Segregation in the Netherlands

Remember the American South in the early 1960s? Or South Africa in the 1980s? That is what Western Europe in the early 21st century is beginning to resemble. A school in Amsterdam has introduced separate entrances for white and coloured pupils. At the Rietlanden/8th Montessori school in the east end of Amsterdam there are two separate entrances 30 metres apart, one for native Dutch children and one for immigrants. The school authorities claim that this situation has nothing to do with racism because the school welcomes children from all ethnic groups. All it wants is for them to enter through different doors. The school constitutes a complex with two sections. One, the coloured section, is called “Rietlanden,” the other, the white section, “8th Montessori.”

“For one reason or another our school had acquired a bad reputation,” headmistress Annemieke van der Groen says. “In such a case you can invest in quality as much as you like, but it is difficult to convince white parents to enroll their children here. If they come to have a look, they say ‘You know, with all these black children’ and enroll their children elsewhere.” Hence, the two entrances and different names for the same school.

Local councillors Fatima Elatik and Ahmed Aboutaleb are not happy with the situation. They are in favour of mixed schools and suggest enforcing this by forbidding white parents from enrolling their child in a school unless they bring along a non-white couple with a child to enroll as well. Deputy headmistress Nelly Bruin of the Rietlanden school opposes such a measure: “What you will see then is that highly educated parents will bring along educated immigrants. You will end up with schools for uneducated immigrants and white trash. That is not what you would want either.”

This type of problem is likely to increase in the future. Of the 16 million inhabitants of the Netherlands, ten percent are immigrants. There are 1.1 million “traditional immigrants” – mainly Turks and Moroccans – and 560,000 (former) asylum seekers. Of the latter group an additional 10,000 enter the Netherlands each year, of the former some 55,000. These are mainly young people of childbearing age.

There are currently 359,000 ethnic Turks in the Netherlands, 45% of whom are “second generation” Turks, meaning that they were born in the Netherlands. There are 316,000 Moroccans, of whom 47% are second generation. Among the asylum seekers the largest groups are Iranians (37,000, of whom 12% are second generation) and Afghans (29,000, of whom 17% are second generation).

190,000 babies were born in the Netherlands in 2005. The birthrate is declining fast. In 2004 there were 195,000 births; in 2003 there were 200,000; in 2002 there were 202,000. The Dutch authorities expect that by 2010 the number of births will have fallen below 180,000. Within this shrinking group, the number of immigrant newborns (second and even third generation) continues to grow: from under 40,000 in 1996 to over 48,500 in 2004. A quarter of them are ethnic Moroccans, 20% is Turkish. In Amsterdam, Rotterdam and The Hague half the newborns are of non-Western origin. Dutch women have on average 1.5 children. The number for Moroccan women living in the Netherlands is 3.3 and for Turkish women 2.3.



"Dutch Segregation Is Not Racist," 20 January 2006


Just where is the problem?

There seems to be a huge ruckus over something quite inconsequential. A few commenters are taking issue that Mr. Belien did not clearly mention that they were TWO schools, hence two entrances. Yeah, two schools of which one was primarily black and one white. I suggest the Dutch people hurry and purchase some lottery tickets because luck is definitely on their side. Especially considering the odds of the "two" schools having enrollments that split right down racial lines due to pure luck to be what? A billion billion to one? LOL

The arguments put forth by the dissenters to this article are a bit puerile on their own merit, however when taken into context with what the headmistress states:

“In such a case you can invest in quality as much as you like, but it is difficult to convince white parents to enroll their children here. If they come to have a look, they say ‘You know, with all these black children’ and enroll their children elsewhere.”

Come on people...

Belien: a student of Zhdanov, Goebbels and Muenzenberg?

Having just read this article and the letter of protest by the Volkskrant journalist (which, at least, you had the decency of publishing, it has to be said) I have to conclude that your article is severly damaging your reputation.

Conscious misrepresentation of facts for the purpose of furthering your own ideological beliefs and goals was a common feature of the propaganda masters of the various 20th Century totalitarian regimes.

These days, "spin" and PR have taken the place of the masters of agitprop. Usually, these people are a lot more subtle in their "media management". However, your crude distortion of a small story has shown up a side of your journalistic persona, you might rather have kept hidden. You are no better than those lefty activist hacks you - rightly - so despise.

This reader, for what it is worth, will read any factual information you provide with the greatest scepticism. And so should other readers, in my humble opinion.

