Gay Lobby Goes To School
From the desk of Tiberge on Thu, 2008-02-21 16:34
Education is very much in the news at the French websites. Besides the plan to artificially inoculate children against racism - the world's most malignant disease, as we all know, there may soon be a free rein, granted by the courts, for gay rights groups to spread anti-homophobia propaganda in the high schools.
Le Salon Beige summarizes an article by Catholic writer Jeanne Smits that appears in the paper publication Présent. It deals with a court decision handed down in the city of Nancy, upholding a ban on the distribution of anti-homophobic materials, a decision that has now been revoked:
The appeals court of Nancy, in overturning the verdict of the administrative tribunal, repudiated the decision by the school district of Nancy-Metz to refuse a request from the homosexual association Couleurs Gaies [Gay Colors] for permission to lead a campaign in the high-schools against "homophobia." The superintendent of schools will now have to reexamine the issue within three months. There is good reason, therefore, to predict that in the near future, the young people of Lorraine will be subjected to the propaganda of Couleurs Gaies. [...]
The appeals court merely followed the advice of the government's commissioner in this matter. "The sense of general interest appears to be established in this case," declared the court at the January 24 hearing (translate "general interest" as being that of the homosexual community). The court added that the work of Couleurs Gaies "cannot be seriously questioned by the superintendent."
The High Authority in the Fight Against Discrimination and For Equality, known as HALDE, also petitioned by Couleurs Gaies, marshaled its forces [...] The refusal, HALDE insists, resulted from the practice of discrimination: the case had been subjected to "different treatment, characteristic of discrimination based on sexual orientation." In other words, if we were to become indignant over the right of Couleurs Gaies to go into the schools and explain to the students that the practice of homosexuality is not morally condemnable, we would ourselves be guilty of discrimination.
This is part of a larger scheme to program youngsters into accepting all behaviors, groups, races, and religions as equal. However it does not include Christian morality as one of those "equal" beliefs.
Hope vs hopelessness
Submitted by Atlanticist911 on Fri, 2008-02-22 18:01.
Yeah, I too saw that article:
I also noticed the caption under the photo showing the annual Tel Aviv gay and lesbian pride march.Then I saw this and looked for a similar photo and caption,without success.,7340,L-3509570,00.html
I wonder in which society those Iranian homosexuals would feel safest? No,actually,I don't.
Submitted by ovalteen on Fri, 2008-02-22 02:03.
"This is part of a larger scheme to program youngsters into accepting all behaviors, groups, races, and religions as equal..."
Only in the Animal Farm sense, whereby some groups are more equal than others. Non-whites are to be more equal than whites; Muslims than Christians; women than men; homosexuals than heterosexuals; etc. In short, any oppressed group is to be more equal than its oppressor. In each case, the oppressor threatens the power of the crypto-communist elite, which is why it must be thrust down.
Submitted by peter vanderheyden on Fri, 2008-02-22 16:25.
Their is hope though. A Shas MK has scientific proof that Gays are causing earthquakes.
"Shlomo Benizri, of the ultra-Orthodox Jewish Shas party, suggested that the tremors could be stopped through the simple expedient of repealing various liberalising laws on homosexuality that have been passed by the Israeli parliament, or Knesset, in recent years."
The scientific proof was to be found in the Thora.
If we can spread the wordthe world may understand that not all behaviour is equal.
If not, I don't dare to think about the earthquake that is going to hit Europe. It will be much bigger than everything ever seen!
The 'cross' of Lorraine
Submitted by Atlanticist911 on Thu, 2008-02-21 18:17.
"This is part of a larger scheme to program youngsters into accepting all behaviors,groups,races,and religions as equal.However,it does not include Christian morality as one of those "equal" beliefs".
Agreed.And it is unlikely that it will go down well with the local Muslim population either,but perhaps giving a whole new meaning to the terms,'Nancy boy' and 'The Cross of Lorraine'.