Germany Loses Its Brains

A quote from Tony Paterson in The Independent, 1 June 2007

Figures released by Germany’s Federal Statistics Office showed that the number of Germans emigrating rose to 155,290 last year [...]. Leading economists and employers say the trend is alarming. [...] OECD figures show that Germany is near the top of a league of industrial nations experiencing a brain drain which for the first time since the 1950s now exceeds the number of immigrants. [...]

Yesterday, the country’s woes were underscored by a report which disclosed that areas of unemployment-wracked eastern Germany were populated by a “male-dominated underclass susceptible to far right ideology” because of a dramatic 25 per cent exodus of young women aged 18 to 29.

More than 18,000 Germans moved to Switzerland last year. The US was the second most popular destination with 13,245, followed by Austria with 9,309.

Helmut Schmidt

Did anyone else see that quote from the former German chancellor calling the global warming hysteria "idiotic"?  There's at least one brain left in Germany.

Other countries have similar problems

"Britain has lost more skilled workers to the global "brain drain" than any other country, according to a report by the World Bank.

More than 1.44 million graduates have left the UK to look for more highly paid jobs in countries such as the United States, Canada and Australia. That far outweighs 1.26 million immigrant graduates in the UK, leaving a net "brain loss" of some 200,000 people."

Brain drain from UK is 'worst in the world'

Kapiteins distopia

"The greatest concern I have is that extreme individualism is resulting in social atomisation (incl. the proliferation of Internet-based relationships), and the inability to enter into relationships as a partner or to operate as a member of a team. ."

You just described California (dude!)

Highly Strung?

What has come over the Kapitein lately? What tablets is he taking? Must we walk on eggshells every time we return one of his comments?

Please chill out Kapitein!

We know you have a sharp mind, but I fear you are in danger of spoiling it with your consistently intense and occasionally rabid responses. Shredding people's comments, for an intense line-by-line critique, is justified occasionally (I have done it myself as you know) but don't you think you overdo it sometimes?

In Reply to Amsterdamsky, Part II

Amsterdamsky: "Go live in an american University town for a year or two. Being an american I can't speak for europeans but this is where the indoctrination process takes place in the good ol' USA. You can see the freshman arriving all pretty and bright eyed and after a year or two of womens studies they are all ugly and bitter. I think the same indoctrination process starts even earlier for blacks and other minorities."


Firstly, it is argued with equal veracity that "college girls are easy." Secondly, young adults are prone to indoctrination and passionately and irrationally supporting various ideological and philosophical positions, however, this tends to be temporary. Moreover, Feminism has been thoroughly unable to overcome other cross-secting affinities for women (e.g. religion, nationality, etc.), and Marxism-Leninism has been equally unable to overcome affinities such as nationalism and religion (e.g. Polish nationalism, Catholicism, etc.).


The greatest concern I have is that extreme individualism is resulting in social atomisation (incl. the proliferation of Internet-based relationships), and the inability to enter into relationships as a partner or to operate as a member of a team. However, divorce rates have been decreasing...

Cold-hearted indigenous b*tch indoctrination.

from mon Kaptien "Lesbians aside, I rarely encounter Marxist women, let alone radical Feminists. If this is your view of Western women than either you are inexperienced (construe that as you like) or you would prefer patriarchal gender relationships. The phrase "cold-hearted indigenous b*tches" indicates attitudes describable only as chauvinistic.


Go live in an american University town for a year or two.  Being an american I can't speak for europeans but this is where the indoctrination process takes place in the good ol' USA.  You can see the freshman arriving all pretty and bright eyed and after a year or two of womens studies they are all ugly and bitter.  I think the same indoctrination process starts even earlier for blacks and other minorities.

In Reply to Mission Impossible

MI: "I would be astonished if the largest proportion of East Germany's women have not moved west simply to fulfill sexual...motives, just as young women have done throughout millennia. Quite normal."


Has nearly a half century of Marxism-Leninism made East German men impotent?


MI: "For young women, the need to move to greener pastures is more urgent because of their shorter sexual shelf-life. Let us wish them well, hope they are well-treated and find happiness all, and hope they do not get involved with any of the many African Males wandering around the European continent on the look out for native white girls to use as a passport."


