Little Red Riding Hood Bites The Wolf
From the desk of George Handlery on Fri, 2010-11-12 08:42
America fails the “unblemished virtue” test. The guilt of innocence. Again the Viet Nam case and its misuse. Avoid the dangers of success. Democratic Socialism: Which part has priority? Money for repatriated criminals. Obama’s old magic and the new boredom. About obvious consequences.
1. Incredible. Therefore, it is true. In a recent conclave of the UN’s Human Rights Commission Iran, Cuba, Libya, Burma and comparable paragons of virtue castigated the United States. If you have not read about it, you want to know more. The charge is the systematic violation of human rights. A lesson is applied. Weird claims get intensive coverage. Being in the news repeatedly, lends credibility to what is otherwise absurd. Given the composition of the guardians of decency in this case, this much is to be expected. Rather odd is that the US sent a large delegation. Reported is that, “America” –well, at least its current spokesmen- had been self-critical and promised improvement. (Could it be that this promise is to live up to, let us say, the Libyan standard?) Considering who put the delegation together and who sent them, the “mea culpa” for not being perfect, might have been sincerely meant.
The observer must wonder about the wisdom or appropriateness of appearing before a body convened as a kangaroo tribunal run by violators. After the fact, you may be unsure as to what extent the judgment of the Committee will be exploited internally. For instance to plea for the limitation of sovereignty and leniency for miscreants. When pleading an otherwise hopeless case, being able to refer to a foreign, and therefore allegedly unbiased concurring source, has its uses. Not only in dumb and criminal America.
2. Being an undaunted champion of freedom as a system, China is emitting remarkable signals. Peking is warning all those endowed with new fangled jelly implanted to replace old-fashioned backbone. The bamboozled governments are not supposed to send delegations to be present when the Nobel Prize is given to China’s laureate. The UNHRC might take notice that the laureate –and his wife- is a genuine political prisoner. Perhaps the Committee will cite China for a dressing down. It will soon happen. Only first, the Little Red Riding Hood has to bite the wolf. And Heidi will need to take a job to animate the guests of a Bangkok bar.
3. This fits since above we were discussing “politicals”. A few weeks ago, recovering from a shoulder injury, the writer resorted to the services of a therapist. She was surprised by the quick recovery. I explained that, if I would not “heel well” I would probably not be alive. She wanted to know what that means. So I told her that I spend two-and-a-half years on the most pleasant outside circle of the Gulag. Call it a rural vacation. Her natural question –resulting from the cultural connection made between crime and punishment- was “why”. “For nothing, I was only thirteen” I responded. Then I saw her confused expression that implied, “OK, but what have you really done?” Like a lightning came the answer. “I was innocent. Except for that, I existed. That is what guilt can be all about.”
4. Although not good at avoiding the signaled pits one can still fall into, the Obamians wish to avoid “the Vietnam Trap”. Sitting in the trap already, makes the desire understandable and the belated effort unlikely to succeed. Some might wonder, how come that, Obama has crawled into the confine without noticing it. The feat has been accomplished because, not surprisingly, the President and his circle do not understand the VN debacle’s nature and its causes. How could it be otherwise! The problem becomes understandable if one extrapolates from the symbolic fact that B. O. has removed a Churchill’s bust from his office. Rightly so. Looking at Mr. “Blood Sweat and Tears” would have been an unpleasant reminder. Such as of what one is not, and of a model one wishes not to emulate. The case makes one think that Hitler’s mistake might have been that he had bad luck by running into the wrong enemies. He would do better nowadays.
5. Viet Nam became a reverse because, for whatever reason, reflecting its leaders’ stance, the US lacked the resolution to see through a tough one. Repeating the mistake, while hoping that, giving in is a newly invented strategy, threatens to duplicate the original error’s results. Being voluntarily a domino in search of a force to make it fall, instead of being a solid rock, makes retreats easy. It will also avoid the danger of being successful.
6. Switzerland’s Socialists had a congress. The result is rather surprising for the country in which these comrades are located. At the same time, the upshot is almost predictable for folks that ignorantly strive to enjoy life in a do-it-yourself utopia. The party committed itself to “overcome capitalism” and to implement “democratic socialism”. Betraying what they really mean they closed their shindig with the “International”. (The Communist movement’s “anthem”.) The scores of millions of victims the comrades in power have left behind rest silently in their grave. Even so, they testify regarding an amnesia concerning a past-as-future in which the advocates of the revolutionary reorganization of society indulge. For those aware of implications the symbolism of the marching song and the raised fists, it betrays what part of “democratic socialism” the local saviors of mankind have in mind.
7. Nigeria is one of the countries that supplies Europe, and within it Switzerland, with an abundant supply of immigrants. Being illegals, or claiming to be from another, in this case “unsafe” country and that they have lost their papers, they tend to live a life as criminals. The more so, since they lack skills and, even worse, being devoid of any appreciation of local ways. Except one. That is welfare allocation. If caught, such individuals used to be repatriated. Then Nigeria refused to accept its own rejects. The Swiss then “negotiated” a deal. Soon thereafter, the planes carrying returnees were again denied landing rights.
New negotiations, conducted as a “migration partnership” were the result. Newly, the Swiss will help repatriates with money and training facilities. They also showed “respect”. (Note: in some culture “respect” indicated submissive acceptance.) Nigeria’s representatives did not fail to point out their conviction that, regardless of all other considerations, all men have “rights”. Presumably to move wherever they please and to continue to live there in their accustomed way.
