Sweetness of Freedom

Words cannot express my contempt for this,

Mr McMillan-Scott, Conservative MEP for Yorkshire and Humber, described Alan Johnston’s release as: “An enduring tribute to the sweetness of freedom, denied to his captors and the people of Gaza.”

Edward McMillan-Scott is a Conservative British Member of the European Parliament (MEP) for Yorkshire. He is a Vice-President of the European Parliament and a Patron of the BBC World Service Trust.
This is also the man – he styles himself as “the European Parliament vice-president responsible for the Arab world” – who, on returning from a progress through Palestine, boasted about the Hamas green tie he had been given, and proudly wears at every opportunity. How he can conflate the captivity under permanent threat of death of the journalist to the situation in the West bank? The moral equivalence is disgraceful in the extreme.
MEP for Yorkshire, balls, MEP for Ramallah more like.

to Amsterdamsky

What is your measuring standard for "massive crimes against humanity" supposedly committed by Israel?  Do you have some facts to that, (if you ‘’ ll say that they have killed a 1000 people during that war - it is hardly a massive in comparison to actions of others) or you just a basic bigot, who always comes up with:” Jews done it, their fault” and then arrange reality to fit that view?  Is that how it is in your case? Then there is no point to have a discussion with you, since you don’t follow reason and facts.


@ Yitzhak

First: Who is asking the questions here? I have asked you to provide a specific response to a specific question that I put to you in a previous posting.In case you have forgotten it I'll give it to you again.


You wrote: "...I am sorry  but I just refuse to accept hypocrisy from Pundits across the Atlantic ."


[To which] I responded: Fact: Steyn DOES fear for the future of his native Canada.He also fears for the future of his adopted country; the United States of America,and he fears for the future of Europe,too.He cites Europe's particular plight in an effort to warn the peoples of BOTH continents who face a common threat,from a common enemy,to their common heritage.

What is so hypocritical about that?


Second: If you don't care about Amsterdamsky's views,why did you bother to take the time and effort to write in to defend them?


Third: Kindly refrain from lumping me in with yourself and the "many others" who evoke the name of the Holocaust (so) often.I didn't do that,somebody else did.

Israel's War on Hizboz

Now cheerleading for poor judgments of Israeli leadership is absolutely ridiculous. That kind of behavior is very dangerous leadership interprets this cheerleading as approval of their judgments, which encourage them to make more poor judgments again. Everybody from Ex Prime Minster BB to Barak warned Olmert to don’t under-estimate Hizboz yet everyone of our so called friends outside Israel were cheerleading for ground Invasion before even IAF completed 10% of its mission. First of all IAF should have been allowed to completely leveled whole Southern Lebanon then instead of sending Merkava’s we should have sent (my personal hero’s) SAYERET MATKAL. No but every pundit sitting in there comfortable offices in Washington were cheerleading for every stupid move Olmert was making instead of taking a critical look at his planning. No one was willing to listen what BB or Barak were saying about Planning of War.

Now about dropping cluster’s I think ya’ll are forgetting that was war I am outraged that they just dropped a million IAF should have emptied the whole stockpiles on Southern Lebanon or wherever Hizboz were hiding. Oh and just for information Israel is not signatory to that Cluster Stupidity agreement or whatever that is.


How many books Steyn had wrote about demographic change in Canada and US? I have yet to hear anything from Steyn about Ontario becoming Muslim Majority by 2015. Islamo fascists are allowed to use Sharia Laws in Ontario why haven’t steyn stared any movement against Muslims to expel them from Canada? Why he doesn’t talk about Mississauga, Brampton, and Scarborough Ontario’s main mosque is probably the biggest mosque in western world. When are ya’ll going to demolish that?

Europeans are perfectly aware of what they are facing I am sure you know what happen when Islamofascists try to get permission for a mosque in Switzerland, in Cologne or in Milan. I don’t know either its plain stupidity or just hypocrisy, which won’t let you see these simple facts.

First of all I don’t care if Amsterdamsky approve Holocaust or not. It doesn’t make any difference, Holocaust is a historical fact there could be few things 1. Either he is not fully aware of what happened during that time if that’s the case he is welcome to meet people in my synagogue who had been through the horrors of death camps in Auschwitz he can hear the person experiences of these innocent souls.

2. He might be just disgusted by people like you & me and many others who evoke name of Holocaust often.

3. He is in denial living in a fantasy world like many others.

@ Yitzhakh

Your rampant and casual use of 'Islamo-fascist', inability to comprehend that Muslims are not one giant homogenous group and significant unwestern ideas of demolishing mosques, expelling Muslims and indiscriminately dropping cluster bombs on civilians suggests it is you sir who is an extremist and a fascist. The moral bankruptcy of your posts and unrelenting straw man argruments are an interesting insight into the (Jewish) neo-con right (or extreme right). How one can talk about the horrors of Austwitz in one post then all but wish the same on another people in a different post is simply mind boggling.

@ Yitzhak

You say,"The best way is to debate them point-to-point.Meaningful criticism always helps...".


