Transatlantic Turbulences
From the desk of George Handlery on Fri, 2007-07-06 17:26
Broken bones, while physically limiting have the benefit of giving one time to exercise the mind. The reduction of activities to essentials is duplicated by the intellect. Issues crystallize; the words needed to express them shrink as clarity and brevity correlate. My hospital-thinking focused on an aspect of the scary disintegration of the transatlantic alliance. It has served America, the world and Europe well. For the latter that voluntarily lacks the ability to defend itself, the resulting dependence on US brawn should prove the utility of the relationship.
A weak Europe – it has a larger population than the US and a comparable GNP – creates a vacuum that needlessly overextends US power. However, this physical aspect of self-induced frailty is not the crux of the problem. The cause lies deeper than armies and armaments. Europe is content to rely on America if a worse-case scenario materializes. Not entirely rationally, prior to the (expectable) emergency, the Continent likes to weaken its cursed ultimate protector.
Being able to count on America when the need arises weakens Europe. At the same time Europe constrains America with contrarian instincts and through undermining agreed-upon measures by circumvented sanctions. The motive is to secure juicy contracts and to earn the good will of the ultimate strategic foe. The main damage, however, is caused on a psychological level.
Most Americans are eager to bend over backwards to be liked. They also tend to be deferential to foreigners, especially Europeans. An outgrowth is part of the likely experience of the visitor. He will be asked “where are you from?” and even if the person has no exact idea where that country might be, the response is something like “gosh, that is a beautiful place”. In case the venue is away from the “Ami’s” home, count on a ritualistic “drop by if you are in Texas.“ The desire to be popular, makes Americans, who like to like everybody, think that they are appreciated abroad. Therefore, the shock is great when messages are sent that if this is done (Iraq) or the other thing is refused (Kyoto Protocol), then love will be withdrawn.
To “Ivan go home” the USSR reacted by sending tanks. Fear and guaranteed futility made such signs rare. “Ami go home” is as wide-spread as dandelions are in lawns. In its past and current forms it makes Americans not angry but causes them to wonder what they are doing wrong. This amalgamates with the characteristic personal impatience of Americans who like quick solutions and are easily persuaded by inadequate returns to “try something else”. (A dividend is the flexibility of the American economic system.) Through the same mechanism, the public support of a given foreign policy is of short duration. All it takes for enemies is to play for time and to organize international protest.
To be effective, the first item requires that America be persuaded to use her means ineffectively. This means nudging her to use sub-optimal instruments and then not to punch where the impact would be optimal. To achieve this, a non win-oriented strategy must be imposed. Frequently American interest groups will contribute – as is the case of self-imposed restraints in Iraq or the possible future operations against Iran. Such boxing gloves worn in a wrestling match tend to express themselves in humanitarian or legalistic considerations. Example: efficiency subordinated to avoiding the hurting of civilians that are shrewdly used as shields by insurgents.
Warring effectively against the US must be embedded in a covering protest movement. Conveniently this “world-wide outrage” will be swathed in actions that originate in the States. This can happen because foreign policy’s local consequences are easily underestimated in a country of continental size. America is fertile soil for short-sighted elements that hope to convert a military defeat for their country abroad into a political victory for their party at home. Corresponding actions legitimize protesters abroad by supporting their claim “we demand what Americans, from senators to crooners, also want.” Concurrently, dissonance in the States will benefit from the protest unfolding abroad. After all, are these demos not a sign that “the whole world is outraged?” So with every lateral pass of the ball between those running it, the protest gains in intensity while the players near the end zone. The trick is simple but, given the American infatuation with popularity, likely to be effective. It is easy to confuse a public that is, being insular, pre-disposed to have little solid knowledge of – and interest for – whatever is beyond its borders.
