Ambivalent Brown?

A quote from Johann Hari in The Independent, 28 May 2007

All Western European politicians now blessedly follow Alistair Campbell’s famous injunction –  “We don’t do God” – in public, knowing that even a hint of theism creeps out their secular electorates. […] But we cannot grasp what drives [Britain’s] soon-to-be Prime Minister [Gordon Brown] without talking about his religion. Even more so than Tony Blair, Christianity is at the centre of his world-view. In a largely irreligious country, this is an anomaly – and a big deal.

[…] Brown is, he claims, “listening to the message of the Biblical prophets” when he brilliantly slashes Africa’s debts, doubles aid, and increases tax credits for poor kids here at home. […] Worryingly, we have little information on where Brown stands on these issues [abortion, gay marriage]. He has not voted on a single one of the 18 pro-gay measures brought by the current government (although he did once vote for an equal age of consent in 1994). Is this an oversight, or ambivalence?

There is another political bog that Brown’s faith may suck him into: the expansion of faith schools. The government is now actively promoting the division of Britain's kids into religious and ethnic educational enclaves, where they will not mix. This is a recipe for racial division and hatred, but Brown’s bias towards faith as a positive force will almost certainly stop him secularising our schools.

Labour's assault on the British family

Following on from my previous post below it was interesting to read today of a report by Frank Field, himself a Labour MP and ‘moral Christian,’ supporting my comments. Surprisingly, the report was for the left-leaning Reform think-tank.

It seems that Gordon Brown’s policy of using taxpayer’s money to destroy the British family has been so successful that even some people on the ‘moral left’ are now seriously worried about the implications for our society.

In Reply to Mr. Hari

Hari: "The government is now actively promoting the division of Britain's kids into religious and ethnic educational enclaves, where they will not mix. This is a recipe for racial division and hatred, but Brown’s bias towards faith as a positive force will almost certainly stop him secularising our schools."


The British population will be segregated with or without government assistance, of which the flight from London by White Britons is but one instance. The United Kingdom will be divided along racial and national faults as Whites combat their declining share of the population and electorate, and as English, Welsh, Scottish and Irish nationalists pursue independence more aggressively. The 'British' identity is subscribed to mainly by non-Whites in the United Kingdom, much as non-Whites in Belgium do not identify as Walloonian or Flemish.

Brown believes in the state - not the church

Gordon Brown, as the architect of New Labour’s welfare policies, is personally responsible for the wholesale destruction of family life that has occurred in modern Britain over the past 10 years. Brown’s Tax Credits are skewed so as to actually incentivise family breakdown. Brown’s ‘benefits’ reward fecklessness, promote irresponsibility, encourage illegitimacy and foster fraud. Hardly the legacy of a committed Christian




Brown’s actions while at the Treasury seem to me to betray a faith in big government socialism and a belief in the redemptive power of wasting other people’s money rather than a faith in God.