Lilliput Interferes: Belgian Crisis Goes International
From the desk of The Brussels Journal on Sat, 2007-08-25 11:05
A quote from Jean-Claude Juncker, Prime Minister of Luxemburg, in the Walloon newpaper Le Soir, 25 August 2007
Europe is characterized by problems of cohabitation. The European credibility of Belgium is at risk if the country does not get its act together. I have discussed the situation with the Germans, the French and others, and nobody outside Belgium can imagine a divided Belgium! [...] Though I do not wish to mingle in the debate between the Belgians, I sympathize with the Walloons and Francophones in their reaction to the Flemish demands. But Belgium has got to pull itself together. For outsiders it must present the image of a country that is as united as can be. It must know that others are watching how it solves its problem.
Belgium is already divided.
Submitted by Amsterdamsky on Mon, 2007-08-27 15:18.
" I have discussed the situation with the Germans, the French and others, and nobody outside Belgium can imagine a divided Belgium!"
I drive through both Flanders and Wallonia often on business. Wallonia IS a province of France. Cut these parasites loose and let them go feed off their froggy cultural masters.
Image vs content
Submitted by George2 on Sun, 2007-08-26 13:42.
For outsiders it must present the image of a country that is as united as can be.
For some the image is important. For me and others it is the content that counts. France en the Walloon area like to live on their past image. However, they have little content to present. Others have to pay for this. This works for a while ... but you can't fool everyone all of the time.
A Swift response to Lilliput
Submitted by Atlanticist911 on Sat, 2007-08-25 11:59.
"...for outsiders it (Belgium) must present the image of a country that is as united as can be..."
How should a Fleming explain to a Lilliputian the meaning of the English expression,"All Smoke and Mirrors"?