Replace the USA?

If you are familiar with this website, you know this author deals with the “transatlantic relationship” and the related “defense of advanced civilizations.” It tells a lot about our time’s challenge that these are not the themes for which his diplomas predestine the writer. For the shift in emphasis, there are good reasons. It is the Atlantic alliance and our Judeo-Christian civilization’s PC defying confidence to rise to its own defense that will determine the future.

Several previous articles had Europe’s political collapse as their topic. Naturally, not all of Europe is anti-American, anti-Israel and thereby valiantly committed to surrender to anyone caring to conquer it. Granted, views such as from a letter to the Editor might dominate here: “Israel and America are my axis of evil.” To counter such portrayals of opinion, a piece defying the trend will be presented. Its much-published source is Dr. Anton Czettler, whose only blemish is that he is a senior friend of this writer. His recall, learning and vast experience make him into a walking encyclopedia and a reference for ideas to be tested.

The abbreviated English version of his “The Chosen People of the New Age” is of interest not only because it fails to be fashionably anti-American. The piece deserves attention because it represents a very European view of America and as such, it undertakes to combat distortions that fog the present. Although written in 2003, it represents the current view of the author who consented to this project. The growing alienation of the Atlantic sibling-cultures represents to Dr. Czettler – and to this writer – a mindlessly taken decision whose consequences will extort, especially for Europe, a heavy price. Astonishingly, Europe’s 20th century mistakes are repeated – without assurance that the ultimate outcome will be as undeservedly fortunate as in the past.

“Globally anti-Americanism is on the increase. Besides the leftists and the once KGB-supported ‘peace-movements,’ pacifist and even church groups again participate in anti-war demonstrations. On the long run, anti-Americanism damages our national interests: the camouflaged but determinedly pursued Russian imperialism endangers not only our country [Czettler means Hungary] but also Europe. To fend it off we can ultimately count only on the military means and the political commitment of America.

“The interpreters of America explain Bush’s Iraq policy primarily with economic arguments. This explanation is not only superficial but is also a remnant of the Marxist decades of the past. To gain a rational perspective it is beneficial to look back at the history of the United States.

“The intellectual roots of the original immigrants go back to the Old- and New Testaments. These have compared their perilous passage to the desert wanderings of the Israelites. Their symbolic purpose was to build a ‘New Jerusalem’ across the ocean. The strong spiritual bond between Israel and the US can be inferred mainly from this old-testament influence and only to a lesser extent from the efforts of some ‘Jewish Lobby.’ The conservative and puritan elements that rose to influence under Bush support, more intensively than did the Clinton era’s dominant Jewish organizations, Israeli policies that can be naturally subject to criticism.

“It followed from the extensive association with the Israelites that the settlers viewed themselves as a Chosen People and why, therefore, they regarded their land as ‘God’s Country.’ This became especially obvious after independence from England and the writing of the Constitution. The Founding Fathers were certain that with their system they have created an example for mankind to follow. The plans for post-Saddam Iraq reflect this conviction.

“America’s development was not free of contradictions. Washington’s political testament advised not to interfere in the affairs of other continents. This testament, as well as Monroe’s doctrine, was the governing principle of an isolationist orientation that lasted until Pearl Harbor. At the same time, H. Melville, in a clear commitment to America’s historical mission, wrote this in 1850 ‘We Americans are God’s chosen people, the Israel of modern times.’

“At the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries America became an imperialist power. The expansion associated with T. Roosevelt and McKinley claimed that Cuba and the Philippines must be liberated from Spanish rule the cause of their backwardness. This ‘war of liberation’ was justified with the ideology of ‘Manifest Destiny.’ Yet it was also based on this creed that in the 19th century America gave refuge to those persecuted for political and religious reasons.

“After her initial neutrality, mainly due to the sea war as the German Empire waged it, Wilson declared war on her. His war aims were ideologically summarized in the 14 Points that postulated the right to self-determination of all peoples. Furthermore, Wilson intended to make the world ‘safe for democracy.’ His plan failed. The peace treaty violated the principle of self-determination and Congress kept the US out of the Wilson-initiated League of Nations.

