Morally Corrosive

A quote from Daniel Hannan MEP at his Daily Telegraph blog, 9 October 2007

Yet the even bigger winners [from a break-up of Belgium] might be French-speaking Belgians. For subsidies, while expensive for the donor, are ruinous for the recipient. When commentators say that “Wallonia” benefits from subventions of x or y billion euros, what they really mean is that a handful of Francophone politicians and officials benefit: the grants give them the power to reward their friends and punish their enemies. Almost all institutions end up being corrupted: the trade unions, the political parties, the state-owned enterprises. Everyone becomes a junkie.

Cut out the subsidies, and Walloons would have to start making and selling things again. Instead of arranging their affairs around qualifying for grants, they would prosper as the result of their own industry. Wallonia might become, as it were, the Slovakia of the break-up: the formerly poor partner that was initially nervous about going it alone but that, once it got the hang of things, achieved an awesome growth rate.

[…] there are lessons for us all here. The EU functions – or malfunctions – on the same principle as Belgium. There is no common language, no common identity, no sense of shared patriotism. Both systems work by levying money out of the majority in order to buy the loyalty of a powerful and articulate minority within each national group. Both are morally corrosive for the same reason.

Re: English EU bashing #2

"I think there is something wrong with English institutions and politicians.In order to fix the problem,it won't be enough to quit the EU".


Armor,are you sure you didn't plagiarize this line from an old Peter Hitchens column? It certainly sounds like Peter to me.

Re: English EU bashing

Armor wrote,"I don't hear the British EU bashers criticizing British leftist policies and lack of democracy in Britain...".


Then you must be deaf!


Start by listening to the Mail on Sunday journalist,Peter Hitchens.

English EU bashing

The European identity does exist (although the EU would like to get rid of it). Unlike Belgian identity, it isn't something artificial. Of course, there is room for diversity within the European identity (although the EU may not like that). There is also a measure of European patriotism among some of us. Personally, I do not feel indifferent to the destruction of Europe by third world immigration. I am not interested exclusively in the small place where I live.

"The EU functions – or malfunctions – on the same principle as Belgium."

In Flanders, I think the Vlaams Belang wants to break with Belgian leftism. They want to remain a European country and stop immigration. But I don't hear the English EU bashers criticizing Britain's leftist policies and its lack of democracy. I think we could say that Britain functions – or malfunctions – more or less on the same principle as Belgium. In Britain, the mass immigration policy has been carried out by the London government, not by Brussels (even though most English people did not want any immigration). Tony Blair's support for the entry of Turkey in the EU was an effort to strip the EU of its European identity. I think there is something wrong with English institutions and politicians. In order to fix the problem, it won't be enough to quit the EU.

Re: Malfunctions...

"The Commonwealth is an association of independent states consulting and co operating in the common interests of their people..."

Keywords: Independent states



Only if/when Flanders and Wallonia separate into independent states can you hope to have your commonwealth and not until.

Malfunctions yes, like

Malfunctions yes, like everywhere inclusive the UK.

No common language,-identity and of course no patriotism (except when it goes for the anti-islamists). That's all true but it needs time and how long it took to build the Commonwealth ? 

Great Quote

"Both systems work by levying money out of the majority in order to buy the loyalty of a powerful and articulate minority within each national group."