Humble anonymous

There is no misrepresentation of facts. Here is a translation of the title of the article from Volkskrant: “Black and white have their own entrances.”
Here is the summarizing first paragraph: "An Amsterdam primary school has indigenous and non-indigenous children under one roof. But there is no integration at all: white and black have their own doors.”
Here is a translation of the streamer: “Amsterdam school building poignantly illustrates growing segregation.”

Here is a computer "translation" via Alta Vista Translation (Babel Fish) to give you an idea:

Volkskrant says that there are "separate entrances for black and white pupils." Volkskrant uses the word "segregation."
I did not express any "ideological beliefs and goals" in the article as I have not indicated what I think about these separate entrances. If I had time I could translate you the full text, but I do not have the time. If you do not trust what I (a "student of Goebbels"!) write, do not lose your time here and visit another website.

at least we agree on 1 thing

I agree that PC is going too far, PC for the sake of being PC is just wrong since it provides us with a climate where you can't properly discuss problems annymore.

However I still feel you strongly exagerated The so called " Segregation Issue" There is definately no race based segregation going on in dutch schools, at least not by the Schools or gouverment themselves, White people simply feel there child might feel uncomfortable in the Rietlanden public school as it has manny "Immigrants" so they prefer to enroll their children in the Montesori school (wich has immigrant students aswell by the way)

I have a little story for you by the way, you seem to have a problem with Immigrants living in europe, but concider this, I'm of Indonesian/Maluku descent, my people where taken from their country by the gouverment. you see, they fought for the Dutch during the Indonesian independance war because The Dutch promissed them an independant state but when the Dutch lost they took all those people that shed their own blood for them and placed them in camps in the netherlands and promised the return to their Island one day, but after years of living in camps in the Netherlands the Gouverment simply said: sorry, we can't keep our promise. So now suddenly there is tens of thousands of us living and breeding in the Netherlands and europe. We never chose for it and now we have to take all this crap of how we non natives are the fault of everything that goes wrong. Do you see the wrongness of that? I'm tired of getting crap from people of your wife's political party and her dutch colleagues. Instead of showing fancy figures of just how manny immigrants there are, and the problems this aledgely causes, you could actually present a solution to any existing problem, instead of stating the obvious about how things aren't exactly going too well.

and another thing

you conveniently failed to mention your article that the idea of making with couples bring along an Immigrant couple when enroling into school is an idea of a white journalist called Pieter Hilhorst, and that the Councillors like something about that idea. this means they don't necesarilly want to see it actually happen. You only mentioned the Councillors and presented it as some PC measurement forced down our throats by immigrants, wich obviously is not the case as the idea comes from a native white Dutchman

Suicide of the West

"Aboutaleb ziet er veel in" means that the councillor "likes the idea [to probibit white parents to enroll a child, unless they also bring an immigrant child along] a lot."

However, if I understand you correctly your main criticism is that I failed to mention that PC is the invention of white ideologues. I agree: All the stupid PC crap, that governments are forcing down our throats today, has been invented by the Europeans themselves rather than by the immigrants. This is why I never blame Muslims or immigrants for what is happening in Europe today. We have ourselves to blame for the suicide of the West.
I think that is clearly obvious: our own white leftists, such as your Pieter Hilhorst, are feeding politicians, including Mr Aboutaleb, with their stupid ideas. Thank you for pointing this out to us.

seperate doors

Look, it is 2 different schools, one is the Montesori college and the other is a public school, students of each school go in through their own doors, Parents in the Netherlands have a right to choose witch school they send their kidds to, and Montesori is popular amongst White people. thats all there is to it.

1 more thing

you completely blew the original article out of proportion and mistranslated or added (fabricated) certain things to better suit your little propaganda

like this here: "Local councillors Fatima Elatik and Ahmed Aboutaleb are not happy with the situation. They are in favour of mixed schools and suggest enforcing this by forbidding white parents from enrolling their child in a school unless they bring along a non-white couple with a child to enroll as well. Deputy headmistress Nelly Bruin of the Rietlanden school opposes such a measure: “What you will see then is that highly educated parents will bring along educated immigrants. You will end up with schools for uneducated immigrants and white trash. That is not what you would want either.”

you completely fabricated this the only things you didn't fabricate are the names of the 2 councillors and the fact that they are a bit concerned

and another thing

If you read the Dutch paper, you will read exactly what I "fabricated." I am sorry if it is double dutch to you:

Stadsdeelbestuurder Fatima Elatik: "Ik ben voor alle initiatieven die de verdeling op de scholen meer gemengd kunnen maken." [...] Wethouder Ahmed Aboutaleb noemt de situatie op de Rietlanden zeer onwenselijk. [...] journalist Pieter Hilhorst wil het ontstaan van gemengde scholen bevorderen door op te leggen dat witte ouders zich pas op een witte of gemengde school kunnen inschrijven als ze meteen een allochtoon ouderpaar meenemen. Ook wethouder Aboutaleb ziet er veel in.


