European Parliament Grants President Arbitrary Powers

A quote from Daniel Hannan MEP at his blog, 25 January 2008

Yesterday, the President of the [European] Parliament, Hans-Gert Pöttering, asked for, and was granted, arbitrary powers to suspend the rules of the institution in order to disadvantage the tiny number of MEPs [Members of the European Parliament] who want a referendum on the European Constitution/Lisbon Treaty. […] Hans-Gert openly admitted that the behaviour of his Euro-sceptic opponents was within the rules. And he wasn’t asking to change those rules – a procedure that would take time. No, he simply wanted permission to disregard them. Permission was duly granted, by 20 committee votes to 3. […]

[T]he President of the European Parliament already enjoys considerable discretionary powers. But MEPs have two rights that even he cannot override: we can demand that votes be counted electronically rather than by a show-of-hands (a slightly slower procedure, but a more accurate one, and one that allows everyone to see how their MEPs voted); and we can ask for the right to explain, in not more than one minute, why we voted as we did.

A handful of pro-referendum MEPs [...] decided to make full use of both procedures in order to protest about the cancellation of the promised referendums and the implementation of large parts of the constitution in anticipation of formal ratification. […] Two dozen MEPs making a series of one minute speeches hardly constitutes a filibuster. [...] But even this is intolerable to the parliamentary authorities. Blinded by their resentment of “anti-Europeans”, which is in turn a surrogate for the fear and contempt they feel for their own electorates, they have abandoned any pretence at legality in order to prevent us making our point in the chamber. The very sound of someone calling for a referendum is offensive to their guilty ears. The sight of even so moderate and respectable an MEP as Kathy Sinnot, an Irish disability rights campaigner, wearing a tee-shirt with the word “REFERENDUM” has led to her being summoned for disciplinary action.

What they really hate, my federalist colleagues, is being reminded of the fact that they all supported referendums until it became clear they would lose them. We are their bad consciences, the ghosts at their feast.

Official EU site on Lisbon Treaty - admitting the Lisbon fraud!

Official EU website also states Lisbon Treaty equals the rejected EU constitution:


Reform treaty: cosmetic changes to avoid referendums, says Giscard d'Estaing
Intergovernmental Conference - 17-07-2007 - 17:02

According to Valery Giscard d'Estaing (the former Convention President), the European Council has agreed only cosmetic changes to the rejected constitution to avoid the risk of further referendums on ratification. The former President of the Convention on the Future of Europe gave this assessment to the Constitutional Affairs' Committee on Tuesday during a discussion which also included Portuguese Foreign Minister Luis Amado for the Council presidency.

It is the same as saying that the constitutional contract formerly rejected by public voting is now being accepted in a disguised form by the parliaments of the member states.

For the above reason the ratification should be stopped as such. Not even referendums make any sense, because the very same treaty has already been officially refused by the peoples of Europe in 2005. Any form of initiating the acceptance of a constitution formerly rejected by public vote is merely an act of disregarding the outcome of free and fair elections. Since the new EU is a legal entity entitled to act as a state, any democratic state should grant to its all citizens that their representatives are DIRECTLY elected by public voting. But the EU constitution and the Lisbon Treaty establishes a state the decision-makers of which will NOT be directly elected by the citizens. The ratification process performed by a group of politicians thus eliminates the most fundamental democratic right of 500 million European citizens for free and fair elections.

Referendums make no sense for other secondary reasons as well: because of the control of mass-media by those who have initiated the above act to being with.

Therefore the ratification process of the Lisbon Treaty calls for immediate legal action against the parliaments participating in the process.

We recommend that in all countries the civil organizations would initiate legal actions against their political leaders if they continue the ratification process of the Lisbon Treaty. The legal actions may be taken with reference to the country-specific constitutional laws and international laws, by using the disclosed evidence of leading politicians' statements as the above or those of the EP member, Jens-Peter Bonde, (, who has posted an Index and a detailed comparative analysis of the formerly rejected EU constitution and its new disguised form, the Lisbon Treaty.

PDF Document: Updated tables of comparison

PDF Document: Comparing INDEX

Will you all just sti still?

Will all of Europe just sit still and let this gang of thieves steal your countries from you?


When is the general uprising in all European countries to take place? It would be much better if it happened everywhere at once. That would be so much more difficult for them to put down and so much more clear as to the intent. If  you do it piecemeal, they will easily suppress it, but a general uprising all across Europe they could not stop. When will it be?

The entire representation-based democracy failed

The entire representation-based democracy failed because of liberalism

In fact what we need is that all Americans and Europeans come together to fight back this gang.

We should use the same weapons as this gang uses. The gang feeds the masses with lies through their politicians and the news providers, and destroy the society's morality and thinking capacity with the liberal trash- philosophy through the so called "entertainment" industry. Then the gang can do whatever they want with the result: the outcome is the large masses of robots obeying the rules set by these "official" "education-machines". The masses gladly let themselves slaughter by blindly following the principles they hear from the TV.

The weapon against this gang could be a general boycott of the main mass media along with the establishment of a mass internet media, which would eliminate the liberal-anarchist anti-state ideology.

Due to the infections of liberalism in the long run the whole system of representation-based democracy should be changed, because a representation-based democracy would require total honesty and respect of the law by the politicians, but liberalism has acknowledged fraud as a political right (liberty) thus made it "legitimate" in democracy and eliminated trust in the realm of the representation-based politics as it is today.

Any trust-based system has failed and would fail on the liberal morality (amorality), which has given the liberty of lying to politicians. Since dictatorships are rooted in deception, in consequence liberalism has given the liberty to democracy to be transformed into dictatorship.
This is the process we witness to both in the US and in Europe.

@Marvin Brenik

The weapon against this gang could be a general boycott of the main mass media along with the establishment of a mass internet media, which would eliminate the liberal-anarchist anti-state ideology.

Your message wont find its way to people. This gang could be beaten by force only, proper generals in military should take over the power. Thus this is better to provide them these informations. Anyway we need to wait till those damn socialists ruin our economy. This is risky plan of course but nothing else would work.

Re: "bad conscience"

"We are their bad consciences, the ghosts at their feast."

Beware.  Evil people do not respond well to those who make whatever little conscience they have "twinge".


"He that would make his own liberty secure must guard even his enemy from oppression; for if he violates this duty he establishes a precedent that will reach to himself.” – Thomas Paine

Re: Reichstag fires

@Mystery Meat:

They don't need to. They've got Muslims to do it for them with their frequent "carbeques".

"He that would make his own liberty secure must guard even his enemy from oppression; for if he violates this duty he establishes a precedent that will reach to himself.” – Thomas Paine