Western governments are beginning to introduce legislation preventing the immediate naturalization of spouses, relatives and even children. Unfortunately, White fetishism on the part of non-White males would exist irrespective of socio-economic push and pull factors.


MI: "What I do remember from 1997 is an English male (former work colleague) enthusing about the femininity and desirability of East German girls (compared to their feminist western contemporaries) following his many visits there."


Are you referring to aesthetics, attitudes, mannerisms, dress, etc.? Does he regard East German women as more promiscuous? If so, he might as well travel to underdeveloped states if this is his definition of femininity. If East German women are more conservative than their Western compatriots, then this observation would contradict general trends throughout post-communist Europe e.g. Russia, the Ukraine and Belarus. Such anecdotes can hardly be considered as 'reliable' evidence.


MI: "So by definition, Amsterdamsky must be correct as every male with his head screwed on wants a feminine woman free of bedroom politics and Marxist Dialectics: which is just about all he will find in most West European countries (except France). Hell, I wish those sweet East German lasses would move en-masse to England in order to show the cold-hearted indigenous bitches how it should be done."


Lesbians aside, I rarely encounter Marxist women, let alone radical Feminists. If this is your view of Western women than either you are inexperienced (construe that as you like) or you would prefer patriarchal gender relationships. The phrase "cold-hearted indigenous b*tches" indicates attitudes describable only as chauvinistic.

In Reply to Amsterdamsky

Amsterdamsky:"...young women (probably not an economic force) are probably just doing what women do best in marrying someone with money from the west and moving to avoid having to work."


Most likely these women are moving to West Germany for post-secondary education and job opportunities. Women tend to work more white collar jobs and are less inclined to wait until the chemical plants of Halle re-open, if they ever do. Your views about "what women do best" are rather stereotypical and incorrect given the increase in common law and open relationships in Western European states such as Germany.

East Germany's Young Women

Contrary to Kapitein Andre's claim, I did not detect anything untowardly stereotypical in Amsterdamsky's comment.

I would be astonished if the largest proportion of East Germany's women have not moved west simply to fulfill sexual / marriage motives, just as young women have done throughout millennia. Quite normal.

Having said that, Kapitein's claim that [some of] these women have moved to West Germany for post-secondary education must also be appropriate. The question is, how much so?

The real difference between these competing assertions is surely, who is statistically more correct? Both motives will have played a part in prompting these ladies to move. The better looking ones will go first (sexual/marriage), followed by the clever ones (further education).

For young women, the need to move to greener pastures is more urgent because of their shorter sexual shelf-life. Let us wish them well, hope they are well-treated and find happiness all, and hope they do not get involved with any of the many African Males wandering around the European continent on the look out for native white girls to use as a passport.

What I do remember from 1997 is an English male (former work colleague) enthusing about the femininity and desirability of East German girls (compared to their feminist western contemporaries) following his many visits there. So by definition, Amsterdamsky must be correct as every male with his head screwed on wants a feminine woman free of bedroom politics and Marxist Dialectics: which is just about all he will find in most West European countries (except France). Hell, I wish those sweet East German lasses would move en-masse to England in order to show the cold-hearted indigenous bitches how it should be done.

Don't forget the taxes

Last I checked Germany had the highest taxes in europe.  That top talent is leaving should not be a shock except to Socialists.  The young women (probably not an economic force) are probably just doing what women do best in marrying someone with money from the west and moving to avoid having to work.

Yes Frank, it's very important.

The technology isn't shared as if it were public knowledge, it belongs to the people who developed it and who patented it. Everybody else pays. The ducted fan for helicopter tail rotors was patented by the French, thereby assuring them a large piece of the American helicopter market. If the folks who thought that item up had immigrated to the US, for example, then a lot of people in France would be out of a job today. Apply that same principle to things like pharmaceuticals, superconductors, computer processors and a host of other technologies and you can see that it makes a major difference.

Is it important?

Don't all well-functioning Western economies benefit from the same technological discoveries?  What does it matter whether the "brain" that discovered the technology is still in Germany or drained by Austria or North America?  Ireland is doing great these days, having long suffered a brain drain.  On the other hand, North Korea holds onto all her top talent, and the people are boiling grass for dinner.