British Exodus

A quote from The Daily Telegraph, 16 November 2007

Britain is experiencing unprecedented levels of immigration with more than half a million foreigners arriving to live here in a single year, new figures show. Last year, 510,000 foreign migrants came to the UK […]. At the same time 400,000 people, more than half of whom were British, emigrated. An exodus on this scale – amounting to one British citizen leaving the country every three minutes – has not been seen in the UK for almost 50 years. […]

The biggest influx was from the New Commonwealth – India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka – with more than 200,000 migrants. Since Labour came to power in 1997, nearly four million foreign nationals have come to Britain and 1.6 million have left. Over the same period, 1.8 million Britons have left, but only 979,000 have returned. […]

Yet despite high levels of emigration and a low birth rate, the population is still growing rapidly because of immigration by the equivalent to a city the size of Bristol every year.

@ marcfrans

Thank you.I appreciate both the clarification and the compliment but above all I appreciate your erudite contributions to this blog.Personally,I'm more than happy to play the role of Jerry Lewis to your C.S. Lewis if by doing so it achieves my objectives.I'll conclude this post,if I may, with a short Lewis quote."Reason is the natural order of truth; but imagination is the organ of meaning".

Price # 2

@ Atlanticist & Atheling

My comment should be interpreted as a compliment, not an "outright insult".  I concede that Amsterdamsky has not distinguished himself by being funny, so it was a mistake to use him as a 'yardstick' for the humor price.  I also concede that my "wry joke" bombed.  In future, I promise to leave the jokes to Atlanticist who obviously is more gifted in that department. 


@marcfrans... again

Please don't attribute my inability to "get" the joke to your delivery of it.

It's just that there's so much absurdity in some of the laws of the EU that I'm not sure whether I can distinguish fact from fiction in this case.

Another Outburst...

It will be good news for the likes of Uneducated, who firmly believes that senseless economic growth at the cost of the nations' integrity is about "culture" and things like "western values".

What a ridiculous, pompous ass you are!

1. My gender is male as my screen name should tell to the diligent reader, and my orientation is strictly and uncompromisingly heterosexual, aka straight.

Methinks he doth protest a little too much...


>Agreed. I hope the show airs in the US as well.<

At the very least someone will YouTube/Google Video it ;)

@ Horacio



1 My stated gender is male.


2 My stated agenda is pro American and anti EU., with an increasingly mischievous desire to purchase a string of properties along the Costa del Sol...

Statements etc. [Re. to 'FYI']

@atheling. Thank you for letting me know:

1. My gender is male as my screen name should tell to the diligent reader, and my orientation is strictly and uncompromisingly heterosexual, aka straight.

2. My stated compromise is with Spain first, second and third. And then I am pro-European, and anti-united states (be them U.S. of America, or of Europe, aka E.U.).

And well, I don't see any reason why we should not disagree in a civilized and educated manner. I'm almost sure that you will agree here.

Who's On first...


I never brought up the issue of gender or sexual orientation... your last comment should have been directed elsewhere.

Take no offense but..


I never brought up the issue of gender or sexual orientation...
your last comment should have been directed elsewhere.

I saw it fit to preview possible malintentioned interpretations. The comment was preventive. It did not have a direct intention.

My apologies if you understood it in the wrong way.

On a side note, I assume that you will have already read that the construction industry expects a boom in Britain in the future..

UK population could soar to 90m

... at least in the mosque sector. It is unfortunate that I have to follow these news for what the indirect effects concern me directly. But my sympathies to you all the same. It will be good news for the likes of Uneducated, who firmly believes that senseless economic growth at the cost of the nations' integrity is about "culture" and things like "western values".

@ marcfrans



Should I take your Amsterdamsky comment as a backhanded compliment or an outright insult?



@ Atlanticist

There is no need to declare your sexual preference on a public forum.  For doing so, you are 'discriminating' among people, which is illegal in Belgium (and perhaps in the UK as well). 

But you do get the monthly price for 'humor' (sorry, humour).  But, that is no longer difficult, Amsterdamsky apparently having departed.....


He's baaaaack... Amsterdamsky, that is... just keeping a low profile.

And is it true what you said about sexual preference on a public forum is illegal??? Or is this some sort of wry joke I don't get?