Much of Europe’s opposition to US policy is opportunistic. As such it lives off a bewilderment created by the myopia of those who wish to be undisturbed by the effort of others intended to secure their good life. It is of significance that, to the average person here, crises are registered only when Washington, by virtue it its global responsibilities, acts against a stealthy threat. This creates the impression that the trouble is caused by the USA although she merely resists an unfolding calamity. We are likely to become aware of fires when the red trucks with shrieking sirens pass us. Therefore it is easy to surmise that “no siren, no fire“.
However, the hard core that orchestrates the conversion of initial disinterest into discomfort and that – once the going gets tough – into outrage, represent a different case. The movers might lack strategic far-sightedness but they possess great tactical skills to apply shrewdly the leverage they create. These makers and shakers act as the motors of the “global reaction” that the media picks up. They tend to underestimate the challengers of the advanced world to the same extent that in the past they misjudged Communism and undervalue the Jihadists today. At this juncture a portion of “distorted history” enters the picture. Its practitioners underrate National Socialism that they valiantly oppose now because it is dead. Concurrently, the more recent Gulag is not even considered because the folks in this crowd had, by failing to oppose Communism, supported it indirectly. So ignorance and studied relativism can make Bush Hitler’s equal and distort Abu Ghraib to match Auschwitz.
The foregoing depicted the preference to oppose the US as something issuing from a misjudgment of civilization’s enemies and of distorted past experience. The resulting arbitrary perceptions combine with visceral hostility and suspicion of the United States. This gut sentiment has the nature of a prejudice because the negative reaction is independent of the issue at hand. This form of automatic rejection ranges between a pseudo-neutral “it is an American problem” to a more engaged attitude that finds its reasons to be “against” whatever because the Americans want it. (A pendant of this is that, increasingly, in non-political areas, the adjective “American” is used to plead the demerits of something.)
A convoluted illogic is spreading. Europe is ultimately in need of added buoyancy as it navigates the choppy waters of world politics. Support is welcome – unless the rescuer is the USA. Unfortunately, as in the past, only the US has a reason and the ability to shield Europe from the potential threat of China, resurging Russian imperialism and the clear and present -but not admitted- threat of Islamists. Relying on the US as the only friendly great power on Europe’s side has an immediate price: it angers the forces that represent the threat. That, in turn, increases the dependence of the US. Meanwhile, “leaving it to the Americans” weakens the US and strengthens the modern world’s foes. As a consequence, Europe’s significance diminishes and exposes her weakness. The end result is a classical vicious circle.
There is no denying that the European left (but not it alone) has a good motive to dislike America. Her success story embodies everything the left opposes. To this element, putting light between itself and an America that is seen as a greater evil than any imaginable force, represents an ethical imperative. Resisting the US also seems politically astute as it holds out the possibility of finding a compromise with whoever threatens politically and economically advanced societies. Election results demonstrate the influence of those that try to be on the sidelines of the field on which successful societies clash with freedom’s enemies.
A clearing of thinking is unlikely to occur until events make two insights emerge. For one thing, freedom includes the right to dislike America. At the same time, there is something that this freedom does not include. It is an American obligation to cover the bill for the consequences of the first one of these freedoms. The major threat to Europe is that this second realization might spread in the States to the extent that it becomes a determinant of foreign policy. Compared to that, “US interventionism”, such as preventing Iran from going nuclear – an action that is feared more here than is Iran’s success – represents by far the lesser hazard to both sides of the Atlantic.
Go For It All ! ***
Submitted by Atlanticist911 on Wed, 2007-07-11 11:26.
"There is no compelling reason to have anything American in your country...Deny entry to all American troops - and tourists.Embrace the EU..."
Title: Our Spoiled and Unhappy Global Elites.
Re: West Bank Fence and other US Crimes and misdemeanours
Submitted by Atlanticist911 on Mon, 2007-07-09 20:26.
Frank Lee should know by now that EVERYTHING is the fault of the US of A
More proof,if proof be needed:
Title: Frenchman : Comet will hit Earth (and it's America's fault) Discussion.
Check out that date.
The West Bank fence
Submitted by Frank Lee on Mon, 2007-07-09 19:33.
