Brussels Promotes “Popular Enlightenment”

One of a whole raft of EU sponsored educational programmes [pdf]:

Then the participants will make a pilot project to implement their sports activities and hereby make a first evaluation of how these learning aspects can be integrated into their sport activities. These tests and preliminary evaluations will then be discussed in a 2-day seminar in Riga with the exchange of best practices and the creation of a learning network. A brochure on “How to integrate aspects of popular enlightenment in sport activities” will be made and distributed. Based on financial resources the 2 Danish sports activities co-organisers will send participants to the course and consultants from the 2 Danish associations will serve as part time teachers for the course. This will secure a solid integration between Baltic and Danish participating associations both on a personal and organisational level. The transnational learning aspect will focus on how the new EU Member States can learn from Danish civil society and sport activities in general, and in particular on how the learning aspects of “popular enlightenment” is integrated in the EU.

Amount of the budget: 52,189.00 €
Amount of the grant: 21,970.00 €
Just look at the thousands and thousands of euros that are spent on these projects. Why should money on projects like these be spent at European level?

They also seem to have forgotten that there have been “popular enlightenment” programmes before. Joseph Goebbels
 full title was “State Minister for Popular Enlightenment and Propaganda” [Reichsminister für Volksaufklärung und Propaganda].


This sounds like brainwashing, you can always trust the EU: strength through joy.  What DOES "Popular Enlightenment" mean?  Moving to the next stage of envolution?  Becoming dhimmis?  Renouncing war through marching in lockstep with neo-fascism?  Has anyone defined this brave new theism?

Riga - in Latvia which is

Riga - in Latvia which is between Estonia and Lithuania. I know Estonia is once again a country in its own right, but what about Latvia and Lithuania? Why Danish values?
What does 'popular' enlightenment mean? Is this a weasel word making something seem better than it is? I think it may devolve from the word 'populace' = the common people. An enlightenment suitable for the rabble. Teaching through sport is good - it's not academic, so no questions, no thinking, just a jolly old time for everyone.