@ Horacio

OK Horatio, I'll proffer you my customary brief reply:


1 I am NOT a neocon...


2 Your screen name is HoratiO. Unless your true given name is HoratiA, I can assure you that we will NEVER be bed fellows.



bed fellows..

Well, fortunately even if you are not a neocon of sorts, a big Atlantic sea (at least speaking in a figured sense) separates us. And, besides, I'm not in the habit of bedding strangers. Much less so when these are internet strangers without a visibly stated gender. ;)

@ The Undhimmi

Thanks for your comments.


Because the show will be aired so close to Christmas, I think one might say that the proof of the pudding will be in the eating.Let's see how the British public react to it and revisit the subject again when we know.I hope,like yourself,they remain 'undhimmied' by the experience but I have my serious doubts. 

Reality Sharia Show


I think this might just be a good thing. There needs to be a little mass education to counter the 'Taqqiya & Samosas' propaganda emanating from Islamic interest groups and their multikulti apologists.

Even the bias or otherwise of the producers isn't necessarily that important here, in my opinion. In a liberal Western setting, the context of the program can surely only be predicated on that which is Haraam (forbidden); because, well, Sharia really isn't focused on anything else, is it?


@Atheling #2

Breaking News!


A British female  schoolteacher arrested in the Sudan for allowing the children in her class to name their teddybear,Mohammed! I'll keep you posted if and when this happens in a UK classroom.


Leaving aside for the time being  your concerns about British immigration,you say you  have no interest in changing the future status of Gibraltar,you oppose Spain's membership of the EU,and appear to care passionately about your country's culture and traditions.You sound like my kind of European.


I didn't say that I have no interest in changing the future status of Gibraltar. It is just not a number one priority at the moment. And even if the momentum allowed for such thing, one problem with Gibraltar would be similar to the one that started this argument. So let us better leave Gibraltar and the Rock apes aside, and concentrate in the Island apes.

As to the question of me being your kind of European, I'm not so sure to be honest. You are, as your screen name suggests, an atlanticist or a westernist of some kind. I am not. The only way which would make me feel comfortable with being European is if it was in a free Europe, not one slave of the interests of the anglosphere.. read America.

Also, I presume that you are what I call a neo-liberal of some kind, or a "neocon" as people are used to say nowadays. Quite frankly, I come from a long and strong family Conservative background and I do not recognize anything of the true Conservatism in here. And, being a Traditionalist myself, my views differ much from those of so-called neocons.

But you are right. Leaving all of that aside, I suppose that strange times make strange bed fellows. Or maybe not. ;)

@Undhimmi: I gave you the input, now you process it, or apply for a disability benefit. I don't care which one you choose.

I have the strange habit of following with special interest the moves of Muslims both in Spain and in Europe, included their "advances" which, for your information, they are particularly impressive in your country. In case you haven't noticed, the White British Diaspora obeys to a perception of a complete degradation of the society in Britain, which is for no other reason than that the advance of Islam there has reached a point which many do consider as unstoppable and irreversible. Others perhaps should stop smoking hash.

As you rejoyce in the delusion that you are in a better position, allow me to slap you while you are still dreaming by telling you that you should look around yourself and think again, because you should first be in a position to help yourself. Which you are not. Since I can assure you that you are already a homeless.

During a debate between one historian and a politician (a Tory, if I recall corrently), with regards to the present situation in Britain, the historian reminded that with the exception of the Norman invasion what had kept Britain safe was its status as an island, but that many historians believed that once an invader set a foot in the island there would not be much resistance.

Well, "Undhimmi", it seems as if the British Diaspora (which coincidentially it does not include British Muslims) is confirming this belief.

Now you can keep laughing while you wait your turn at the UNHCR to apply for your status of refugee. A sad thing indeed. But at least you can still hope that the Europeans for who you have shown so much hatred throughout your history, will not be as means as you have been to so many of them.

I, for one, look forward to collaborate with other fellow Europeans who demand and give full respect and truthful friendship to their other fellow Europeans. But I wish you luck in your continuing jingoism though not in pursuing the service of your fellow Anglo-Americans' erroneous and genocidal wars thousands of miles away from where the real problem is, which is home. Oh, I forgot that you are already homeless, so you can "afford" such luxuries.

