The Subsidized and the Subsidizers
From the desk of Alexandra Colen on Sun, 2005-10-30 11:29
Christopher Gillibrand has some pictures of a Catholic demonstration yesterday evening in Brussels against a state subsidized theatre play depicting a barebreasted Our Lady of Flanders. As Chris writes it is clear from the pictures that “those who attended the state-subsidised play were noticeably ‘middle class’,” while those demonstrating were clearly less well off. Indeed, the question is: why do the poor have to pay for the entertainment of the rich liberal bourgeois, especially when it mocks the values of the poor? Can the Minister of Culture explain this to us?
Clear or not so clear
Submitted by Bob Doney on Mon, 2005-10-31 12:44.
those demonstrating were clearly less well off.
It's not clear to me. Funnily enough some people put their posh clothes on to go to the theatre, whilst they might wear something less posh to go on a political demo. None of the theatre-goers or the demonstrators appears to be displaying a copy of their last income tax return, so it's hard to be sure.
And while we're on the subject, the rich liberal bourgeois pay a lot more tax than the poor, which fact may go some way to answering Alexandra's question to the Minister of Culture. It may also be that putting on plays is a more worthwhile way of spending taxes than, say, the upkeep of two parliamentary buildings for the same parliament, or subsidising Irish cattle rustlers. Just a thought.
Bob Doney
't Schijnt dat de Paul dat
Submitted by dof (not verified) on Mon, 2005-10-31 11:19.
't Schijnt dat de Paul dat allemaal georganiseerd heeft!
"Achter de actie zit Paul Belien, de echtgenoot van Alexandra Colen (Vlaams Belang) en columnist in 't Pallieterke ."
Demonstration- video
Submitted by Chris Gillibrand on Sun, 2005-10-30 14:18.
Inevitably state-subsidy disconnects a company from its clients and the arts are no exception. There is a video of last nights' demonstration here. - "Heilige Maagd afgebeeld als exhibitioniste" Click on second video link