How does the erection of the West Bank separation fence qualify as American policy, foreign or domestic? It seems to me that the only way for the world to right itself is for thinking men and women to stop believing everything a foreign country does is America's responsibility. America is stuck providing assistance, financial and military, to dozens of countries, including Israel, Egypt, Japan, Canada, and countries across Europe. If Egypt does something idiotic, does that really become part of America's foreign policy?
Dutch Courage
Submitted by Atlanticist911 on Mon, 2007-07-09 10:28.
I suppose that if a European politician says something it must make sense,right?
A French Cabinet minister recently said that she believed there must be something in the 9/11 conspiracy theories because,"I know that the websites that speak of this problem are websites that have the highest number of hits...".
Title: Minister has to deny linking Bush to 9/11 attack
Ah well,Israel has its wall and the Dutch have dykes,while the French have a minister who has to deny linking Bush to the 9/11 attacks.
As a Hamas spokesman might say,"C'est la Vie".
more roots of anti-americanism
Submitted by Amsterdamsky on Mon, 2007-07-09 08:08.
Dutch gov't warns company to stop work on W. Bank fence
By Cnaan Liphshiz, Haaretz Correspondent
The Dutch foreign minister, Maxime Verhagen, recently warned a construction company from the Rotterdam area to terminate its involvement in work on the separation fence in the West Bank.
When the Dutch start to back away from american policy you know the americans are out on a limb.
To: Amsterdamsky .
Submitted by Atlanticist911 on Sun, 2007-07-08 13:23.
While deliberately skipping over the almost incoherent rant expressed in your final paragraph,here is my considered response.
At the risk of offending Jihadis the world over by making such a reference,I think we are in danger of getting into some sort of 'Groundhog Day' cycle over this issue.
[Note to said Jihadis: Punxsutawney Phil is neither human nor pig.Neither is he a combination of the two i.e a Jew;he's a rodent].
1- Thanks (again) for your kind words
2- I am (still) aware of your personal views on the modern state of Israel.
3- Let's do this again sometime.(Next time on a different topic).
Re: Atlanticist911
Submitted by Amsterdamsky on Sun, 2007-07-08 11:58.
Thanks. I btw I enjoy your links and your arguments even if we disagree on this one. I really just despise all organized religions and religious states are even worse in my book. Pure evil and I am not the only one who has concluded this.
Here your "Chosen People/Master Race" in action
Just need more Leibensraum and then we will have world peace right? Arabs are just all terminally anti-semitic for not gleefully welcoming the cluster bombing and bulldozing of their farms and villages. Do you think american indian resistance of their own genocide was due to racist anti-christian and anti-european hatred? Get over it! I think most informed people in the world get what is really going on with the exception of americans and some right wing europeans. This is a primary cause of legitimate anti-americanism. Even the Dutch will almost certainly never support Israel again like they did in 1973.
{Amsterdamsky) Yeah,I Know...
Submitted by Atlanticist911 on Sun, 2007-07-08 11:14.
Click on COLUMNISTS (top-left hand corner of page)
Access Peter Hitchens Blog
Scroll down to 'Two-State Delusion'
Phew !
To Amsterdamsky re: Broken Link(s).
Submitted by Atlanticist911 on Sun, 2007-07-08 10:55.
You say that my link doesn't work and you are correct.But in my opinion neither do yours.Your 'Gefilte Fish' solution to this problem for example (i.e. bring 'em all back to Europe),seems as plausible to me as the 'Fugu Plan' ever was.Like I said before,we disagree on this issue.What more can I tell you?
Here is a link that should work(simply click on then scroll down until you find the item,"Two-State Delusion").
And here is a second link to another article by Hanson which should be read in conjunction with the previous two.
Title: Palestinian Pretense and Israel Reality
RE: Atlanticist Broken link
Submitted by Amsterdamsky on Sun, 2007-07-08 08:20.
You link doesn't work Atlanticist.
