@ Schaveiger

I have no quarrel with that obsevation.If you read my previous post again you'll see that I put the blame fairly and squarely on the shoulders of my own government,nobody else.

Re: Here!

"Who are "We" and how many are they?"


That's a fair question.And if the British government gave the British people a vote on the issue you'd get your answer and so would they,which is why they dare not risk giving the British people the opportunity to do so.

Re: Here again!

Fair enough for me but it reminds me the same argumentation used by the Flemish separatists. Nobody is withholding you nor them to organize a general poll to be carried out by a serious and independent organization. And just between you and me, I don't think that many on the continent would mourn if the UK steps out.


Here in the UK no major party is listening.We don't want referenda,we don't want reform,we just want O-U-T !!!

How many referendums

How many referendums experienced William Hague in his own country ?

What I mean with this is why the EU politics have to be tributary to referenda if no other affiliated country does ?

No Democracy here...

The Dutch government is already preparing to ratify the new EU Enslavement Treaty without a referendum despite a previous near plurality rejection by dutch voters.