Horacio - it appears that

Horacio - it appears that since you cannot answer my questions, you rely instead on incoherent bluster in an attempt to counterattack my position. Therefore I will now gracefully excuse myself from any further engagement with you on this subject.

My only 'inability' is to completely fail to understand your incomprehensible babble!

As for learning Sharia, guess which territory Osama's boys want back first? Al Andalus. You better bone up on the Qur'an and Haditha too, mi amigo - because we'll be way too busy munching carpet at the Mega Mosque to help you ;)

oh the joys of history lessons..

Undhimmi dixit:
As for learning Sharia, guess which territory Osama's boys want back first?
Al Andalus. You better bone up on the Qur'an and Haditha too, mi amigo -
because we'll be way too busy munching carpet at the Mega Mosque to help you ;)

I've just noticed that sometimes people here like to refer to past historical events as a warning for things to come, especially with regards to Islam. And I do agree that those and other historical events should serve as a very serious warning.

One history chapter that's just come to mind is that when the then powerful Ottoman Empire was threatening to extend the shadow of Islam over Europe.

Of a particular interest here is the "help" given by England in this struggle, willingly serving the interests of the Ottoman Turk, by attacking Spain while the Spanish were at war defending the European Civilization (not any lousy western "civilization").

Now that others know what you mean by help, you know what you can do with it. Bon profit!

p.s. Will the hint be enough this time, or will you pretend -again- that I do the processing?

There you go again with the

There you go again with the ad hominem. Are you seriously claiming that Spain has been anything other than the largest net beneficiary of EU funds since her accession in 1986?

It seems that you fail to understand the meaning of a simple concept such as 'net', Horacio my old chum. Where are these 'profits' of which you speak? Our Chancellor and the rest of the British people would like to know.

You do your homework and

You do your homework and search for the figures of the benefits in the balance of trade for each particular case, and for the particular period. Which, by the way, do not account for the painful reconversions of our industry which was forced into a bleeding competition from a nearly autarkic system and in many cases followed by dismantlement or sell off at retail price. As it does not account for the sacrificing of other traditional sectors like agriculture and fisheries, to favour the international trade of British and of German industries with non E.U. countries.

Or, under which schemes did you believe that E.U. follows its policies, including enlargement? Why would you think that Turkey is proposed? Or that there have been hints to Northern Africa and the Middle East?

Ignorance in blessing.

Having said this, it must be said that I would not have the same argument under the same circumstances with a German.

Given your manifest inability, I should suggest that you go back to learning the sharia, which is going to do you a better service in the future. Unless you are planning to keep running around the globe.

By the way, the only one previous ad hominem has come from you, which in fact it followed an ad gentem also by you.

You think I'm joking?

Listen out for the new British reality tv programme,to be broadcast next month,which will show non-Muslim participants living under strict Sharia law for three weeks.I kid you not.


Are you serious??? Someone stole my idea!!! I had joked among my friends about a new reality show called "Muslim House" months ago!

Horacio's Elephant

I'm just wondering when Horacio is going to finally get around to the subject of what for him is likely to be the real burro in the basement,namely,the future status of Gibraltar.

What really really irks

What really really irks Horacio is the fact that these impudent working-class Brits (for that's the main demographic) who are settling in Spain, plus the half-century of vacationing sun-seekers (same demographic) who preceded them; are the prime economic component of what has made Spain the high-income country it is today.

That and the endless EU largesse lavished upon Espana by the redistributive socialism of the EU. So that'll be mainly Britain and Germany again. It's certainly not been down to a cultural/work ethic renaissance on the part of the Spanish.

And that's what really gets to our Horacio - who's basically a snob. :)

@ Undhimmi

Enough is enough. You've gone a little too far with your hooligan manners.

For a start, Spain before we joined the gang that is the EU was a fine place where we had no need to call in foreign labour to exploit them at miserable wages, like Britain was already doing and it had been doing for quite some time. As a very young man I did help in the campaigns against joining the EU. You can be sure that I was not pleased to join you lot.

The Spanish have worked very hard since the end of the Civil War and until just recently to improve the industry and the economy, while the British were already using semi-slave labour from foreign countries, many of which were Muslim. So don't talk about "ethics", because it is those that you call "ethics" that have put the final nail in the coffin for Britain: the greedness of people like you. I feel sorry for the British who are unlike you, but excuse me if I still prefer not to have to "rub shoulders" with them.