Fine,then perhaps you would care to practice what you preach by answering my previous question regarding the alleged hypocrisy of Mark Steyn.As to whether or not Mr Amsterdamsky is or is not anti-American/anti-Semitic,I am quite certain that he is intelligent enough to answer questions put to him for himself.However,If he chooses to answer a specific question put to him i.e.whether or not he approved of the holocaust, and  his answer came back that he DID approve of it,then ,I would be extremely interested to know if YOU would consider this to be anti semitic,or simply  someone who "thinks differently".


Well good then just don't read what they post and just ignore em...

I have better things to do

I have better things to do then debating point to point every crazy opinion on this site or other sites, and I deny nobody the right to be anti-usa and anti-israel (I never used the word 'antisemitic'). I am just tired of reading opinions that have tesame level as those of an imam that can't read or write.

Freedom of Speech

I don’t think Amsterdamsky and Kapitein are Anti-Semitic its ridiculous to label people Anti-American or Anti-Semitic just because of difference of opinion. How can we preach Freedom of Speech to anyone while we want to shut people up just coz they think differently? They have right to air their views and instead of labeling them Anti-American or Anti-Israel the best way is to debate them point-to-point. Meaning full criticism always helps correcting mistakes.   

@ Yitzhak

You don't think Amsterdamsky is antiSemitic? I just asked him if he approved of the Holocaust and he has yet to answer.

His silence can be interpreted in only one way: consent.

Re: great comment

Hey,let's not be too hasty.Perhaps they've done the honourable and consistent thing by joining the "Boycott Israel" campaign like I suggested.Afterall,no computer,no means of posting further comments,right? 

great comment

Jason, great post!
It's time that freaks like Amsterdamski & Sam Iqbal leave this forum, it makes me tired of reading that cheap anti-usa and anti-israel bias over and over again.

Sloppy article

Mr McMillan-Scott, Conservative MEP for Yorkshire and Humber, described Alan Johnston’s release as: “An enduring tribute to the sweetness of freedom, denied to his captors and the people of Gaza.”

To which the author responds :

How he can conflate the captivity under permanent threat of death of the journalist to the situation in the West bank?

Everything old is new again

Ahh internet comments. I see Amsterdamsky is up to his usual anti-Semitism and delusional idiocy. Calling the "US media...largely just a mouthpiece for the Israeli propaganda ministry" is one of the dumber things I heard in a while, and I read a fair amount on the internet. But hey, we all know Jewish shekels fund Hollywood right? But hey, conspiracy theorizing about the omnipresent influence of Jewish lobby groups is not anti-Semitism. Even though it sounds indistinguishable from centuries old anti-Semitic bigotries, it's actually anti-Zionism! So that's all good!

The accusation that Israel cluster bombed Lebanese villages is likewise the kind of made up accusations that are Amsterdamsky's stock trade. I believe the other week he was accusing the US of carpet bombing Iraqi villages. Presumably with hundreds of $25,000 precision munitions. Of course, when Hezbollah launches hundreds of rockets intentionally targeting Israeli civilians, he is surprisingly silent and unmoved. Although, I suppose the fact that he has to stretch so far and make up such obviously false "crimes" in order to maintain the moral inferiority of the US and Israel to their enemies is enlightening.

Oh and Mr. Andre is scarcely better. Agent Orange was a defoliant you moron. Any unintentional long-term health effects it created, while tragic and a moral stain on American history, can scarcely been compared to the intentional "cluster bombing" of civilians. And you presume to lecture others on hyperbole.

In addition, I love the European slander against the "parochial" nature of American society. 1) Since 1945 Europe has fragmented in a million different "autonomous regions" due to devolution and cultural nationalism...the final results of which will not be seen for another 50 years, when the map of mid-21st century Europe will look like something out of the middle ages. 2) The accusation of parochialism contrasts richly with the other usual accusation that the US constantly meddles in the affairs of other nations and imposes itself unduly on the world stage. 3) Since the rest of the world is so obsessed with American affairs, why shouldn't Americans be parochial? I'd be willing to wager that the average German can name more American presidential candidates than PM's of neighboring countries. But an American who can do the same..."parochial".

@ Jason and Paganini

"The accusation that Israel cluster bombed Lebanese villages is likewise the kind of made up accusations that are Amsterdamsky's stock trade."

The "delusional idiocy" comes from you sir.

Refer to the following:


I quote - from an IDF commander - 'We fired more than a million cluster bombs in Lebanon'

"What we did was insane and monstrous, we covered entire towns in cluster bombs," the head of an IDF rocket unit in Lebanon said regarding the use of cluster bombs and phosphorous shells during the war.

Quoting his battalion commander, the rocket unit head stated that the IDF fired around 1,800 cluster bombs, containing over 1.2 million cluster bomblets.

In addition, soldiers in IDF artillery units testified that the army used phosphorous shells during the war, widely forbidden by international law. According to their claims, the vast majority of said explosive ordinance was fired in the final 10 days of the war.