“In 1917 the Bolsheviks founded history’s most totalitarian system. In Italy Fascism, in Germany National Socialism took power. Japanese, Italian and German aggression followed inevitably. WW2 began when, with Soviet support, Germany attacked Poland.

“From the outset Franklin Roosevelt had opposed the ‘aggressive’ Germany, Japan and Italy – he omitted the USSR from the list regardless of her action against Poland and the Baltic States. He faced obstacles when he wanted America to enter the war on Britain’s side as the isolationists of Congress and the public limited him to armament deliveries. Japan’s attack of Pearl Harbor aided Roosevelt and therefore America, already then potentially the greatest power, could enter the war. Preceding this development Churchill and Roosevelt proclaimed the Atlantic Charta that (again) promised self-determination to all peoples. With Churchill’s silent consent it was Roosevelt himself who, in Casablanca, by announcing the doctrine ‘unconditional surrender,’ shoved the Charter aside.

“Note that Casablanca stood only seemingly in opposition to American traditions. The US has never pursued a policy of cynical balance borrowed from the European tradition. Her thinking had been shaped by the war of extermination against the Indians and the Civil War that ended with the capitulation of the secessionists. In these campaigns, the enemy was not another state but the incorporation of ‘evil’ that had to be annihilated. In the eyes of Hull and Morgenthau, Hitler represented this ‘evil.’ The only wrinkle in this thinking had been that victory was achieved with the succor of another ‘evil,’ the USSR. Regarding her Roosevelt practiced ‘realpolitik,’ that is a version of the policy of value-free balance-of-power. The price: decades of Soviet domination of central and eastern Europe.

“The president and the public shared the illusion that Stalin has given up on world revolution and that he is leading Russia, reflecting unique local conditions, toward some vague ‘New deal.’ The brutal annexation of central and east Europe’s states made Truman aware of the real nature of the Soviet Union. Then, under Eisenhower, the anti-Soviet public’s view fomented by McCarthy and others began to regard the USSR as the embodiment of ‘evil.’ Moscow having become a nuclear power, the announced anti-soviet crusade remained restricted to the level of theory. This, to our peril, we Hungarians have learned in 1956.

“The election of Ronald Reagan signified, in favor of our country and its entire region, a decisive turning point. Reagan’s government returned to America’s historic mission. Thus, to the consternation of the Left, he proclaimed the Soviet Union to be the ‘Empire of Evil.’ To avoid nuclear war he followed up by announcing the SDI. The same leftist circles that direct the present’s anti-Bush demos were, for years, able to move hundreds of thousands to march on Europe’s and America’s streets in opposition. Not against the USSR that, with her strategic rockets in Czechoslovakia, endangered global security! Not at all. They marched against the ‘actor,’ the ‘trigger happy cowboy.’ To the world’s good fortune, Gorbachev realized that Russia is unable to compete with what the press derisively called ‘star wars.’ Thus, under the energetic pressure of Bush Sr., he was forced to surrender central-eastern Europe as a Soviet zone of influence.

“Ideologically Bush Jr. is Reagan’s pupil. Since 9/11, his evil is international terrorism. It is still difficult to determine today to what extent Saddam had access to WMDs. However, we know that he is a reckless criminal having murdered about 10,000 of his own people by using poison gas. Revealingly no one has demonstrated against him. This is not to insinuate that everything that Bush does must automatically be correct. I also notice with regret that the relationship of the White House to the current (‘Socialists’) government of our country is better than to the right-of-center that had lost the elections. Nevertheless, Bush’s worldview is closer to center-right opposition’s than to the ruling leftists.

“Meanwhile, let us remember that we can thank the USA, primarily Reagan and Bush’s Sr. for our liberation from Soviet oppression, the Communist dictatorship and that we became a free and democratic country. Let it be reiterated here: against a reawakened Russian imperialism we can only rely on America’s political commitment and military power.”

