Hidden Hand
From the desk of The Brussels Journal on Wed, 2006-02-22 10:13
A quote from Dyab Abu Jahjah on the AEL website, 21 February 2006
The mainstream media coverage of the anti-Islamic racist cartoons ignores the fact that the publication of the images was a “calculated offense” commissioned by a Zionist “Danish” colleague of the Zionist neo-con ideologue Daniel Pipes and was meant to incite violence and promote the Zionist “clash of civilizations” between Muslims and Christians. […] Pipes reveals his hidden hand behind the publication of the cartoons, which now appears to be a well-laid trap into which a number of newspapers and populist parties have fallen.
How it started is now irrellevant
Submitted by Flemish American on Wed, 2006-02-22 20:54.
How this all started is irrellevant compared to how it has continued. The last post on my personal blog likens this to a story told in, of all places, the Bible.
Read Acts 19 starting at verse 23 and tell me it doesn't look like "Deja-Vu".
Lord, grant me the strength to change the things I can;
the serenity to deal with the things I cannot change;
and the wisdom to know the difference.
Abu Jahjah
Submitted by Unbeliever on Wed, 2006-02-22 20:19.
Abu Jahjah in an interview in the Belgian weekly 'Humo' some six months ago said: 'Europe is awaiting some raw times'. He could not know at that time that two French immigrants were going to be killed in a powerstation near Paris, nor could he know that a Danish newspaper was going to publish cartoons on Mohammed.
The riots are all part of a Bigger Plan. Which Plan?
Re; Abu Jahjah
Submitted by A New Believer on Wed, 2006-02-22 21:49.
Perhaps Abu Jahjah knew more than he let on! Perhaps he knew exactly what was going to happen and when. So many take it for granted that these people are simply ruffians or hooligans. Why not on purpose? Becase then it would make if seem so horrible to westerners. Why not a conspiracy? I find no reason not disbelieve the conspiracy theory! These are not rational human beings. These are islamic fanatics with only one thing on their minds.. spreading their precious, disgusting filthy jihad and making the world bow down before a specious psuedo -religion and a non existent prophet. For all we know Abu Jahjah could have been the member of a cell carrying out such a plan by giving a warning, he knew would not be listened to or heeded. The best reasoning would be to
simply deport him and all MUSlIMS in Europe back to their homelands. Then they can be their governments problem. Amazing the very people that fled their homes for places in the west are now hailed as prodigal sons and hail fellows well met for serving islam so diligently! So who is Abu Jahjah and the rest truly serving...?
Odin be Praised! Baldur Save Us!
Submitted by Jensen on Wed, 2006-02-22 15:05.
I’m sure that many would like the publication of these cartoons to be part of a greater conspiracy – I know for a fact that many Arab media that right now are claiming that it was Israel that was behind the cartoons.
Well those of you who have been following the news at this site will know – that the cartoons were a response to an internal Danish debate on self censorship. That the Muslim rage and political turmoil afterward has been used and misused by a number of people and governments – is a basis for debate with possibilities for uncovering conspiracies with hidden agendas.
Yes indeed
Submitted by DewiSudarsono on Wed, 2006-02-22 19:39.
This whole islam conspiracy story once again exposes the islamo-fascists are notorious anti-semetics whose worldview, apart from the idiotic and evil teachings of a mentally disturbed warleader name Mohammad (hbuh), is based on a sick fabrication called the proptocols of the learned elders of sion.
This fact underlines the need to initiate a Constitutional debat regarding the status of islam as a religion and it's total incompatibility with basic human rights and the western secular and democratic states. I would strongly call for an international effort to get the islam and her book banned in Europe and the US