Who Wants to Destroy Our Values?
From the desk of The Brussels Journal on Fri, 2006-04-28 10:50
A quote from Daniel Pipes on FrontPageMagazine.com, 28 April 2006
An Islamic school in London is teaching that non-Muslims are akin to pigs and dogs, and it is doing so with subventions from the British taxpayer. More alarmingly, when notified of this problem, the British authorities indicate they intend to do nothing about it. [...]
Although Hilli’s attitudes were standard for a pre-modern Shi‘i, they are shocking for 2006 London. Indeed, several students in the Hawza Ilmiyya found them “disturbing” and “very worrying.” Their spokesman told the Times that students “are being exposed to very literalist interpretations of the Koran. These are interpretations that would not be recognised by 80 or 90 per cent of Muslims, but they are being taught in this school. A lot of people in the Muslim community are very concerned about this.” The spokesman concluded with an appeal urgently to re-examine “the kind of material that is being taught here and in other [Islamic] colleges in Britain.” [...]
A correspondent of mine [...] immediately complained to the Charity Commission and asked it to take steps concerning the Irshad Trust. He got a quick reply: “[...] The Commission will not look into this particular complaint. I hope this clarifies the position.”
real Muslims
Submitted by peter vanderheyden on Wed, 2006-05-03 14:55.
Their spokesman told the Times that students “are being exposed to very literalist interpretations of the Koran. These are interpretations that would not be recognised by 80 or 90 per cent of Muslims, but they are being taught in this school.
Now that’s strange. For what I've been told by all the great Islam experts on this website, for a Muslim there is no other interpretation possible then the literalist one. Yet 80 or 90 per cent of Muslims…
To paraphrase a Belgian proverb:
Sire, there are no real Muslims anymore!
I`m sure that if those would be Christians
Submitted by Ice on Fri, 2006-04-28 20:15.
..who`d be teaching children than Muslims are pigs and dogs then that Charity Commission would immediatly take action.