Has Iran Encircled The Rest Of The World?


The newest negotiations between “Iran and the world” have ended. Regarding the result of trying to convince the Mullahs to abandon their military nuclear project, the result is the usual one. The “Perms” of the SecCouncil, enhanced by the EU and Germany, came to talk turkey to Istanbul. In a way, so did Iran. Only Tehran demanded before taking its seat that its nuclear project be accepted as its natural right. As the cherry on the topping, the sanctions imposed to dissuade her from her undertaking were to be lifted. Thereafter, so Iran, the talks could begin.

Now then, the sanctions were imposed as a response to the country’s undaunted nuclearization. Had Ms Ashton - as the EU’s “Foreign Minister” she chaired the event - managed to convince the Great Powers to adhere, then there would have been no reason to talk. Iran’s nuclear efforts were the reason for the Powers’ concern which they expressed by the sanctions. The conference’s other agenda was to discuss the nature of Iran’s nuclear efforts and the related R&D. To join the round, Iran demanded that the other side must consent to Iran’s future projects by accepting Iran’s position that they meant to scrutinize. In this case, a telegram from the home offices would have sufficed to approve of Iran’s criticized behavior. If met, the pre-condition for Iran’s participation would have endorsed a position that the negotiations were to examine. Without anything left to negotiate or to judge, the gathering had no purpose.

Once again, Iran has gained time. That is likely to have been the purpose of the charade. As Ashton explained, the powers remain committed to find a “diplomatic solution.” Besides a “postponement in favor of Iran”, the value of the failed negotiations equals zero. Confirming that the past equals the future, not even further meetings are scheduled. Therefore, the next development will be negotiations about the subject, venue and content of future talks. Could it be that the head of Iran’s team is right? He sort of expressed this view after the announcement that all will go home. By being stubborn, the Powers are isolating themselves, he thought. One gets the impression that Tehran feels that it has encircled the major powers. The beleaguered have no choice but to submit meekly to their besieger.