Re-Christianize Europe: As Christianity Fades, Islam Beckons
From the desk of The Brussels Journal on Wed, 2007-03-07 10:47
A quote from Joseph Farah at World Net Daily, 27 February 2007
Daniel Fried, assistant secretary of state for European and Eurasian affairs, said the growing Muslim presence in Europe is “a fascinating issue and one that the American government is just now trying to get its mind around. It’s a huge problem, we are thinking about it seriously, and we’ve tried to do some intellectual framing-up.”
What does he propose? He says Europe is to blame. “You have a weird nativist surge in Western Europe, and a kind of odd panic: Aliens are here, they don’t accept our values, they are a threat to our way of life and turn to radicalism,” says Fried.
So [the] State [Department] is going to bring American Muslims to Europe to meet with their counterparts in an effort to “break down stereotypes” and help them end their “self-isolation.” [...]
On one point, however, I think the eggheads at the State Department are right. The key to the outcome of this global conflict is in Europe. Do you want to know how to win the fight against the global jihadists? I’m going to tell you how, and I’m serious. Re-Christianize the continent. […] No, I don’t think sending American Muslims to Europe is a good idea. I think sending American Christians there would make much more sense.
A quote from Daniel Pipes in The National Interest, 1 March 2007
[E]xtreme secularism pervades Europe, especially among its elites, to the point that believing Christians are seen as mentally unbalanced and unfit for public office. In 2005, Italy denied Catholic politician Rocco Buttiliglione the European Union commissionership – because of his views on issues like homosexuality. Entrenched secularism also means empty churches: London is home to seven times more born-Christians than born-Muslims, but more people attend mosques on Friday than churches on Sunday. As Christianity fades, Islam beckons; Prince Charles exemplifies many Europeans’ fascination with Islam. The continent could see many conversions, for as the saying ascribed to G. K. Chesterton contends, “When men stop believing in God they don’t believe in nothing; they believe in anything.”
Trading places
Submitted by truth serum on Fri, 2007-03-09 12:31.
It is not so much European behavior but the nature of man.
The only thing the Europeans have done is traded one dogma for another. All the traits and characteristics that they fear, resist, and hate in Christianity can now be found in their new religion of Atheism, which was my point in my lower post.
Christian behavior?
Submitted by Dan on Fri, 2007-03-09 05:00.
How much of what is described as Christian behavior is really just European behavior wrapped in a Christian guise. Detractors often point to when Christianity was used as a tool the state to enforce conformity; but today we see the same behavior under an atheist EU. It’s worth noting that other Christian areas do not behave this way, simply look south or to the Americas. The religious tolerance in the US was created by Christian zealots.
Atheists are Saints
Submitted by truth serum on Thu, 2007-03-08 19:34.
@peter vanderheyden
Whew, I sure am glad to hear that atheists are above all that killing and torturing stuff. Apparently, it is simply because they have no religious text to guide them to do such horrendous things.
However, that does beg the question....What book did Stalin use?
By the way, don't forget to bring your knee pads tommorrow!
Talking about "straw men".
Submitted by marcfrans on Thu, 2007-03-08 19:26.
@ pvdh
Actually, if you were to read Truth Serum's posting with an open (unprejudiced) mind, you might be able to see that it is quite 'accurate' as a description of certain people. It definitely is funny. And nowhere did he/she use or advocate anything "as a pretext to kill and torture". That particular "strawman" was entirely yours, born from a prejudice (probably based on a presentation of 'religion' in a long-ago elementary schoolsetting).
@ Snorri Godhi
1) I did NOT claim to be "qualified" to decide who is a real Christian. But, I did ask relevant questions, implying that these are matters up for discussion and interpretation. It was YOU who claimed to know that certain prime ministers were "believing Christians".
