This Video Is A Disgrace

The fact that The Brussels Journal posts this appalling video does not imply that we or our collaborators agree with its distasteful content.

What's the crime rate of

What's the crime rate of non-whites vs non-whites? Maybe Britains (in their own country, not when on holiday in Spain) are just less violent in general..

In Reply to onecent

onencent: There was absolutely no point in adding black American crime rates into this video except to extend a racist agenda. It was totally unnecessary and had nothing to do with the Muslim immigration problems effecting Europe. I found it offense [sic] and racist.


The video clip concerned hate crimes committed against Whites by non-Whites and their reporting by the mass media. Therefore, Black-on-White hate crimes in hte United States are not off-topic. Rather, it is you who are off-topic. Non-Muslim Blacks in Europe are almost as much of a problem as Muslims. In the United States, Blacks are more of a problem than Muslims, although less than Hispanics.

@kapitein Andre

I stand corrected, on second viewing was on the focus was on black-on-white hate crimes committed. It is an almost non-reported situation in the US.

Anyone failing to notice......

There was absolutely no point in adding black American crime rates into this video except to extend a racist agenda.  It was totally unnecessary and had nothing to do with the Muslim immigration problems effecting Europe. I found it offense and racist.

I'm confused

Maybe TBJ should clarify this. When you call it "appalling" and "distasteful" were you being sarcastic? If not, then why did you put it on the site?

I don't see anything particularly racist or wrong with it; in fact, it is condemning racism.

Re: confusion

Think "tongue in cheek"!

"He that would make his own liberty secure must guard even his enemy from oppression; for if he violates this duty he establishes a precedent that will reach to himself.” – Thomas Paine

Kriss Donald et al

The video is powerful but would be more powerful still if it got all its facts straight:

1. Kriss Donald is not "Kriss Donaldson". He was a fifteen-year-old kidnapped, stabbed and set on fire simply for being white. The video should have made more of his case.

Kriss Donald was described in court as a defenceless, young, slightly built schoolboy who experienced "extreme terror" before he died. The 15-year-old was walking with friend Jamie Wallace in the Pollokshields area of Glasgow when they were set upon by Daanish Zahid and three others. Mr Wallace, 20, told the court that Kriss was bundled into a car after they were attacked in March. The teenager was later beaten, stabbed 13 times and set on fire.

2. Despite the video's claim to the contrary, the black murderer of Anthony Whelan has been found and incarcerated:

A man released from prison by mistake is to be detained indefinitely in the secure mental health unit at Broadmoor for stabbing a man to death on a bus.

You can imagine the outrage if official incompetence had allowed a white to murder a black under the same circumstances.


Other cases that could have been included:

Mary-Ann killers jailed for life

Photo: Indrit Krasniqi (top left), Adrian Thomas (top right), Jamaile Morally (centre left), Joshua Morally (centre right), Llewellyn Adams (bottom left) and Michael Johnson (bottom right) [Note how, with five blacks and one Albanian "asylum seeker" in the gang, the BBC puts the Albanian in the most prominent position.]

Six men have been jailed for life for the kidnap, torture and murder of schoolgirl Mary-Ann Leneghan. The 16-year-old was raped and beaten before being stabbed to death in Reading, Berkshire, in May last year.

During the investigation into the disappearance of Charlene Downes police uncovered evidence of a child sex ring offering girls as young as 12 to paedophiles leading them to believe she, along with other children in Blackpool, may have been sold for sex and forced into prostitution.

Police have apologised to the family of Peter Woodhams, 22, who was shot after challenging youths outside shops in Canning Town, east London, on Monday. On 21 January he was stabbed in the neck near the same parade of shops. Mr Woodhams's fiancee, Jane Bowden, said she phoned police repeatedly for five weeks but detectives never took a statement from her. No-one has been charged over the stabbing.

Politicians and journalists in white countries do not simply minimize and censor these crimes, they actively encourage them by their support for mass immigration and "anti-racism". They are criminally culpable for what is happening and should have to answer in court one day.

Let them do something productive.

Six men have been jailed for life for the kidnap, torture and murder of schoolgirl Mary-Ann Leneghan. The 16-year-old was raped and beaten before being stabbed to death in Reading, Berkshire, in May last year.

They will never do life. They'll be out within a few years and I just hope that the young lady's family will be waiting for them.
Viva la vendetta.

Vikings go Home !

Ovalteen: " Politicians and journalists in white countries do not simply minimize and censor these crimes, they actively encourage them by their support for mass immigration and "anti-racism". "

My thought, exactly.

" when they were set upon by Daanish Zahid and three others. "

Hmm, Daanish? probably a Dane.
--> Vikings go home !

Why the hedging?

