Forza Europa: Wilders and Danish People’s Party Discuss Cooperation

Dutch politician Geert Wilders, the maker of the anti-Koran movie Fitna, received a standing ovation after a speech he gave on Sunday in the Danish Parliament. Wilders was in Copenhagen at the invitation of the Danish Free Press Association (Trykkefrihedsselskabet). The speech was attended by the leaders of the Dansk Folkeparti (DF, Danish People’s Party), a conservative party that defends Danish national identity and sovereignty. The DF is the third largest party in Denmark. It supports a minority government of Conservatives and Liberals in exchange for strict immigration policies. Last Saturday, Wilders lunched with Pia Kjaersgaard, the DF leader.

The Dutch politician also met Kurt Westergaard, the Danish cartoonist whom Muslim extremists aim to assassinate because he drew a cartoon of the prophet Muhammad. Westergaard had criticised Wilders for using his cartoon in the Fitna movie without asking the artist’s permission. Wilders said he had a very pleasant conversation with Westergaard, whom he invited to the Netherlands.

In the Danish Parliament Wilders spoke to a packed audience. He told them that he and DF leader Kjaersgaard discussed ways to establish “informal cooperation between likeminded parties in Europe.” In an interview with Dutch radio after the meeting Wilders explained that it is important that the leaders of parties who defend European identity and national sovereignty meet before the EU summits to discuss a common strategy. “If we coordinate our actions our impact on the governments at home will be bigger,” he said. The sovereignty of the European nations is being eroded by the attempts of the European political establishment to transform the European union into a superstate.

Yesterday, the Belgian newspaper De Standaard quoted Wilders as saying that he hopes contacts can be established between the parties which want to stop “the flow of Muslims to Europe” and the “growing Islamization of the West” but which do this in a civilized manner. “We are not considering contacts with extremist parties such as those of Le Pen,” Wilders said. The politician did not want to elaborate further and refused to answer De Standaard’s question whether he had already been in contact with the Flemish-secessionist, Eurosceptic and anti-Islamisation Vlaams Belang party in Belgium. “These are only the first steps. Vlaams Belang? No, Belgium is not on the agenda yet.”

Wilders’ recent announcement that he intends to run for the European elections in June next year is eliciting nervous reactions among the Dutch establishment parties. The Dutch newspaper Algemeen Dagblad reports today that the other parties want to bring very strong candidates in the field to counter Wilders. “[We need] a real heavyweight. Perhaps a former minister,” a spokesman of the Liberal Party told the paper.


In an interview with Dutch radio
after the meeting Wilders explained that it is important that the
leaders of parties who defend European identity and national
sovereignty meet before the EU summits to discuss a common strategy.

Good idea. Anti-immigration parties from all over Europe should have their own summits. Like governments in exile. The people who share their views but are too stupid to vote right then see what could be if they stopped voting "social" or "christian" "democrats" or stuff like that.

Of course these parties also need their own media. It is unbelievable that these don't even exist in countries where right parties get 30% of the votes (Switzerland, Flanders). Conservatives think there is an 11th commandment: "Conservatives shall whine about the media all day, but they shall never, never, never establish their own."


re: ZIf's v Mh's

"The only thing I know for sure is that europe will suffer".


Thanks for that startling admission.I'll remind you about it the next time you opine on some totally unrelated issue.

Hitler vs. Stalin

Kind of like Hitler invading the USSR really. Zionist Israel firsters vs. Muslim hoards. The only thing I know for sure is that europe will suffer.

Solidarity needed among the infidels

Yes, if Mr Wilders and others among the religious right, can mobilize the forces for the good to challenge the islamic savage gangs, part of the battle is won. It is partly a psy war - war of wits and war of words. Millions of web sites and blogs are spreading lies of the green brigade - better than any of the hitlerian Goebbels' gang.

I am sure the one billion Indian infidels would readily join us in this opportunity. Of course the commies among them have to be straightened out though. The commie puppets of Nepali muslims have been too vicious against the helpless Monarchy there. I wish Mr Wilders and the Danish Monarch [and other EU Monarchs] helped him.

...common strategy...

"In an interview with Dutch radio after the meeting Wilders explained that it is important that the leaders of parties who defend European identity and national sovereignty meet before the EU summits to discuss a common strategy."

Wishing the best of luck to Mr. Wilders, but how is that going to become a reality? There ought to be some reasons why, for instance, there are three small groups of MEPs in European Parliament, which are concerned with national sovereignity, rather than one or at least two. UEN, which includes representatives of Alleanza Nazionale, Lega Nord, and Dansk Folkeparti among others, eurosceptic IND/DEM, of which UKIP has the biggest representation, and now defunct ITS (FPÖ, Vlaams Belang, Front National and others).

Such fragmentation is difficult to explain just by anxiety over political liability of having to justify and defend being in the same fraction as, say, Vlaams Belang.

Maybe the new rules of EU Parliament aimed at doing away with the small fractions will help to consolidate somehaw...

Western Conservatives Unite!

It would be nice if Conservatives from the West would unite to beat back the Liberals/Socialists who have already united long ago.

Our actions would go a long way toward turning the tide against the people who wish to destroy national sovereignty by creating things like the EU Superstate or the soon-to-come North American Union between the US, Mexico and Canada (which is modeled after the failed EU).

We might also make a united stand against the Islamization of the West.

The developments in Denmark are a good first step.

I encourage any readers of the Brussels Journal to check out To The Point News

The website is truly an oasis of rational Conservatism.