Food into Fuel: The EU’s Biofools Make Matters Worse
From the desk of The Brussels Journal on Thu, 2008-01-24 15:24
A quote from Der Spiegel, 23 January 2008
The European Union has announced plans to increase the use of gas and diesel produced from plants. But the critique against biofuels is mounting. Many say they are even more harmful than conventional fossil fuels. […]
The evidence against biofuels marshalled by [Dr. Andrew] Boswell and other environmentalists appears quite damning. Advertised as a fuel that only emits the amount of carbon dioxide that the plants absorb while growing – making it carbon neutral – it actually has resulted in a profitable industrial sector attractive to countries around the world. Vast swaths of forest have been felled and burned in Argentina and elsewhere for soya plantations. Carbon-rich peat bogs are being drained and rain forests destroyed in Indonesia to make way for extensive palm oil farming.
Because the forests are often torched and the peat rapidly oxidizes, the result is huge amounts of CO2 being released into the atmosphere. Furthermore, healthy peat bogs and forests absorb CO2 – scientists refer to them as "carbon sinks" – making their disappearance doubly harmful. […]
Environmentalists say that emissions aren't the only serious problem created by the biofuel boom. Even crops grown in northern countries, like corn in the United States or rapeseed in Germany and the rest of Europe, harbor major dangers to the climate. Both maize and rapeseed are voracious consumers of nitrogen, leading farmers to use large quantities of nitrous oxide fertilizers. But when nitrous oxide is released into the atmosphere, it reflects 300 times as much heat as carbon dioxide does. […]
Another issue receiving increasing attention recently is that of rising food prices as foodstuffs are turned into fuel. Price increases for soybeans and corn hit developing countries particularly hard. […]
Slowly, it appears that some governments are beginning to listen to the chorus of criticisms. Last autumn, the Canadian province of Quebec announced that it would cease building plants to produce the biofuel ethanol. And on Monday, the UK's House of Commons Environmental Audit Committee called for a stop in the increase of biofuel use. "Biofuels can reduce greenhouse gas emissions from road transport. But at present, most biofuels have a detrimental impact on the environment overall," committee chairman Tim Yeo said, according to Reuters.
The European Union has reacted with anger to the UK report. Andris Piebalgs, European commissioner for energy, told the Guardian that "the Commission strongly disagrees with the conclusion of the British House of Commons report."
A quote from EUobserver, 24 January 2008
Corporate Europe Observatory, (CEO) a lobby watchdog group based in the Netherlands, is worried that the [European Commission] is taking into account the interests of the biofuel industry and ignoring the warnings of scientists, noting that the EU Joint Research Centre and the UK Parliament Environmental Audit Committee (EAC) have expressed strong doubts about biofuel sustainability, with the EAC calling for a moratorium on biofuel targets. […]
"Most biofuels now appear to be worse for the climate than oil," said Friends of the Earth Europe's Sonja Meister. "There is not enough good agriculture land to grow food, feed and biofuels. The JRC report said any expansion in Europe would mean ploughing grasslands, which will result in huge greenhouse gas emissions," she added.
re: poor debate
Submitted by Atlanticist911 on Sat, 2008-01-26 01:01.
Poor debate? That's rich coming from you.
Anyway,what is there to debate?
* Existing Petroleum dependency enriches (i) Arab and Iranian Petro-Thugocracies and future dependency will be (ii) a threat to Western national security interests.
* Any switch to biofuel technology appears to be detrimental to the economic interests of the peoples of the Third World,and the blame for this will inevitably be placed at the feet of Western government leaders in general and George W Bush in particular.
* The nuclear option is invariably frowned upon by self-loathing Westerners like yourself,unless it is seen as being beneficial to the interests of (i) and detrimental to the interests of (ii).
So,I repeat,what is there to debate?
Dear AL...
Submitted by Atlanticist911 on Fri, 2008-01-25 15:02.
Dear AL who?
poor debate
Submitted by kappert on Fri, 2008-01-25 17:54.
So all you have to comment is on Bono-one-man-show, and Al-mighty-earth-cleaner, searching in hmmm-websites?
What about comments on the issue?
@ Everybody
Submitted by Atlanticist911 on Fri, 2008-01-25 00:56.
I'm aware that I am known here for having a 'unique' sense of humour but I wish to assure everybody that I did NOT deliberately link to that "questionable" site.My sincere apologies for the unintended faux pas.
Submitted by Monarchist on Fri, 2008-01-25 00:24.
Bono paraded also with "poor" Chilean communists. Old hippie.
That should be: BREITBART.COM
Submitted by Atlanticist911 on Thu, 2008-01-24 22:55.
see: "Bono confesses sins to 'father' Al Gore"
Alert to Atlanticist911
Submitted by atheling on Thu, 2008-01-24 23:28.
Your link opens to a questionable site... Yikes!
"He that would make his own liberty secure must guard even his enemy from oppression; for if he violates this duty he establishes a precedent that will reach to himself.” – Thomas Paine
re: costly fuel means costly calories
Submitted by Atlanticist911 on Thu, 2008-01-24 22:46.
Go tell your sob story to these two clowns,not me!
"Bono and Gore were in Davos to push their respective campaigns for POVERTY ALLEVIATION and REDUCING CARBON EMISSIONS".
Costly Fuel Means Costly Calories
Submitted by kappert on Thu, 2008-01-24 17:49.
Please, read this: