Koran Subsidy
From the desk of The Brussels Journal on Wed, 2008-05-28 11:27
A quote from the Dutch press agency NIS, 27 May 2008
The Amsterdam police corps is giving its officers a discount if they buy the Koran translation of writer Kader Abdolah. Officers should thereby be encouraged to get a better insight into Islam, according to a corps spokesman. [...] Officers who buy the book pay half price. The other half is paid out of the Amsterdam police budget.
For their own sake let's hope they actually read said book...
Submitted by FLLegal on Thu, 2008-05-29 06:59.
If the cops were to read the Quran and other Islamic writings, then they would know that Islam is not the "peaceful religion" the deluded and deceived claim it to be. After reading it, they might, understandably so, double up on the ammo, and lock and load.
But they actually don't need the Quran or other Islamic writings to know that Islam is a vile barbaric violent political and religious ideology, they only need to open their eyes and look around at the murdering violent rotten fruit of Islam. Not only are they intimidating, killing or tyrannizing their own, they are also doing the same to others throughout the world. By their "fruits" you will know them. There is nothing good about Islam.
By the way, I have read the Quran from front to back, and it reads as if it was written by a babbling nut. The most boring piece of crap I think I have ever read. Even crapier, readability wise, than that garbage called "Mein Kampf".
It is amazing that such book never ended up in the trash heap where it belongs, but perhaps it didn't due to the one who inspired it, i.e. the false crescent moon "god" allah a/k/a Satan the father of all lies who comes to kill, steal, and destroy. Gee it sounds like he too is a Muslim!!!!
Better give them some Ibn
Submitted by Emigrantus on Thu, 2008-05-29 04:09.
Better give them some Ibn Warraq/Robert Spencer/... to read.
A modest proposal
Submitted by Mystery Meat on Wed, 2008-05-28 17:12.
Does that mean the Amsterdam police corps will also make discounted copies of Mein Kampf available to the police? This might give the police a better insight into far right ideologies.
Uses for this book .
Submitted by THE DOCTOR on Wed, 2008-05-28 15:52.
I suppose that one could also use it for target practice or if you run short of toilet paper , cannot think of anything else to do with it .