Be Very Careful When You Read Us
From the desk of The Brussels Journal on Mon, 2008-05-12 11:14
A quote from Stephen Pollard at his Spectator blog, 12 May 2008
I've mentioned the Brussels Journal before; a site which plays straight into the Islamists' hands by genuinely hating Muslims. It doesn't just warn about radical Islam; it campaigns against Muslims per se. And its modus operandi is to ally with fascist organisations in Europe.
Be very careful when you read articles on the Brussels Journal. Some of the writers seem plausible; some are indeed experts in other fields. But always remember the strategy they follow. Some of the allies they work with are no less repellent than the Islamists we need to defend ourselves against.
Take, for instance, a look here: the left sidebar flags up the 'British Nationalist Forum' (I won't link to it but you can access it via the Brussels Journal). I think everyone should now have the measure of the Brussels Journal.
A comment by the editor of The Brussels Journal:
We do not hate Muslims, we do not campaign against Muslims or any other people. We campaign against the expansion of Islam (an ideology) in Europe.
The ad by the BNF is a paid advertisement, like the one by the International Muslim Matrimonial Site, which another neoconservative blog criticized us for, saying we make “stacks of cash advertising facilities and services dedicated to fostering Islamic demographic growth.”
By the way: as far as we know the British Nationalist Forum has nothing to do with the BNP. We are, however, prepared to run ads of the BNP (or any other legal political party or “matrimonial site”) if they pay for them.
Unfortunately, we do not make “stacks of cash.” In fact, we are an organisation of volunteers who put their own time, work and money into this website. We need the help of our readers in order to survive.
If you find that The Brussels Journal is of value and you would like to support its existence, you can find a paypal donate button at the top of the right sidebar. Or you can wire a sum to the account of the Society for the Advancement of Freedom in Europe (SAFE), Zürich, Switzerland.
Just send us an email if you want to know the account’s IBAN and BIC.
Submitted by Kapitein Andre on Wed, 2008-05-14 01:54.
johnnycanuck: ...Pollard and Phillips will not discuss immigration policy...they have an agenda that the average European cannot be expected to share.
Both are Jewish. They thus tread a tightrope as they attempt to secure Jews and Israel from Muslims both at home and abroad, and at the same time prevent a recurrence of the anti-Semitism that exploded during the surge of nationalism in the 19th and 20th centuries. Having invested greatly in the latter endeavor, they [Jewish intellectuals] now are doing an about-face to counter the demographic tide they cleared the way for.
Pollard is probably worried
Submitted by johnnycanuck on Tue, 2008-05-13 19:49.
that actual defenders of the West and its people are being strengthened by the current clash of civilisations.
Pollard like all neocons and liberals sees the West as mere territory on which one can have liberal universalist values. The authentic nations that make up the West are no more attractive to him than are the Islamists. If Westerners defended their nations with the same gusto Pollard manages to muster up for Israel and liberal democracy he'd be yelling 'fascists' at them.
His fellow Speccie blogger Melanie Phillips is another one. Year after year she warns about the Islamic danger to Europe but never talks about immigration. Instead Westerners must shed their blood in Mesopotamia trying to turn Arab Muslims into secular middle class self-hating liberals just like us in the West! That Pollard and Phillips will not discuss immigration policy - the easiest way to deal with radical Islam in Europe - tells us they have an agenda that the average European cannot be expected to share.
easiest way to deal with Islam in Europe
Submitted by Armor on Tue, 2008-05-13 22:09.
Johnnycanuck: "That Pollard and Phillips will not discuss immigration policy - the easiest way to deal with radical Islam in Europe - tells us they have an agenda that the average European cannot be expected to share."
Besides, critics of the BJ, like Pollard, Frogman and LGF's Johnson, tend to condemn immigration restrictionists in the name of anti-racism (a strange conception of anti-racism!), but they are not honest about it. They won't say straight out that they are in favor of replacing Europeans with third-world immigrants. Instead, they will call us racists if we protest against the mass immigration policy. The worst is when they call themselves conservatives.
BJ: " like the [advertisement] by the International Muslim Matrimonial Site, which another neoconservative blog criticized us for "
That's Frogman. He is angry that I called him a PC frog in one of my comments. So, he takes it out on the BJ.
Pollard insults Brussels Journalness
Submitted by Mystery Meat on Mon, 2008-05-12 17:42.
Off with his head!!
Stephen Pollard is a cross
Submitted by THE DOCTOR on Mon, 2008-05-12 13:55.
Stephen Pollard is a cross that we Brits have to bear , he is a moron of the first water ; it is sad that the Spectator has to employ him . I would suggest that a job on the Iran Daily News would be more appropriate .
Good quote
Submitted by Amsterdamsky on Mon, 2008-05-12 13:19.
I heard some guy in Amsterdam say (more or less) "I love muslims that's why I want to protect them from their very evil religion". Works for me. Islam is not a race but more like the Borg overpowering and destroying or assimilating all before them.
The taboo of islam critics and the european secularism
Submitted by achille on Mon, 2008-05-12 12:21.
For the multiculturalist/secularist westerners we should not criticize "islam per se" and Theo Van Gogh,A.Hirsi Ali,Taslima Nasreen,G.Wilders... should better SHUT UP and rotten politics prefer apologizing to muslims than defend their own citizens and free-speech...
Multiculturalist try to portray those who criticize ISLAM as MUSLIM HATERS by a dishonest semantic shift...
That's the war of words
" Some of the allies they
Submitted by Amsterdamsky on Mon, 2008-05-12 11:31.
" Some of the allies they work with are no less repellent than the Islamists we need to defend ourselves against."
That would be Little Green Footballs in my book but somehow I don't think that was what the author meant.