Pertinent Questions
From the desk of The Brussels Journal on Tue, 2008-06-03 08:01
A quote from Diana West at her blog, 2 June 2008
Reading about [...] the suicide-bombing of the already skeleton-staffed Danish embassy essentially live on the Internet, I want to know about Pakistan's nuclear arsenal: namely, is it possible to destroy it, remove it (military options) or just neutralize it (spy stuff)? And if not, why not? […]
Denmark recently downgraded the embassy [in Pakistan] and moved out most foreign staff. In April, Denmark moved embassy staff in Algeria and Afghanistan to secret locations.
Moved out most foreign – i.e., Danish--staff? Embassies in secret locations? Welcome to the Islamic world as Western war zone. What do we get out of being there?
Friends like this
Submitted by Charles Bogle on Tue, 2008-06-03 18:59.
Is Pakistan a Staunch Ally or a Strategic Partner in our (USA) Global War on Terror?
I keep forgeting.
When a country is not
Submitted by RettenTilSelvforsvar on Tue, 2008-06-03 13:52.
When a country is not willing to use any means to protect a foreign embassy, it should automatically be considered an act of aggression against the foreign nation and its allies.