First of all it has nothing to with race, I allready explained why they go in via seperate entrances and why Montesori has overal more "White" students. You can't compare the netherlands with south Africa as you simplify things far too much with that. you are just seeing things that aren't there.

Also, I suspect the real reason to write this article was to throw in some random figures of Immigrants in the Netherlands. whereas you listed turks and Morocans only. even tough they are minorities even amongst the Immigrants in the Netherlands, do Maluku, Indonesian, Antilian, Suriname, Chinese, Vietnamese people no longer exist? or are you just trying to instill fear for some fictive arabain invasion? I suspect the later especially since your afiliation with Ms Colen

Separate doors

I see white children going in one door, and black children going in another. Apparently, I am not allowed to see this because, owing to my "affiliation" with Ms Colen, you imply that I might actually like what I see, while according to the PC thought police we are not allowed to like what we see, so I am not allowed to see it, let alone write about it. Is that it?


This article is a lie, it's 2 different schools in 1 building, it's not that uncommon in the Netherlands, the students of the Montesori school go in via the Montesori entrance and the students of the Rietlanden School go in via the Rietlanden entrance, it has nothing to do with race. my current school is 2 schools in 1 building aswell, we go in via our entrance and they via theirs and we are not allowed to use eachothers entrance.

Also Montesori is somewhat of elitist and it's hard to get in, it has waiting lists so people enlist their newborns in that school for when they reach the age of 6, that's why there are hardly anny imigrants in the Montesori and many in the rietlanden wich is a public school.

The Author of this article by the way is affiliated with Right winger Alexandra Colen a member of the right wing "Vlaams Belang".


In South Africa in the 1980s the schools of the blacks and the whites were different schools with different names and different entrances, too. So what is your point? Does the fact that the schools have different names imply that there is no segregation?
I am, indeed, "affiliated" with Alexandra Colen as she is my wife. Again, what is your point?

I think it's been very easy

I think it's been very easy in the past for an ethnically monolithic Europe to point the finger at diverse America and call it racist. It's easy to say you're color blind when the only color around you is your own.

The chickens are coming home to roost. It will be interesting to see how Europe deals with the situation.

the Dutch are moving their product..

..and infecting the rest of the "under-developed" world. Jacob Arminius would be proud.



1.they're all built on a foundation of free will

2. all deceived they have to/'cannot avoid' the use of that free will

3. all deceived they have what they have got because they have basically gotten it for themselves expressly by the supposed 'smart use' of the 'free' will

4. all are deceived that 'the poor' are those who don't "get taught" 'how' to be 'smart' with their 'free will'

5. all want the 'education' that teaches them to be 'smart' --even some people who have heard of that 'education' and don't even live in the Netherlands yet

6. They are deceived one of the ways of supposedly being 'smart' is to give away that 'education' to all (wherein death culture/euthanasia, drug culture, perverted sex culture, etc are commonly accepted and indeed, forced as much as possible)

7. the 'poor' don't want to be singled out as poor. They want the 'smart ones' to pretend nobody is really 'smart' until they can 'catch up' ("dignity", all that..)


the lie of free will is the opium of the masses administered through non-creating speech: the only speech they have who is anti-Christ.

Now the Dutch have product and find themselves amongst an angry crowd of addicts that includes themselves and their own children. How will they 'fairly' divide the blow until anti-Christ in them can manufacture some more?

Only the Dutch (or a European) would even say the phrase "highly educated parents"... maybe John Kerry or Al Gore..

The Dutch themselves must be born again in Jesus Christ. They cannot do it themselves. How are they going to teach anyone else? Who would go to them for such 'education', much less be 'hurt' on being segregated in the midst of it?

Psalm 94:11 Jehovah knoweth the thoughts of man, that they are vanity.

In the Name of Jesus Christ, Amen

Highly educated parents

Only the Dutch (or a European) would even say the phrase "highly educated parents"...

It took me about 40 seconds to find plenty of examples of this phrase on Google from non-European sources. Do you ever check any statement you make in your comments? I know that the thoughts of man are vanity, but it's still worth making some effort to get your facts straight, I would have thought...

Bob Doney