Colin Powell Hated Europe

Interesting comments yesterday from a senior member of the Project for a New American Century. Discussing the EU’s military ambitions, he scoffed at he idea that Colin Powell had been in any way on Europe’s side. “Despite what the Europeans seemed to think, Powell was never in favour of the European position”, he said, “In fact he did not like Europe at all, he hated being NATO commander”.

This it seems was mainly down to the way that the EU members of NATO would come to every policy discussion with a pre-defined joint position, or in some cases a pre-defined split, rather than arriving at the discussion table with any form of open mind. This would make strategy discussions dry and unproductive and merely statements of solid position. This in turn would mean meetings were sterile and unproductive.

African Americans have no

African Americans have no roots in Europe. Therefore they look differently upon Europe than all Caucasian Americans.

African American roots

African Americans have as many roots in Europe as the so called Irish or Polish Americans: none. Neither do African Americans have their roots in Africa. It takes more than being black to call yourself 'African'.

Thinking that colour determines roots is a racist theory. Further there is nothing like an African culture. The same counts for a European culture. Africa counts thousands of cultures. So stop connecting skin colour with a non-existing culture. And stop sticking your head into the ground.

Almost all Americans have their roots ... in America. There is nothing wrong with that.