The only distaste  I see here is that you feel the need to preemptively defend yourself  against  the coming fraudulent accusations  of 'hate speech' and 'racism' -   for merely relaying the truth.

Is the intimidation campaign taking its toll?  I hope not.

We've known the content of this video to be true for some time.   Thanks of posting it. More people need to be aware of the media whitewash campaign in all maters involving race relations.  

But please, please  drop the timidity and defensiveness when the truth is on your side.  Keep fighting the good fight. 

Why post it then?

"The fact that The Brussels Journal posts this appalling video does not imply that we or our collaborators agree with its distasteful content."
Why post in the first place then? Another fence sitting website.

Distasteful content

"The fact that The Brussels Journal posts this appalling video does not imply that we or our collaborators agree with its distasteful content."


I agree, the music was HORRIBLE!  When will people give that tired Canon a rest.

Attack by the Alabanians

Mr. Singh RIP was killed by a gang of Albanian Muslims because he was with some White friends.  Albanians are White! They're Europeans. Does the fact that they are Muslims cancel their Whiteness?

I often hear Hispanics, some of whom are lighter than I am, claim to be "people of color".


Yes, the fact that they are Muslims does in this case appear to indeed cancel their "whiteness." Obviously, these Muslim Albanians would have killed Albanian Roman-Catholic Mother Teresa if they had a chance. Taurus, Muslims kill non-muslims with impunity. Color does not matter. Jews, Christians, and Hindus are preferred...but bhuddists will do. The Muslim world has intruded and subjugated white Europe for a millenia, now. So, what else do you expect but that whites will now be killing whites (or their Sikh surrogates?) The problem is a civilizational one, not a racial one. Remember, it was the Christian white (slave-children) Janissaries that conquered Constantinople for Mehmet and the Turks, as well as the Balkans for the Caliphate. Christian child slaves, taken by Islam in the cruelest of all taxes. Brainwashing lives...Stalin would be proud. Children turning and murdering their parents, siblings, and countrymen. satan himself could not have done better. It's not about is about values.


The truth is often appalling. If anything the statistics for the US are understated. Murders, rapes and beating of White people are occurring at an alarming rate.

Even the most heinous such as the Wichita Massacre and the rape murder and mutilation of the couple in Knoxville TN ( I could name many more incidents)barely made the national news and only did because of a few brave talk show hosts.

The time is quickly approaching when the White population will realize that war against them has been declared and it will finally rise to defend itself. 

As a correction to the poster who described the shooting of Whites in the NY subway, I think he may be mistaken; not that there haven't been murders of Whites on the subways of all our major cities but that particular mass shooting happened on a Long Island Railway commuter train. The shooter was Colin Ferguson, a Jamaican immigrant who did announce his hatred of White people. He killed several and wounded a total of almost 20 people.  One of his  victims was a young woman of Korean heritage. Asians are also fair game. The widow of one of his victims is now a Congresswoman and an avid gun control advocate. Go Figure!!!

Should a Democratic President be elected, we canbe sure that there will be another major push for gun control.

Ferguson's defense was that he was a delusional psychotic. He's now living off the dime of the state of NY. Had there been someone aboard on that day  who was armed, maybe he never would have left the train.

So, what's the issue?

Anyone who pays attention knows this stuff. I can only assume that the guy who posted this video is being ironic when mentioning distasteful content. It is distasteful, all right. Thankfully, we here in the US are well armed and licensed to carry. Amazing how that cuts down on unprovoked assaults.

Dear Elephanthead,

Look, I agree with you about the right to bear arms. I have four beautiful daughters...should they all carry guns? Most of us do not live where guns are routinely carried. The problem is not a lack of arms, it is a lack of morality that is birthed from an islamic, racist, and nihilistic/atheistic/violent quasi-religious paradigm. Islam and secularism breed death, gleefully. But, now that you bring it up...I'm going to insist that they all from henceforth carry the weapons that I taught them to use. Let us all carry weapons, not only to protect ourselves, but to protect one-another.

Poor color choices

I think the only disgraceful things about the video are the color choices, which simply demonstrates that the creators are colorblind and therefore not racist.

In Response to Various Comments

Di Montani: If anyone has any legitimate disputation with the statistics herein displayed, let them offer their sources here and now.  Many of the numbers and criteria that this video cites are vaguely familiar to me from having read the original news-releases of their respective studies.  If anything, I would suggest that the true extent of the problem is far worse than portrayed even there has been an ongoing effort by both the government and the media to non-register and non-report these crimes.


Full agreement. I did not consider the numbers to be inflated, although it would take considerable research to verify the statistics used in the video. So-called academia, including the majority of students and faculty would of course declare the figures to be utter fabrications of the White Supremacist Capitalist Patriarchy, as Bell Hooks would have it.


