Living on Past Capital

A quote from Michael Nazir-Ali, the Bishop of Rochester, in Standpoint, June 2008

It is indeed ironic that Britain had to cope with large numbers of people from other faiths and cultures arriving at exactly the time when there was a catastrophic loss of Christian discourse. Thus Christian hospitality, which should have welcomed the new arrivals on the basis of Britain’s Christian heritage, to which they would be welcome to contribute, was replaced by the newfangled and insecurely founded doctrine of multiculturalism. This offered “tolerance” rather than hospitality, in some cases benign neglect rather than engagement, and an emphasis on cultural and religious distinctiveness rather than integration. […] [T]he result has been segregated communities and parallel lives, rather than an awareness of belonging together and a common citizenship which foster integration and respect for fundamental freedoms for all. […]

While some acknowledge the debt which Britain owes to the Judaeo-Christian tradition, they claim also that the values derived from it are now free-standing and that they can also be derived from other world-views. As to them being free-standing, the danger, rather, is that we are living on past capital which is showing increasing signs of being exhausted. Values and virtues by which we live require what Bishop Lesslie Newbigin called “plausibility structures” for their continuing credibility. They cannot indefinitely exist in a vacuum. […]

The assumptions and values by which we live have been formed in the crucible of the Christian faith and its aftermath, the Enlightenment. This is the result of a quite specific history, and it is not at all necessary that such beliefs and values should arise in or survive in quite different contexts. To argue for the continuing importance of these is not necessarily to argue for the privileging of any Church. It is quite possible to imagine a situation where there is no established Church, but where Christian discourse remains important for public life. For better or for worse, the United States is a good example of such a situation.

Unlikely bedfellows... - not

During discussion about Mr. Belien's article, two commenters contended that characterization of most secularists as considering "Islam a useful ally in their attempt to eradicate Christianity" is baseless.

Well, there is no single all encompassing, "smoking gun" evidence but there are enough tiny bits. Bishops writing has provided another one -- British National Secular Society says "Bishop Nazir Ali Risks Doing The BNP's Work For Them"

and goes on to misrepresent Bishop's remarks as follows:

"Terry Sanderson, President of the NSS said: “Bishop Nazir Ali’s remarks are ill-advised, dangerous and manipulative. He is playing a very dangerous game with these repeated scaremongering tactics against Muslims, and risks doing the BNP’s work for them. He risks creating even more hostility towards the Muslim community in this country – and community relations are already very fragile in some places.”

There you have it -- mere expression of concern about radical Islamism is "scaremongering tactics" against "Muslim community", and results in secularists call for head of Church to no less than "discipline him and prevent him from making further inflammatory statements".

Thankfully, any person understanding English can read Bishop's article and see how these denouncements correspond to what's really written. I'd say: they  are plain ludicrous, ugly in their animus, and vividly demonstrate where the National Secular Society stands in the "three-way culture war" Mr. Belien mentioned. It is just a question of whether similar stances are common to most committed European secularists, and IMO they are.

Greatest of these is charity jumping

"It is indeed ironic that Britain had to cope with large numbers of people from other faiths and cultures arriving at exactly the time when there was a catastrophic loss of Christian discourse."

That's like saying it's "ironic" to be struck down with disease when your immune system collapses. A self-confidently Christian nation would not have allowed itself to be settled by huge numbers of non-Christians. Self-confidently Muslim nations don't allow themselves be to settled by non-Muslims, nor does self-confidently Jewish Israel allow itself to be settled by non-Jews. Though I support his comments, Nazir-Ali doesn't go far enough and is himself a symptom of the disease: no white bishop could say what he has said, because a white bishop would be witch-hunted for racism and xenophobia. So until white bishops are saying it too, we continue sliding down the slope towards destruction. The church is rotten with cultural Marxism and PC and, unlike Nazir-Ali, our other "ethnic bish" isn't doing anything to help. Sentamu is a publicity-hungry buffoon:

Archbishop's charity parachute jump to be rescheduled

Tuesday 27 May 2008

The Archbishop of York, John Sentamu, has been forced to abandon his charity parachute jump due to bad weather. The parachute jump will now take place on Friday 6 June 2008 at Langar Airfield, Nottingham. Dr Sentamu was to jump from 12,500ft with the Parachute Regiment's Red Devils team to raise money for families of soldiers injured in Afghanistan. But organisers at Langar Airfield in Nottinghamshire were forced to call off the jump this morning amid strong winds, driving rain and low cloud.

Dr Sentamu said: "It's just like somebody who has been training for a match and is told "Sorry mate, the match is off". But we know we are going to come back. I was ready, but we needed to be able to see!"

I've said the same thing

"It is indeed ironic that Britain had to cope with large numbers of people from other faiths and cultures arriving at exactly the time when there was a catastrophic loss of Christian discourse"

Yes! Quite ironic indeed. I've noticed quite a few things which have the timing of a perfect storm.


The Islamic Lands sitting on the most valuable resouce on this planet , oil, for thousands of years.  All of that oil laying dormant , until just as the time come where islam was in a death spiral, the West invents machines that consume oil. Now all the world's weath is being funneled to Militant Islamic countries.

As the breed-like-rabbits Muslims move into the West, the West decides to chemically sterilize their women and/or abort their newborns.

Just as Iran gets one deranged leader more deranged than the previous, the West and Israel are having  a "Who can suggest the most Peace Talks with the Brutal Dicator of Iran Per Day"

Just as the Muslim countries have leaders who are more and more pious with regards to their teachings, we have leaders who seemingly view Religion with contempt and leaders who believe in thier holy book as fools.

Just as Muslims are underming our cultures, we in the West are more than happy to assist.

All that and more I'm sure.