Regarding Isreal, the fanaticism the mere criticism of it invokes among world jewry and the fact that they have maybe 300 nukes ready to go is certainly the biggest threat to the human race right now. Since Camp David the number of settlers in the West Bank has doubled. They have no interest in peace only expansion and without involving the US they will constantly be at war with proxy groups until finally it escalates into a full scale that will drag the US and Russia in. In no way are jews less fanatical and unreasonable than muslims as I suspect we are all going to see in the next 10 or 20 years. Israel is already a failed state they just don't know it yet. Propaganda efforts at establishing a "new anti-semitism" are just an attempt to keep Israeli jews from moving back to europe where they would be safer.
To Amsterdamsky
Submitted by Atlanticist911 on Sat, 2007-07-07 23:37.
I am fully aware of your personal views regarding the modern state of Israel (how could I not be?).And I am sure that you are aware of mine.We disagree.However,it is certainly possible that we may both live to see the day when your wishes are realised.(see link below).Just a final word of advice.If you want to avoid nuclear confrontation in the Middle East then remember the old adage about being careful what you wish for.
Title: The Two-State Delusion.
Nice link Atlanticist but I
Submitted by Amsterdamsky on Sat, 2007-07-07 17:39.
Nice link Atlanticist but I think he should have left this out. I have no love for Palestinians but I don't want my tax money going to support Israeli war crimes anymore which is a major reason why I left the US. This US funded land grab is leading directly to another world war and next time there will be nukes involved.
"Meanwhile, the U.N. scolds Israel about its fence to keep out suicide murderers to the applause of the European and Arab worlds. Yet both sit mostly powerless while Arabs in turn systematically mass murder black Africans in the Sudan. Can we at least drop the falsity: In the new global CNN media circus, an Arab must kill 1,000 innocents deliberately to warrant the condemnation that the world allots to a Jew who kills one Arab inadvertently."
The New Euro-Peons
Submitted by Atlanticist911 on Sat, 2007-07-07 15:38.
"Take most European anti-Americanism for what it is: complete and total ignorance".
If that statement is true then this statement and this historian might help educate them.
I don't think those asleep at St Avold would like to hear that we fought the German Nazis and Japanese fascists the "wrong way" by relying too much on the Third and Seventh Armies,and too little on education,mutual understanding,and "getting the message out".
Once,the Belgians in places like Wiltz and St Vieth were not complaining about Americans "exporting democracy" - when Panzers were stopped in their countrysidefrom renewing their murderous work.They did not believe that America needed quickly to join the League of Nations instead,or that the next election in Germany would bring them a better reprieve.
Title: If the Dead Could Talk
New Europeons
Submitted by Amsterdamsky on Sat, 2007-07-07 14:38.
Good article Atlanticist. Thanks.
For a continent that can't even fill up prime time television with their own domestic films and shows europeons really thick quite a bit of themselves. I just love going into a German or French pub which invariably will have only american music on and NOBODY even speaks english. Take most europeon anti-americanism for what it is: complete and total ignorance. This is not to say there are not serious reasons to criticize or even despise the US but the europeons certainly are not aware of them.
The Rot Starts Here #2
Submitted by Atlanticist911 on Sat, 2007-07-07 13:14.
"The rot is always from within".
Well,if that statement is true, this statement would appear to confirm the fact.
...anti-Americanism is not about America.At heart,any anti-ism is a crisis of collective self-esteem that cries out for compensation,be it by extolling one's own culture or by denigrating the Other's.Hence the vexing limits of a rational-empirical debate.For if such a discourse were indeed constructive,it would soon turn to the real causes of misery - those the anti-ist seeks to conceal from himself as he projects them on the Other.
Here is a lnk to an article every American and non-American should read.It tells them all they need to know about anti-Americanism and 'Europe'.
Title: Dissecting Anti-Isms by Josef Joffe
The Rot Starts Here
Submitted by Atlanticist911 on Sat, 2007-07-07 10:58.