Di Montani: Officially today, the U.S. and all State offices of Civil Rights openly proclaim that they DO NOT recognize racism or hate-crimes directed toward any white non-jewish, non-gay male.


Unfortunately, the same can be said of all such public agencies in Western countries.


Landen: In Belgium the government's anti-discrimination and anti-racism body CEOOR explicitely stated that discrimination by a minority group against a majority group is impossible...Discrimination against members of majority groups is called "positive discrimination."


I have come across White males who fervently support "positive discrimination", including professors willing to be overlooked for advancement in order that the female share of faculty is increased, and others from all walks of life prepared to have a substantially-reduced standard of living in order to provide aid and reparations (for the excesses of colonialism) to non-Whites in general and developing/underdeveloped groups in particular. Remove the plastic explosive and melodrama, and these "useful idiots" have a great deal in common with the suicide bombers of Baghdad and Gaza.


atheling: I wonder why they stress the "rise" of  racist driven crime in America and not the European continent?

Slavic ultra-nationalists and neo-fascists notwithstanding, the majority of activism against "positive discrimination" or "reverse racism" (note the inherent association of Whiteness and racism of the latter term) is Anglo-American derived. This may be due to structural factors such as legislation pertaining to free speech and socio-political activism and/or cultural factors, such as the propensity of various cultures to engage in such behavior. Furthermore, the United States is undergoing an 'invasion by any other name' courtesy of Mexico. These migrants are not of the same stock as those that arrived during the 19th and early 20th centuries. Indeed, research indicates that for all the Indian engineers and Chinese software developers, immigrants to the United States are on average less productive than American-born citizens and that this has began in the 1960s.


Certainly, continental Europe faces the same existential problem. However, for a variety of reasons it is not as publicized or debated as in the United States or the United Kingdom.

Positive racism

In Belgium the government's anti-discrimination and anti-racism body CEOOR explicitely stated that discrimination by a minority group against a majority group is impossible. This was in a case where a heterosexual had complained that he had been the victim of discrimination by a homosexual. Discrimination against members of majority groups is called "positive discrimination."

Hence, racial discrimination by non-whites against whites is also impossible (at least as long as whites are a majority in Europe). According to the authorities anti-white discrimination and ditto racism is simply impossible. They probably call it "positive racism."

Does anyone dispute this?

If anyone has any legitimate disputation with the statistics herein displayed, let them offer their sources here and now.  Many of the numbers and criteria that this video cites are vaguely familiar to me from having read the original news-releases of their respective studies.  If anything, I would suggest that the true extent of the problem is far worse than portrayed even there has been an ongoing effort by both the government and the media to non-register and non-report these crimes.  Officially today, the U.S. and all State offices of Civil Rights openly proclaim that they DO NOT recognize racism or hate-crimes directed toward any white non-jewish, non-gay male.  Such crimes, officially speaking, are technically impossible, and hence...non-enforceable.  

Examples that should be on the video

"If anything, I would suggest that the true extent of the problem is far worse than portrayed even there has been an ongoing effort by both the government and the media to non-register and non-report these crimes."

Years ago, I remember seeing a newsclip of a trial in NYC where a black man shot several white people in the subway. During the trial, he yelled out that he "hated white people". It was jaw dropping. The media NEVER showed that portion of the proceedings afterwards; furthermore, that case was swept under the rug as far as publicity goes.

Recently on college campuses in the US, the Left have made concerted efforts to stage "racist crimes" against minorities and especially against Muslims. During David Horowitz's "Islamofascism Awareness Week" last year on US colleges, leftist students wrote graffiti and even hung posters which were offensive and racist in an attempt that the media would attribute the offense to the "rightwingers" who participated in the Awareness week. Some of those students were caught, however there was little made of it and they received merely slaps on the wrist for it. Now that's truly a "hate crime"!

"He that would make his own liberty secure must guard even his enemy from oppression; for if he violates this duty he establishes a precedent that will reach to himself.” – Thomas Paine



I wonder why they stress the "rise" of  racist driven crime in America and not the European continent?


"He that would make his own liberty secure must guard even his enemy from oppression; for if he violates this duty he establishes a precedent that will reach to himself.” – Thomas Paine

Appalling and Distasteful Indeed !!

I guess the makers of this (I repeat appalling and distasteful) video don't know the (official, and therefore undisputable) truth that these minorities who attack whites are never to blame for their actions!  Indeed, they themselves are just the victim of the racist Western society they have to live in.  Poor souls, continuously tortured by having to live among the racist whites, they have often no other outlet but to use violence.  We should feel sorry for them, pamper them more, give them more free money et cetera, not making racist videos about them. Shame on the makers of this video and congratulations to the BJ for exposing them and their shame!

A Disgrace?

I don't think the video is a disgrace. I think the mainstream news media should be ashamed of their treasonous silence about these attacks.