
A quote from Terry Eagleton in The London Review of Books, 30 November 2006

Without stereotyping of some kind, social life would grind to a halt. If the plumber turns up to fix the drains dressed in tights and a tutu, I would naturally be liberal-minded enough to invite him to perform a few pirouettes at the sink; but if the bank manager insists on discussing my loan in Latvian, I might take my business elsewhere. Human freedom is a question of life being reasonably predictable, not of being joyously liberated from rules.

What if it's not a tutu or Latvian that's the problem?

Eagleton neglected to say what he would do if his dentist/car mechanic/grocer threatened to kill him for being a fornicator/apostate/homosexual.  Would he be liberal minded and indulge the murderer or would he take his business elsewhere in that case?  What if said dentist/car mechanic/grocer isn't the murderous type, but wishes to place a special tax on Eagleton because Eagleton has not submitted to the one true religion?  Would Eagleton accept his specially taxed status -- is he that liberal minded?  Does Eagleton object only to the speaking of Latvian?

Equality for Islam

In this same sense, why don't we carry tolerance a step further and incorporate some leftist values.  Let's not only allow muslim women to wear the burka, but require that both the men and women wear it. 




I have heard insanity described as doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. The same can be applied to personal interactions I believe.