And that's what really gets our "Undhimmi" - who's basically an ignorant. ;)

I forgot..

Undhimmi should seriously consider taking a look at the figures of the costs of Spanish membership in the EU so far for Britain and Germany, vs the profits that both Britain and Germany have obtained from Spain since it joined the EU.

They tell a completely different story.. to that of his utter ignorance.

British migrants

I agree with atheling: I see no problem with British immigrants. I think we could use some more of them. They are far more likely to be skilled, educated people who speak the native language than the vast majority of immigrants we get now. After all, they invented the language. I think it is odd though that British immigrants would not prefer to settle somewhere in the Anglosphere. I would guess that that is where most of them do go, and that the ones Horacio speaks of are a small minority. Am I wrong?

British Immigrants

You may get a little bit more acquainted with the issue, here:

Record numbers leaving Britain for new life abroad - as immigration to UK soars

"An unprecedented 196,000 left the country last year, with Australia, Spain, America, New Zealand and France the most popular destinations for those seeking a new life."

"Liam Clifford, of consultancy firm, said his company had 50,000 inquiries from would-be emigrants last month alone."

"A study by the Institute for Public Policy Research think-tank earlier this year said there are now 1.3 million British emigrants living in Australia.

Another 761,000 live in Spain, and 678,000 in the United States."

@ Horacio

I see you have already done the research. Muy Beuno! Given me some credit though. Australia, America, and New Zealand all place in the top five along with Spain and France.

Credits, etc.

No problem with giving you credits for it, Bolleke Boy. You were right all along about Australia and North America being in the list of top countries (especially Australia). Not that I didn't know that already, but you must understand that that doesn't comfort me and that the cases are very different.

The percentage of those British immigrants to the total population of Britain doesn't concern me either. It is the percentage of British immigrants to the total Spanish native population that concerns me, and how it incides over the Spanish native population, culture and traditions and customs.

There is another news item from a few months ago, which offered a sort of declaration of intentions of British people to emigrate in the near future and which, if memory serves, it put the figure in the form of a fraction at of the population. UNHCR should do something to divide the load over countries.


I find it amusing and rather odd that you are so concerned about British immigrants in Spain when you have a real danger with the Muslim immigrants there.

Talk about ignoring the elephant in the living room.

a danger as real as other

atheling, that I am concerned about British immigrants does not mean that I am [even more] concerned about Muslim immigrants. Whatever made you jump to that conclusion..
For a nation, for a people and its culture, however, that one threat is bigger and more imminent than another does not make the other threat less real or smaller.

But I must say that I am a little shocked by the fanaticism with which some here are taking an observation that I've made and which is perfectly lawful. Or well, it is not if the domain name for this site is changed to The Brussels Madrassa or something along the lines of a religious fundamentalist teaching place.

Another amazing point is that while I've read from people here their plans to emigrate and leave their countries as Islam advances in them, I do not even consider such a thing as an option.

@Atlanticist1488: Why should I care about Gibraltar, at all? What's inside there is not anything or anyone that concerns me. My priorities are not set there.

British Immigrants

> "I agree with atheling: I see no problem with British immigrants."

In my home or in yours?

> "They are far more likely to be skilled, educated people who speak the native language"

Are you North American or Australian per chance? If so, that would explain what you've said that they speak the native language. If one of your problems with other immigrants is that they do not speak the language of the host nation, and that they neither learn it, then that is a thing for which British immigrants are known in Europe.

If you are a North American (or Australian) then the problem is not such, as I mentioned earlier.

> "I think it is odd though that British immigrants would not prefer to settle somewhere in the Anglosphere. I would guess that that is where most of them do go, and that the ones Horacio speaks of are a small minority. Am I wrong?"

Yes, you are wrong.

Spain is heavily targeted by British immigrants. If memory serves, they come third in the rank after Moroccans and Ecuadorians. Maybe fourth, after Colombians. I don't remember the latest figures. Then Pays d'Oc (Southern France) and Brittany. Italy and Greece too.