Updating threats, today Czettler adds to “Russian imperialism” something like “Islamist expansionism.” Against such pressure, not in the least due to the strategic negligence of Europe’s leaders and her faint-hearted inhabitants, there is nothing standing between us and demise than the maligned Americans.
Regardless of the curses and complaints fired at her, America remains the last resort separating Europe from subjugation. In the manner of the drunken fool Europe throws mud at her only protector, kowtows to her would-be conquerors and ignores the contradiction. That a significant minority in the US concurs and that her public opinion is more concerned with Britney Spears rehabs than with global threats targeting her is as regrettable as it is a fact. This condition becomes understandable given the average person’s limited experience with catastrophes that cannot be pelosied away by the magic of ‘immediate withdrawal.’


Excuses along these lines also fit the west of Europe. Enjoying good weather since 1945 under a for-free umbrella amounts to ineffective preparation to defend liberty against anything beyond rampaging guinea pigs. Thinking in such terms it is more difficult to comprehend the naiveté of some majorities in east-central Europe. Theoretically the recent practical experience the region had with foreign domination, should provide for a general awareness of past, present and future perils and the ways of coping with them. Thinking that the reward for refusing American protection will lead to a grant of immunity by those who combat western civilization is strategic imbecility. Jettisoning the American alliance can only be justified if an alternative to US protection is found. As things stand the list of candidates that are willing and able to play this role appears to be short.

Why such a lengthy discourse?

 And such shallow comments... Replace USA? No, I think not. USA is being purposely weakened toward the eventual aim of the World Government. EU is the first step toward the same end. We are all pawns in the great game of world domination. The only way out of this is for this knowledge to reach a critical mass all over the world. What's the chance of that? Your guess is as good as mine. BTW, soda is (very) bad for you.

In Reply to George2

Have you noticed the different tastes in Coke in the Benelux countries, Germany and France. The French Coke seems to be the least sugary to me, the German too sugary, and the Benelux Cokes just right.


I hope the Belgian Coke bottlers got their act together now..and are using the correct carbon dioxide...!!!!! (remember June 1999)


My favourite in Belgium is plain Coca Cola from a bottle with two ice cubes.

RE: "US beers"

There's no need to drink American beer in the United States when Stella, Hoegaarden and Heine's are available. They can't beat the local brews, especially those of Muenchen, but they come close.


Welcome home and tell your husband there are good US beers which come close to the Belgian beers. (Blue Moon and alikes...) I am sure he will find some feather bowling in Belgian American clubs..


In reply to USAntigoon

My Flemish husband (also retired) read your post and totally agrees with you. He lived in the States for 2 years before relocating back to Belgium with me, his American wife. It was my idea to relocate here since I envisioned one type of Europe, but after living here for 4 years, I have had enough. We will soon be relocating back to America on a permanent basis. Each time I complain about something here, he reminds me that it was my idea to come, not his, since he loved it in the States.  In time, he will also become a U.S. citizen. In addition to his family, the thing that he will miss most is his Flemish feather bowling (bolling).

I was born and raised in

I was born and raised in Belgium...I had high believes in the EU unity, starting with BeNeLux etc.. Because of business I moved to the USA with my family and became a US citizen. With about as many years here as in EU, I can reflect back and say... I made the right decission..I understand what "freedom" is, I understand (may be better then US born citizens) the power and strength of our Constitution..

It is amazing how "parochial" my Belgian family views everything.. Their "Bush" hate is overpowering all common sense.. The USA today is Bush and all the evil what they believe he created....They have NO understanding what "terrorism" is all about.. They laugh/joke with 9/11..(enough said..)

The formation of the European union, the strength of the Euro (?), the Airbus syndrome, etc.. has given them such a "feeling" of superiority that indeed they do believe that the EU can continue to exist without the USA..In fact they refuse to visit us .. they claim we are all stupid and uneducated Yankees, ....Discussions about the WWII, the liberation, the Marshall Plan etc.. are now fully ignored..

This is just the feeling and humble opinion from a happy (retired) Flemish-American who still enjoys a "Belgian" beer.. ..


Hey USAnitgoon.!!!!!

