And Nobody Is Shocked

A quote from the Italian press agency AKI, 14 February 2008

Association of Moroccan Women in Italy president, Souad Sbai, claims that some Muslim women in the north of Italy are being kept chained up in their homes. “In northern Italy, there are women that live chained at home, from the kitchen to the bathroom, without being able to open the door,” said the leader of the women’s group. In the North [of Italy] there are 4 and 5 year old girls that wear the [Islamic] veil in the summer, and in the winter. This is the culture of male chauvinists, of fundamentalists – and nobody is shocked”.

Opportunity knocks

Does this shock you,Stephen Pollard?If it does,perhaps this is your opportunity to sign up with the BJ and tell us what YOU think,or perhaps what WE should think.Well?