Want Housing? Come to France
From the desk of Tiberge on Wed, 2008-06-11 05:51
In France the presence of squatters and large numbers of immigrants both legal and illegal triggered the call for automatic free housing for all those in need. It came to be called DALO ("droit au logement opposable"). Roughly translated: "the inalienable right to housing that a court cannot deny you". In other words, if you want housing, and are denied it, then if you go to court, this so-called DALO law must prevail over any preceding refusals. Up to now DALO has not been put to the test in a courtroom but that omission has now been corrected, as Yves Daoudal explains in two posts. The first, dated May 21, provides background to the case of Namizata Fofana:
The judge of the administrative tribunal of Paris suspended the unfavorable opinion, given on March 3 by mediators, to the request for priority housing by Namizata Fofana, a mother of two.
Jean-Baptiste Eyraud of DAL (Right to Housing – a leftist pro-immigration organization) expressed satisfaction with this ground-breaking judgment. "Other requests of the same type will start to come in, a movement is beginning to form..."
Since 2005, Namizata Fofana has filed several requests for social housing. All were rejected. As soon as the DALO law went into effect she filed a request. On March 3 the mediation commission rendered an unfavorable opinion, on grounds the case was not urgent. At the hearing, the prefect's representative pointed out that there had been 17,000 requests filed, and only those without housing were given priority, which was not Madame Fofana's case.
But the judge decided, on the contrary, that the case was urgent.
The follow-up to this post is dated June 6, 2008:
Namizata Fofana is now officially the first beneficiary of the DALO law. The final judgment was rendered on May 30, but strangely enough, we only learned about it today.
The prefect's decision to refuse her housing was annulled, as the judge had requested. And the mediation commission now says exactly the opposite of what it had said on March 3: it "declares the case of Namizata Fofana to be a priority and that her situation justifies that housing been provided at once."
On behalf of DAL, Jean-Baptiste Eyraud declared that it was "encouraging for all those who find their request for housing denied."
Naturally, it is by chance that Namizata Fofana is from the Ivory Coast. And it is the greatest of coincidences that the DALO law has become, from its first application, a call for immigration.
Fabrice Madouas, writing at Blog des Valeurs Actuelles provides this additional fact:
The prefecture will have to find housing for her within six months. If not, Namizata Fofana could demand monetary compensation from the State.
And one of Madouas' readers perceives the irony of the case:
This new law was passed by a right-wing government, yielding to highly publicized pressure from an organization that is hardly representative. It never would have happened without the obstinacy of a woman of the Right, namely Madame [Christine] Boutin. Meant for those who do not have permanent housing, [the law] will serve as a magnet for an additional influx of immigrants.
Christine Boutin is Minister of Housing and Urban Affairs. Though a conservative Catholic on many issues of bioethics, as minister of housing, she has shown herself to be a "bleeding heart", and has probably interpreted Christian charity to include culturally harmful social programs.
However, the judge who interpreted the law to include a woman who HAD housing is certainly to blame. As in America, the French courts are taking on the role of legislators.
What about our "RIGHT" to say hell no.
Submitted by FLLegal on Wed, 2008-06-11 16:32.
Oh the idiocy of Socialism....run amok. It is a yoke placed by a few, who profit and are empowered by being said anointed benefactors, on the backs of the many.
I find it interesting that those who claim people have a "RIGHT" to something, think that it is incumbant upon others to pay for it. What about our "RIGHT" to say hell no. The world does not owe anyone a living.
My position is if you can't afford it and pay for it, then you probably don't deserve it and you definitely have no "RIGHT" to it.
The only thing this "immigrant" is entitled to, if she is in France legally, is the opportunity to look for work. If she is an illegal and/or can't make it financially on the work she does find, then she should exercise her "RIGHT" to go back where she came from and look to whatever family, if any, she may happen to have to assist her if they can instead of making herself a burden on the backs of other hardworking people trying to make a living and a life for their families. They have a RIGHT to say no.
I've hearing reports of France going to go "bankrupt", and/or near "bankruptcy" and their military is falling apart. Yet they just can't get off the wicked addiction of socialism. Probably the only thing that will "save" France, and countries like her, is a "revolution" to end this destructive cancer of socialism and maddening self-destructive immigration policy.
Speaking of immigration, I hear loons from the left claim that freedom to move anywhere on the globe is a "HUMAN RIGHT". What crap. Of course these idiots don't believe in the nation state and/or believe in its demise. They, of course, are for open borders. Nations (who haven't foolishly surrendered their sovereignty to a bunch of bureaucrats by treaty) have the right to control their borders. They have the right to say who is and is not permitted to enter into their lands. They have a right as a nation state to say to some people that no you are not welcomed here for whatever reason. We will not let you be a burden to our people. Immigration to a country of choice is no right, but the leftist loons will try to make it so.
DALO Solutions
Submitted by Atlanticist911 on Wed, 2008-06-11 13:24.
Purely in the interests of Anglo-French bonhommie (and the recognition of a need never to miss the opportunity to make a quick buck for the British economy) perhaps we Brits could help here by offering to build some temporary shelter for all those hapless immigrants.