What's your favorite Belgian Beer???.....I love them all, especially the Trappist Ales....Not a fan of the Wit Biers, though. MMMM-M! Chimay! Good beer, and I know when I make the purchase, that I am supporting the good men who produce it. HEY EUROPE, SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL BREWING CATHOLIC MONKS!!!......


I like several of them.. Hoegaarden, Duvel and Trappist Westmalle (better then Chimay !!!..). You can find imports here.. but for one or another reason they don't taste like in the old country..Are they treated for export..pasteurised..??
My favorite here in the US is "Blue Moon" on draft...

In Reply to Rob

Israel and the United States do not have the same founding myths, Biblican references notwithstanding. The United States is a genuine attempt at civil society, whereas Israel has strong ethnic and religious overtones i.e. it is a Jewish State. Nor are Judaism and Christianity the same; indeed referring to Judaeo-Christian values just because the fact that the Christian Bible contains the Old Testament is non-sensical, anymore than liberalism and egalitarianism are the same because their 'fathers' reference both the Bible and the same Greco-Roman philosophers.

On the Western European Debacle

States in Western Europe are facing a demographic challenge unique in history. On the one hand, their indigenous populations are declining, and on the other, they are faced with massive immigration from the Third World, particularly North and sub-Saharan Africa, West Asia and South Asia. Ending immigration would only mean enormous flows of refugees onto Spanish, French, British and Italian soil; short of erecting Normandy-esque fortifications and machine gunning down refugees and their makeshift boats on the beaches, which no one is prepared to do, immigration cannot cease, in spite of its deletorious effect upon Western Europe's societies, political institutions and economies. Moreover, if these migrants are going to be tolerated by the indigenous peoples, then governments must adopt multicultural and politically correct policies and programmes. Nor can the welfare state (or various components of it) be repealed to reduce the attractiveness of migration for then it would have to be disallowed to indigenous Europeans also, unless one is willing to sanction apartheid regimes. While there are those who are deliberately exacerbating this problem to their own short-term advantage and others that are blindly complicit, the hands of the vast majority of Western Europeans are tied by their humanity, even if this means the death of their national communities.


Furthermore, it is necessary to point out that the United States is also being colonized by legal and illegal migrants who are changing its state and society as their numbers increase; while these newcomers are less prone to rampaging for religious reasons, they are certainly politically active and have high rates of criminality.


For those who believe that the problem can be solved by aggressive assimilation, consider this: demographics is destiny. Western civilization remains confined (for all intents and purposes e.g. African-Americans and Amerindians are marginalized minorities) to Europeans and descendants of Europeans. In fact the challenges to Western civilization can be correlated to demographic changes in the United States and Europe.


At this point we all know that Muslims will not integrate peacefully into non-Muslim societies, individual exceptions notwithstanding. This is not a geopolitical game as the Cold War was, this is about the existential survival of nations. The question is not: should Europe align itself with American foreign policy? Rather, the question is: does Western Europe want to resemble Tibet or Serbia?

US has same founding mythos as Israel

When Europeans are amazed that Israel still has such strong support in the US (I think latest polls show something like 70% support), and they infer some nefarious lobby or the old libel that Jews control the world, they miss this essential link between the two countries. You can look at nearly any President's speeches, and find in at least one of them, a reference to the US as the 'promised land', the 'city on the hill', the 'new Jerusalem', a shining light, a beacon for humanity, etc. In essence, part of the founding US mythos is that by coming here one becomes the 'chosen people', the new Jews, many, if not most of whom, came from repressive regimes or to escape economic hardships. And so there's a natural link between the two that is often overlooked. To a Europe eager to shed its old myths, this may seem primitive. But many Americans still believe this stuff, perhaps not even openly or consciously, but it's ingrained in the American mythos, and it has real power

If this is what they want:

Jettisoning the American alliance can only be justified if an alternative to US protection is found. As things stand the list of candidates that are willing and able to play this role appears to be short.

...then I say, fine!  Don't come running to us anymore!.....I feel bad for all of you good people in Europe who can actually see the forest thru the trees.....I can only pray for you, and for western civilization, that those in charge will rise out of their slumber.....But I don't think that will happen until a major wake up call is intitiated.....I really hope it never comes to that....