@ Horacio

Your points are well taken.
Yes, I am North American. I live in the northeastern United States. I agree with you that any immigrant to Spain, British or otherwise, should learn Spanish. Just as I believe any immigrant to the U.S. should learn English. Oddly enough my wife, who is an immigrant from Belgium (Flanders) feels even more strongly about it than I do.
I believe you that there are a large number of British immigrants going to Spain, but I still have a hard time believing that they make up a large percentage of the total number of British immigrants leaving the United Kingdom. I will try to research the official statistics. Until then: Beunos noches.

Possible effect of Horacio's abject nonsense

Oh Horacio...

your all-consuming Brit-hate blinds your eyes to the fact that it is those very Brits who, probably more than anyone else, have helped ensure that you're not inking your bizarre missive from the back of a donkey.

We paid for Spain. And we want our money back. ;)

Predators and the inconsequence of not being consequent

I'm sorry (not really, but I don't see a reason not to be civic) if what I wrote hurt your feelings and that it brought the hooligan out of you.

If anyone here agrees in that Muslim immigration is acting as a predator over British culture and society, and that this has an unwanted destroying effect (or just "a destroying effect", without considering if "wantness" is an issue here), to be consequent he will have to agree in that British immigration is acting as a predator over other cultures and societies, just as well.

Some may not agree with this view of British immigrants as predators. But neither will Muslims agree with the view of fellow Muslim immigrants as predators.

Is being consequent too much to ask in this place?


"I'm sorry (not really, but I don't see a reason not to be civic) if what I wrote hurt your feelings and that it brought the hooligan out of you."

What is "hooligan"? My understanding of the term is that it applies to the "yobs" or soccer fans who riot, vandalize, etc...

Your use of the term makes no sense when you call Undhimmi a "hooligan". Perhaps you should re-think the meaning of the word.

Secondly, I live in an (American) city which has quite a few British ex-pats and we have absolutely ZERO "hooliganism" here. A few teashops, British imports, etc... but no problems otherwise, so your comment is rather absurd.


atheling, the word hooligan is being used extensively outside the ruffianism and vandalism characteristical of football supporters in Britain.. which I admit that it has been exported outside England, unfortunately, but fortunately not yet to the extent to what is native there. It is being used to characterize certain attitudes, actions and reactions, which do not necessarily have to be physical, but they can be verbal as in the case of concern. In this sense it is very accurate, so I don't see how I should have to re-think it even if I've done it already at your request.

By the way, since I've been asked to define 'hooligan', perhaps I should mention that another well known characteristic of hooliganism is that the aggressions are always almost exclusively carried out in groups, and rarely by one individual alone. Though this is slightly less common in internet verbal hooliganism. (Not that I am suggesting that that's been the present case, I would be as direct at telling if it had been; but I thought that it would be useful to mention it as a hint.)

As for your American experience, I can only say that it is your experience and that I'll take your word for it as good, in bona fide. Instead of labeling your comment as 'absurd'. However, my experience here is as different as to be about the exact opposite.

Notice also that the impact of a large British immigrant base in America should logically not have the same or even similar effect to what it has in other countries, since America is a multicultural country in the first place.


Your use of "hooligan" to describe undhimmi's comment is inaccurate.


That is much your personal opinion, which I understand it as biased by the fact that he is your fellow compatriot. I think that I have explained beyond question how it is accurate. That I understand your position doesn't mean that I share it. If he were my compatriot I wouldn't be any happy about his slanderous attitude (to use a more lenient word, probably more PC in this place).

But different cultures have different styles. And it is there that I understand your position.

Who are the immigrants?

It would be helpful to see a demographic study of exactly who these new immigrants are. What is their education, job skills, and family size?

If Britain continues to allow this open door immigration, their culture will be badly damaged and their economy weakened.

Possible Effects of the British Diaspora

It is undeniable that the number one danger that most societies in Western Europe face, are Muslim immigrants and jihadism. But one should not underestimate the potential of British immigrants when it comes to degrading the host nations and their societies.

So far I've been used to know that British were living not far from my hometown, but in ghetto areas such as Benidorm, which made it more bearable. Now the trend is changing and I see them everywhere, walking through the streets of my hometown, outside their new ghettoes which are, unconveniently, closer to the cities.

I fear that to the disaster of jihadism brought in by Muslim immigrants, we'll soon have added hooliganism brought in by British immigrants.