with the benefit of hindsight), but also that he did not have the political support to continue on the offensive against yet another form of totalitarianism.

Sometimes one has no real choice but to deal with the devil, particularly when there is a shortage of courageous 'followers' (both at home and abroad).  Perhaps, it's a lesson that GWB and Condi are learning the hard way.


What exactly was Churchill willing to do to keep the Baltics free -- go to war with the Red Army?  Or insist that the Ameircans go to war with the Red Army?  In any case, America's experience in Europe since the Second World War suggests just how "grateful" the Baltic people would have been to the Americans for intervening -- that is, not grateful at all.  God knows, when I'm feeling blue, I just bask in the love that the Kosovo Albanians keep sending our way.

We will NEVER know that Not Going to War w/ the Reds was Right

Dear Frank Lee:

You stated: "What exactly was Churchill willing to do to keep the Baltics free -- go to war with the Red Army?"

Obviously not, for history shows he didn't. He just felt frustrated and angry feeling betrayed by F.D.R. He was feeling dejected and melancholy by F.D.R. refusal to see what such plans could do to Europe after the war. His wife, Clementine, in a letter reminded him of a quote he often made which lightened his spirits. The quote was:

“I often think of your saying, that the only worse thing than Allies is not having Allies!”

After the war in 1946, Churchill stated:

"From Stettin in the Baltic to Trieste in the Adriatic, an iron curtain has descended across the Continent. Behind that line lie all the capitals of the ancient states of Central and Eastern Europe. Warsaw, Berlin, Prague, Vienna, Budapest, Belgrade, Bucharest and Sofia. ...I have felt bound to portray the shadow which, alike in the west and in the east, falls upon the world." See

Now General Patton wanted to go to war against the Soviets, but Truman and/or Eisenhower nixed that idea which I believe to have been a wrong decision by Truman and/or Eisenhower.

An excerpt:

After the German surrender

After the surrender of May 8 1945 extinguished the common threat of Nazi Germany, Patton was quick to assert the Soviet Union would cease to be an ally of the United States. In fact, he urged his superiors to evict the Soviets from central and eastern Europe. Patton thought that the Red Army was weak, under-supplied, and vulnerable, and the United States should act on these weaknesses before the Soviets could consolidate their position. In this regard, he told then-Undersecretary of War Robert P. Patterson [1] that the "point system" being used to demobilize Third Army troops was destroying it and creating a vacuum that the Soviets would exploit. "Mr. Secretary, for God’s sake, when you go home, stop this point system; stop breaking up these armies," pleaded the general. "Let’s keep our boots polished, bayonets sharpened, and present a picture of force and strength to these people the Soviets. This is the only language they understand." Asked by Patterson — who would become Secretary of War a few months later — what he would do, Patton replied: "I would have you tell the Red Army where their border is, and give them a limited time to get back across. Warn them that if they fail to do so, we will push them back across it."

Taken from:

I agree with Patton, but the issue is moot now. We will NEVER know whether or not NOT going to war with the Red Army was right thing to do. But we do know millions of people suffered, were murdered, and sent to gulags under the tyranny and Iron Curtain imposed by the Soviet Union. But as long as it "ain't us", who cares right?

Just like Sudan and Dafur now!

Excellent point, Frank Lee

If you read Churchill's Memoirs of the Second World War he addresses the problem of the Soviet Union after the war. He said that the United States and Western Europe were too exhausted to enter into another war to save Eastern Europe. There was no political will for it.

basking frank ?

with that love and all the love from the middle east to bask in ... why im allmost tanned black {and blue} from all the rays

The Baltic Nations are Good People

I am glad the Baltic countries don't hold a grudge for F.D.R. (Franklin Delano Roosevelt) sold them out to Stalin as F.D.R. and Stalin planned post-war Europe against the protests of Churchill.

F.D.R. had no qualms dealing with the devil, i.e. Stalin. So what if millions were forced throughout Eastern Europe to live under the tyranny of Stalinist Russia/Soviet Union.

F.D.R. will one day be judged for this crime of agreeing to subject millions to such an evil.

Allies...... Europe???...Of the USA???....GASP!!!!.....Yes we do have a few it seems.....Count on Poland and Italy too....It's nice to know who your non-bashing friends are.....a refreshing change to see, indeed....One other note...I suspect this sends a message to Putin & Moscow....STAY THE HELL OUT OF THE BALTICS!!!......