Polania Semper Fidelis

A quote from Gazeta Wyborcza, 2 November 2007

The strong position of the Catholic Church in Poland is not under threat, writes Miroslaw Czech, adding that the election victory of the liberal-conservative Civic Platform (PO) won't change this. "For the Church, the PO government and its wide support among the country's younger generation holds out the prospect that Poland won't share the fate of other Catholic countries like Spain or Ireland, where the process of secularisation has been particularly rapid. Under the PO government, Poland will remain 'forever loyal' to Christ and the Vatican for a long time to come. Poland is not joining the European trend of secularisation and the renunciation of the fundamentals of Catholic ethics. Over the coming years, there will be no major shake-ups. Life will continue at a comfortable pace with baptisms, first communions, weddings and funerals."

PO party itself give a damn

PO party itself give a damn about religion but they are realistic and don't want to disturb  still quite conservative Polish society. Medium conservative stance is more profitable for them than accepting demands of homosexual lobby for example.  They will allow their stupid parades to take place but they wont legalize their "marriages" for sure.

However if Polish society would change its profile they would follow this trend  and accept even homosexual adoptions if this would bring them more voters.

Of course if you consider that some 'Zapaterist' left could win election here then perhaps I would consider such election outcome to be good. But somehow I'm sad because real liberal-conservative forces were not elected.


To admin: Should be "Polonia" in the headline.