Imagine There's No Countries

A quote from Bruno Waterfield in The Daily Telegraph, 3 October 2007

To understand Belgium, imagine that the Union flag no longer flies over Britain or the Cross of St George over England. Imagine an alien flag fluttering from the spires and flying above official buildings across the land. The flag is not the red, white and blue of British Union, symbolising a shared national history stretching back centuries, but the azure field and 12 gold stars of the European Union.

Then imagine that your rulers tell you that you are not, in fact, British but that you are a European, a stranger in your own land.

For many Belgians, this experience is the reality of everyday life. It lies at the heart of an identity crisis that has robbed Belgium of a government for the past 115 days and threatens the country’s very existence.

EU is not the US

An extreme irony is that all these "europeans" are actually americans.  I can draw a 500km radius circle from Amsterdam and have the locations of nearly all of my know ancesters inside.  The american melting pot was a success until we starting granting special rights to whiney minority and religious groups in the late 20th century.  I think, however, that the european version is doomed to failure if it tries to include France and other 3rd world "communism is still cool" states in the south.  A United States of Northern Europe would actually be possible though I think.  

Imagine there are no countries....

 It isn't hard to do, Nothing to kill or die for, And no religion too. I hope someday you'll join us, And the world will live as one.

Lennon's/Lenin's vision!  How nice!.......How Bloody F--ing Nice!!!!.....


Then imagine that your rulers tell you that you are not,in fact,British but you are a European,a stranger in your own land...


Why do I need to use my imagination? To all intents and purposes, I'm there already.