Pertinent Questions

A quote from Diana West at her blog, 2 June 2008

Reading about [...] the suicide-bombing of the already skeleton-staffed Danish embassy essentially live on the Internet, I want to know about Pakistan's nuclear arsenal: namely, is it possible to destroy it, remove it (military options) or just neutralize it (spy stuff)? And if not, why not? […]

Denmark recently downgraded the embassy [in Pakistan] and moved out most foreign staff. In April, Denmark moved embassy staff in Algeria and Afghanistan to secret locations.

Moved out most foreign – i.e., Danish--staff? Embassies in secret locations? Welcome to the Islamic world as Western war zone. What do we get out of being there?


When a country is not

When a country is not willing to use any means to protect a foreign embassy, it should automatically be considered an act of aggression against the foreign nation and its allies.