8. Watching Obama explain the elections and discuss his future course triggered an insight. The presentation was still technically excellent and the rhetoric impeccable. Nevertheless, neither critique or approval, nor admiration for a good pitch came up. Instead, boredom arose. The kind one experiences when being forced to watch on TV a magician pull out the rabbit the second time. You might still not quite know how he does it but having seen it once, you do not really care. A devastating threat is implied. The public, like this listener, might have gotten used to Obama. However, the current trip to Asia proves, the magic still works abroad. It is possible that abroad Obama’s general popularity has been greater than in the States. Emigration in 1012?
9. The Obama record suggests a lesson. It is that “inevitable consequences” are, in the case of at least some of us at the outset, not necessarily “obvious consequences”. Voting behavior is often explained by this principle. At the same time, a growing portion of the electorate is discovering an ignored umbilical cord. It connects certain components of a paty’s agenda with the penalties born by society that result from its pursuit.
America Ends in a Whimper not a Bang
Submitted by Capodistrias on Wed, 2010-12-22 15:14.
As our brave, brilliant bureaucrats protect us from terrorists with exploding underwear, America slowly fades away as one American after another simply sighs as they pass through another security checkpoint:
With Season Greetings From Director John Pistole and the TSA Singers:
John Pistole, America's Inspector General
Submitted by Capodistrias on Wed, 2010-11-24 15:47.
There was a time when the inspector general of America's undergarments was simply a number stamped on a slip of paper found within the folds of our new Fruit of a Looms. Today we are the numbers and the Inspector General is the guy who gets the name and the freedom to dispose of the number. Who is John Pistole?"
Today as Americans head off across the land to celebrate a national holiday that celebrates God, Family and Friends, 'New Beginnings,' the question is : Tomorrow, will we be sitting across from just another number or will we really know and love the person we are sitting across?
My guess?
John Pistole will be on the 64" screen in the background with an after action groping report wishing us all, telling us all 'A Happy Thanksgiving!'
Thank God, that God has chosen him for this difficult task.
Meanwhile a brief tale...
Washing ashore on Kappert Isle this morning...
Just another slip of paper with a number...
Father to son: "Just another American, leave it alone."
George Soros, Deepak Chopra, Michael Chertoff
Submitted by Capodistrias on Wed, 2010-11-17 01:18.
Child Molesters or America's Elite? Both?
I have a dream, a leadership exchange for one day we get a Russian Prime Minister and the Russians get Obama.
Just one day.
TSA intercepts Nun Terrorist
Submitted by Capodistrias on Tue, 2010-11-16 05:51.
what does anyone expect?
Submitted by mpresley on Tue, 2010-11-16 12:20.
The TSA is a completely out of control police agency with a brutish, bullying mentality. However, considering the head of the Homeland Security agency, what can one expect? It has been my general experience that women with a lot of anger inside, especially if it is due to their own psycho-sexual inversion, are wont to become unnecessarily aggressive and aggrandizing when it comes to power and control.
Couple this with the totalitarian liberal outlook where majority members are considered guilty, or at least potentially guilty, and it is all quite understandable.
RE: 5
Submitted by Kapitein Andre on Mon, 2010-11-15 01:31.
The US completely misunderstood Viet Nam and largely continued the failed French colonial counter-insurgency. Even McNamara has admitted that he was blinded by the "fog of war" against the Soviet Union and China, which were perceived in Washington as being both monolithic and expansionary. The US would have done better to have let Ho Chi Minh unify the country and then draw Viet Nam away from China and the Soviet Union; taking advantage of Sino-Vietnamese differences in the same way as Sino-Soviet ones. US military might could only either have obliterated the country or made it ungovernable. South Viet Nam was never a South Korea. And "victory" is only possible in Afghanistan if NATO forces withdraw from the Pashtun south. "Victory" in Iraq was never possible once the secular Sunnis were toppled from power...
Touchy, feely TSA
Submitted by Capodistrias on Sun, 2010-11-14 21:34.
"no one is knocking at the door in the middle of the night."
In fact, I do know of an outrageous case during the Bush years where a disabled woman, former INS worker, was dragged from her bathroom by four local police officers, one in S.W.A.T. gear. And yes DHS took an active role in the case, speaking of DHS...Here's a question for you: Which former DHS employee can be linked to that case and the current gross violation of American citizens' civil liberties at US airports? I give you a clue - he heads the Chertoff Group.
Submitted by Capodistrias on Sat, 2010-11-13 19:39.
" One wonders, in our present state, whether we could survive in the remote Archipelago climates."
One wonders, in our present state, whether we can survive in our present state?
Submitted by mpresley on Sun, 2010-11-14 00:50.
In the present semi-totalitarian age; an age where the various "isms" (feminism, equalitarianism, redistributionism, multi-culturalism, etc.) delimit not only behavior, but thinking as well, one may be ostracized for incorrect speech, or even lose one's job under the right circumstances. However, while there are ominous signs (trials in Amsterdam and some in Canada), no one is knocking at the door in the middle of the night. Yet.
The experience of the Russians and East Europeans under the Communists are not ours, today. I doubt it could happen that way, but if it came to that what would the general response be? Passive acceptance, or resistance?
I was innocent...Except
Submitted by mpresley on Sat, 2010-11-13 15:03.
“I was innocent. Except for that, I existed. That is what guilt can be all about.”
Today, as majority members, it seems that we are all guilty, but when we actually try and pin it down we are not quite sure of what. Most of us, however, are fortunate that our prisons are simply our day to day routines. One wonders, in our present state, whether we could survive in the remote Archipelago climates.