Europe’s Future?
From the desk of The Brussels Journal on Thu, 2008-01-17 09:42
A quote from a comment at Dhimmi Watch, 16 January 2008
That's the conundrum of living in a free, civil society. A civil society requires the overwhelming majority live by generally agreed upon rules which attempt to balance individual freedoms and responsibilities. We agree to settle our disputes within a legal framework of nonviolent negotiation and arbitration. We agree to surrender the tactics of organized violence to the state, not only to ensure our domestic peace, but also the coherence and effectiveness of state sanctioned violence against enemies when it becomes necessary.
But when a foreign ideology, enemy, meme, pick your description, invades the intellectual space our society operates in, and desiring to end the civil contract that makes our relative peace possible, closes off areas of discussion, freedoms of expression, and clearness of thought, how far behind can large scale violence be?
The favorite tactic of Islamic imperialists appears to be infiltration to create chaos in infidel societies, to later offer Islam and Sharia as the antidote to the unrest they started in the first place.
With help from the Useful Idiots on the Left
Submitted by onecent on Thu, 2008-01-17 20:19.
The favorite tactic of Islamic imperialists appears to be infiltration to create chaos in infidel societies, to later offer Islam and Sharia as the antidote to the unrest they started in the first place.
The rotten soft underbelly of socialized Europe also gives Islamists free reign to play havoc using disingenously their ridiculous Orwellian Human Rights tribunals, the stupidity of multi-culturalism and the self-imposed PC censorship by the Left.
Militant expansive Islam could not have picked a better time to target Europe. They have the assistance of the Useful Idiots on the Left.
No surprise that liberal politicians needing to expand their base are the ones that refuse to permit a dialogue regarding Muslim immigration. Anyone who dares challenge them is immediately labelled a racist to shut down debate.