European Parliament Gets Back to Work

After a long (well they get the Thursday as well) Easter Break, the European Parliament got back to work today with a bang.

The Education and Culture Committee was honoured to host two whole Commissioners at its meeting today, Madams Reding and Wallström. They were here to witness voting for a name for a new European Parliament film prize. This prize is the brainchild of Gerard Onesta a French Vice President of the Parliament and will naturally be funded by the taxpayer.

Now of course the film industry needs the EP to chuck money at it, but frankly the rules governing this idea are such that there will be few takers.

Firstly, when this idea was floated the fellow had the bright idea, that not only should the film encompass all those wonderful ‘European’ ideals, love, peace brotherhood, solidarity and so on, but it also should be subtitled in all the official EU languages.
Yes, the European Parliament brings you text only film.

The prize is to be named the LUX, suggesting that this new round of propaganda will be soft soap.

There again, not sure if these chaps are going to be too happy that the EP has nicked their name.