Spanish Boycott Pro-Homosexual School Course

A quote from, 5 September 2007

Spain’s socialist government is facing a bitter back-to-school fight this September as thousands of families boycott the pro-homosexual course “Education for Citizenship and Human Rights”. […] Esperanza Aguirre, the president of the Community of Madrid (Spain’s largest province), blasted the program, calling it “indoctrination” and said that her government would only teach those portions that were not objectionable to anyone. […]

The program's guidelines state that children are to be taught to reject “existing discrimination for reason of sex, origin, social differences, affective-sexual, or whatever other type” and to exercise a “critical evaluation of the social and sexual division of labor and racist, xenophobic, sexist, and homophobic social prejudices.”

It also instructs teachers to “revisit the students’ attitude to homosexuality” […] The Catholic archbishop of Toledo, Antonio Cañizares, denounced the program as students returned to school, stating that “the government is acting in an unconstitutional manner because it is imposing morals.” He encouraged Spaniards to resist the program with the means available to them.

Slight correction

Madrid is not the largest province of Spain neither in terms of surface or population. Both of them belong to Andalucia. However, it is the most important in terms of economic production.

The core of this subject is

The core of this subject is basically the premise we are all so familiar with and that is, all of Western Culture and History is shit and we should all become radical socialists, united under the flags of submission, poverty (capitalism is soooo bad), suffocating government control and leader worship. Not only is i pro-gay, it is also, pro-islamist (did anyone expect otherwise?), anti-capitalist, pro-uncontrolled immigration, anti-american, and rewrites entire episodes of Spanish History.

To sum it up, the usual stuff.

Sometimes I think I should leave my country.




Realisation #2

@ Doney

It is not Atheling's job to "spread friendship and enlightenment" either.  If she could just get you to think just a teeny weeny bit deeper, that would already be great.  Obviously, she failed in that endeavor, but that is your fault, not hers.  

Atheling is right.  The US President is not responsible for the existence of totalitarianism, racism, and other afflictions of intolerance in this world.  So it is silly for you to blame him for the absence of "peace" in the world and for the absence of prosperity in much of it.   While one could surely and reasonably argue about his ways of dealing with these problems, he is certainly not responsible for the existence of insurmountable (largely cultural) impediments to genuine 'peace' and prosperity in the world. 

US Presidents' first and foremost responsibility is to ensure the continued freedom and prosperity of Americans in the future.  In discharging that responsibility they help to ensure the continued freedom of you and many others outside the US.   That you want to ignore that lesson of the history of the past century is your problem, not George Bush's.  


Cultural harmony #2

Previously I wrote:

I keep reading that the elites of member states of the EU are trying to create an atmospere of "harmony" between its Muslim and non-Muslim constituents.

I then went on to ask the question:

How is a policy for the promotion of homosexuality likely to achieve this noble objective?

I'll conclude with the following observation:

If they are serious about this,why don't they expand their remit to include a discussion on homosexuality as a shared 'value' as expressed by the poets throughout the ages? They could include in their list of poets a certain Abu Nuwas,the first and foremost Islamic gay poet,and have an open discussion on his poem,"The True Jihad".



But can anybody seriously say they believe this would happen?And if it did,what would be the likely outcome?


Nope not in the short

Nope not in the short term.  War create's casualties.


Do you expect war to be short?



Didn't you expect it to be short in World War I?



War takes casualties, danger, and fighting.



It would be easier if our Allies were their with us.

Is this any clearer?

How much more clearer can this be that we are being usurped by socialists and that has left Europe appallingly weak and feeble.



Your continent is slowly dying and you have yet to figure out that you must vote out and crush socialism.



We're fighting this battle in the United States currently.



If a Democrat wins the White House in 2008, you may assuredly kiss Europe goodbye.



You may hate Bush, Cheney, the conservatives, but you as Europeans must throw out your left and vote conservative to save yourselves as we in the United States must do.

"Save ourselves"

I don't hate Bush, but you must admit he hasn't been all that brilliant in terms of progress towards a better, more peaceful and prosperous world, has he.

@Bob Doney

"he hasn't been all that brilliant in terms of progress towards a better, more peaceful and prosperous world, has he."

WTF??? Why don't you grow up and realize that that's not what the US Presidency is all about. Take the bloody teat out of your mouth and start thinking for once!


Me: "a better, more peaceful and prosperous world"

You: "grow up and realize that that's not what the US Presidency is all about"

I think that was sort of my point. And thanks for the personal insults - as always a very effective way to spread friendship and enlightenment.


"(they recently closed a Hebrew school in New York citing essentially indoctrination)."


And they're trying to open a madrassa in NYC. Of course teaching the koran isn't religious and political indoctrination. 


"I think I support the course now".


Alternatively,the next propaganda message could be a pan Eurabian tele-cast showing a bearded Arab John Lennon look-alike singing "All we are saying is give sodomy a chance"...


Remember your promise.

religious education

political brochures about so-called "gayrights" and "homosexuality" have nothing to do with teaching and giving values to children but everything with debasing and perverting children

education should promote universal values that belong to the antropological heritage of mankind, it has nothing to do with promoting paraphilia or aberrations

Cultural harmony

I keep reading that the elites of the member states of the EU are trying to create an atmosphere of "harmony" between its Muslim and non-Muslim constituents.How is a policy for the promotion of homosexuality likely to achieve this noble objective?

Spanyards are doing quite

Spanyards are doing quite well.

They understood the fight for our values begin at school.

<strong><em>QUE VIVA ESPAÑA</em></strong>