"The rot is always from within".
Well,if that statement is true the following statement should give Europeans some REAL food for thought.
The advantage for the United States and,to a lesser extent,other parts of the English speaking world is that Europe is ahead in the line,and its fate may wake up even the most blinkered on this side of the Atlantic.
Page 208 America Alone Mark Steyn.
The rot is always from within
Submitted by Amsterdamsky on Sat, 2007-07-07 10:21.
I think europeons are less hostile to the US than black americans and women are (most of the american left). Do you think Hillary and Obama love the good ol USA? Hell no! They both have an agenda of anti-white anti-male legislation they just can't wait to shove down the throats of americans in an even less democratic way than the new Stealth Constitution.
Frank Lee " It is time to cut the transatlantic ties, before the impending demographic disaster in Europe drags America down.
I could actually say the reverse about the US. Whites will be a minority on both side of the Atlantic very soon.
".. visceral hostility .."
Submitted by JimMtnViewCaUSA on Sat, 2007-07-07 06:49.
Yes, well enough put.
The Americans who bother to watch these things have largely turned against Europe. The new watchword is "America Alone". Not a good situation, but realistic. If Russia, China, the Muslims come after Europe it will be a good idea if Europe is prepared to stand on its own. Sometimes an adolescent hates parents, the police, .... but assume they will be there when real trouble arrives.
The European Left
Submitted by Frank Lee on Fri, 2007-07-06 22:55.
Indeed, Rob, the European left was openly hostile toward America throughout the Cold War. Like the parents of a rude, self-destructive teenager, the United States felt it had to put up with expressions of hostility from its charge. But even the most indulgent parent grows weary of the abuse eventually. I hope you are right in suggesting that America will choose not to act as Europe's savior next time (and there is always a next time). I will certainly continue to do everything in my power to convince friends and other Americans to oppose military or financial assistance to Europe in the future. It is time to cut the transatlantic ties, before the impending demographic disaster in Europe drags America down.
Europe Alone ?
Submitted by Atlanticist911 on Fri, 2007-07-06 22:10.
In 1796 George Washington wrote to Alexander Hamilton: "The nation which indulges towards another an habitual hatred or an habitual fondness,is in some degree a slave.It is a slave to its animosity or to its affection,either of which is sufficient to lead it astray from its duty and interest".That neatly sums up the Euro-American relationship: the United States has become a slave to its habitual if largely misplaced fondness for Europe,while Europe has become a slave to its habitual if entirely irrational hatred for America.
- Page 160 America Alone Mark Steyn.
I agree with the broad
Submitted by Rob the Ugly American on Fri, 2007-07-06 19:12.
I agree with the broad strokes of your argument, but, then again, it's not like Europe was full-square behind us in the war against the Soviets, nearly everything then was our fault as well, Reagan was a madman, etc., and we forgave and forgot (even Republicans vacation in France). The difference is the internet. The bulk of the online growth for nearly all UK papers, for example, is coming from the US, and for most of these news sites, more Americans now read them than British. So, now we get the anti-US propaganda straight from Europe without filters. This comes at a time in the US when there is a crisis of confidence in our government caused by many factors: Clinton's corruption, Bush's incompetence, the fact that our country may look forward to another 8 years of the Bush/Clinton dynasties, a government that seems unable to get anything productive done, and when it tries, it does so in back-room deals like the immigration bill. So, the anti-US agitprop from Europe is combining with these other factors and having a definite impact.
Europeans tell us to trust the UN, but Americans know that the UN is even more corrupt than our government. Europeans tells us they don't want war with Iran, yet continue to support the mullahs' nuclear ambitions through billions of dollars in trade every year; if we can't get Europeans to stop supporting our enemies, can we still think of them as allies? Regardless, the trend in the US is to look inward (we know the world is fucked up, but things here are still pretty good, so why bother?), so, should a Kosovo spring up again, I think it's safe to say that it would be best for Europe to look elsewhere for a saviour.