Speaking to the Young

Le Salon Beige, a French blog, received an email from a reader who took his children to visit the Basilica of Saint Denis, near Paris, where the kings of France are buried. The blog writes:

He was surprised by the brochure entitled "Tour of Discovery for the Young":

First, on page 8, he read: "Dagobert, the first king buried in Saint-Denis. [...] A contemporary of Mohammed, Dagobert was King of the Franks from 629 to 639."

Then, on page 9, [...] "In the Bible we find the story of the Angel Gabriel, the very one who would bring the Koran to Mohammed, who announces to Mary, a young girl engaged to Joseph, that she will soon give birth to a son named Jesus."

It seems that Christianity is being explained and taught only in relation to Islam. It is as if young people in France can only relate to Christianity through references to Islam.

Dhimmis will not be spared by the muslim thugs

The french collaborationists who are behind these texts try to save their life with showing a good face to the muslim invader, but it will certainly not save them from the butcher's knife.The history books are rewritten everywhere in France to please to the intolerant sect of Islam. Watch Arte (the french-german "cultural" TV channel) and you will see all the time programs trying to show the good sides of islam while all the programs about the US are to denigrate and mock it. Goebbels is really doing a great job at Arte. The time is counted in France for freedom and civilization, and barbary waits for its hour.

subtle propaganda # 2



I think that you are denying, perhaps not the obvious, but certainly what is likely.  This is not "subtle" propaganda.  And, if it also appears in American texts, then it was most likely NOT put there by "muslims", but by 'secular western lefties'.  Probably by 'episcopalians', or perhaps at the instigation of the Archbishop of Canterbury himself.

Allah is no God

Allah is not the same god as Jahweh, since the latter had a son and the first not.

therefore in a monotheistic view, Allah cannot be God to a Christian.




Subtle propaganda

I see the same thing in the US. Subtle references to Islam and Mo working their way into text in a contrived fashion in our textbooks and various documentation.  Those Muslims are busy little bees.