In Reply to Amsterdamsky

Amsterdamsky: "The disgrace in the analogy is that the journalist was treated with more respect and dignity."


Than whom? I am certain that he would have preferred the dignity and respect of his family and compatriots rather than Gaza's most manic denziens.


Amsterdamsky: "Europeans need to get over this "Holocaust" guilt..."




Amsterdamsky: "...and recognize Israel for what it is - a terrorist state guilty of massive crimes against humanity domestic and foreign."


Agreed. However, if you are going to lament these "unique" crimes than you must also heap vitriol upon: (a) the United Kingdom for centuries of occupation and oppression against Irish Catholics (incl. colonization, exploitation, etc.); (b) assorted Western European states for their maintenance of foreign colonies or protectorates (e.g. France, Netherlands, etc.); (c) the United States for its covert operations around the world and overt interference e.g. occupation of the Philippines and Samoa; and (d) every single human society that ever existed...incl. Levantine Muslims, Christians and Jews.


Amsterdamsky: "The cluster bombing of Lebenese fields and villages is an atrocity we have not seen by a "western" country since the Third Reich."


I suppose that Iraqi tactics against the Iranians and Kurds do not count, nor American participation (i.e. B-52s, Agent Orange, etc.) in the Vietnamese debacle? This is utter hyperbole I'm afraid.


Amsterdamsky: "What really makes me angry is that Israel harms the credibility of my country, the US."


What harms the United States is: (a) the seeming lack of education and worldliness of many Americans, who seem more parochial than Greek peasants (not that Brits and Germans can't be notorious boors abroad); (b) the impact of Evangelical Christianity and other Puritan strains of Protestantism on foreign and domestic affairs; and (c) American cultural arrogance, which although well-supported, has caused numerous blunders and misunderstandings vis-a-vis the rest of the world.


Amsterdamsky: "Yeah, we want to spread democracy in the Middle East as long as everyone votes for who Israel says to vote for."


Right...I think neo-conservatives are more concerned with pursuing the goals of the New American Century and competing for natural resources than expressly aiding Israel.


Amsterdamsky: "Only americans buy this crap because they are fed it every day by zionist controlled media and the "Lobby"."


Americans "buy" it to keep things simple. Examining global affairs through a Palestinian lens (Islam aside) is a difficult task, because there really is no 'win-win' solution. Furthermore, the Israel Lobby is not nearly as powerful as the Evangelical one, which is quite pro-Israeli for various religious reasons.


Amsterdamsky: "Even Israel has more discussion of these things than US media..."


Agreed. Israel does have a lively political and media debate over most issues, despite the outward solidarity of Israelis.

Mr McMillan-Scott MEP



After the fall of the Berlin Wall,he founded the "European Democracy Initiative",This programme now spends £100 M each year developing democracy and civil society worldwide but especially in the ex-Soviet bloc and Islamic world.


Keywords: Democracy; European.




As a B-R-I--T-I-S-H  MEP,start your democracy initiative a little closer to home,with b*st*rds like THIS:

The Premier of Luxemburg,JEAN-CLAUDE JUNCKER, who has urged the PRIME MINISTER of B-R-I-T-A-IN to COVER UP the SURRENDER OF  B-R-I-T-I-S-H SOVEREIGNTY to Brussels.

"...of course,there will be transfers of sovereignty,but would it be intelligent to draw the attention of public opinion to this fact?"


Keyword: B*st*rd !!!


Boycott Israel,Now !

Perhaps Mr McMillan-Scott MEP and fellow travellers of the so-called Palestinian cause should express their join  solidarity by signing up to the "Boycott Israel" campaign.Personally,I wish they would.Then,quite literally,I would never have to see or hear from them again.


visit: www.frontpagemagazine.com/Articles/Printable.asp?ID=26175


Title: If You're Going To Boycott Israel,Do It Right.


True colors...

Israel is a terrorist state? Amsterdamsky, you take the cake for the most absurd poster here.

Your comment "Europeans need to get over this "Holocaust" guilt and recognize Israel for what it is - a terrorist state guilty of massive crimes against humanity domestic and foreign..." seems to imply that you approved of the Holocaust.

Tell us, is that so?

Moral inequivalence

"How he can conflate the captivity under permanent threat of death of the journalist to the situation in the West bank? The moral equivalence is disgraceful in the extreme."


The disgrace in the analogy is that the journalist was treated with more respect and dignity.  Europeans need to get over this "Holocaust" guilt and recognize Israel for what it is - a terrorist state guilty of massive crimes against humanity domestic and foreign.  The cluster bombing of Lebenese fields and villages is an atrocity we have not seen by a "western" country since the Third Reich.

What really makes me angry is that Israel harms the credibility of my country, the US. Yeah, we want to spread democracy in the Middle East as long as everyone votes for who Israel says to vote for. Only americans buy this crap because they are fed it every day by zionist controlled media and the "Lobby". Even Israel has more discussion of these things than US media which is largely just a mouthpiece for the Israeli propaganda ministry.