2) Also, Pipes did NOT claim that "anybody who believes in Christianity is seen as unfit for public office by Europeans". That is entirely your false strawman. Pipes did claim that Buttiglione was "denied" an EU Commissionership because of "his views on issues like homosexuality". That was factually correct. Whether it was Italy or a European Parliament committee that "rejected" is a matter for debate, and depends on one's views about how the EU 'really' works. In my view it depended on the degree to which 'Italy' was willing to stand up for 'its' Commisssioner.
You missed the core of Pipes point. His point was NOT that there are no (selfclaiming) 'Christians' in Europe, but rather - as I interpret his comment - that "entrenched secularism" creates a vacuum in the face of an expanding 'missionary' religion like Islam.
The strawmen seem to be multiplying today. Everybody should read more carefully, before misrepresenting what someone else wrote.
Pipes' foot in mouth (@marcfrans)
Submitted by Snorri Godhi on Thu, 2007-03-08 18:40.
I don't know how you feel qualified to decide who is a real Christian, and who isn't. (For the record, I am not.) However, this is irrelevant. The point that Pipes tried to make is that anybody who believes in Christianity is seen as unfit for public office by Europeans, and if Pipes had spent 5 minutes on wikipedia he would know how wrong that is. The only case that he can cite is Buttiglione, which is an isolated incident. Anyway Pipes gets it completely wrong: it is not "Italy" that rejected Buttiglione, but a committee of the European Parliament. Heaven knows (no pun intended) what their hidden agenda was: maybe they were trying to damage Berlusconi. Anyway Buttiglione returned to Italian politics and was elected senator in 2006.
Atheism = Religion
Submitted by truth serum on Thu, 2007-03-08 17:34.
Atheism is as much a religion as Christianity, Judaism, or Islam.
What they, the atheists don't like is having moral judgements placed upon them, while pronouncing their own set of judgements upon religions or religious people in general.
1. Thou shalt not cast God's name in my presence!
2. Thou shalt not allow any religious symbols before mine eyes!
3. Thou shalt honor ludeness and debauchery.
4. Thou shalt not celebrate religious holidays in mine presence! (St Patricks Day and Carnival excluded)
5. Those that worship in mine presence shall be cast into the judicial court of hell fire!
Being nihilistic and a fundamentalist at the same time must be a mental strain
A God above
Submitted by peter vanderheyden on Thu, 2007-03-08 17:46.
@truth serum.
Waw, what a posting! It’s Full of crystal clear arguments. No straw men or dogmas, or blackening the opponents... Just plain common sense. Now I understand why you believe in a book written thousands years ago, and altered some thousand of times, and used by even more people as a pretext to kill and torture. Yes, if people with your intellect do believe it, then there certainly must be a God above in heaven. I’m totally convinced! I’ll start praying tomorrow.
All the same
Submitted by Amsterdamsky on Thu, 2007-03-08 14:28.
"I've never been woken up by Jewish missionaries ringing my doorbell."
The morality police in Israel goes around and rounds up clothing deemed to be immodest. Their Orthodox view on gay rights is only slightly less extreme than muslims. All children of Abraham remember. Muslims use the Torah AND the New Testament. I consider all three a threat to my freedoms AND prosperity as I work in biotechnology.
" It’s fairly obvious that
Submitted by Amsterdamsky on Thu, 2007-03-08 11:30.
From Dan
" It’s fairly obvious that militant atheists don’t disbelieve in god, they hate god."
No we just hate having G-d forced down our throats by brainwashed idiots who vie to control the political system to spread their own dogmatic "morality" by force of law. Christians and Jews are no different than muslims in that regard.
Muslims and Jews
Submitted by Vinegar Joe on Thu, 2007-03-08 11:48.
Amsterdamsky: "Christians and Jews are no different than muslims in that regard."
I've never been woken up by Jewish missionaries ringing my doorbell.
RE : Muslim and Jews
Submitted by perfektm on Thu, 2007-03-08 12:09.
Would you guys stop fighting.... anyways in case of Jews, i know well that Jews accept the law of land as the law of Jews... they do not comes on street to kill infidels... and most important.... they are the 1st victim. Jews are the prolog, and israel present the warning.... learn from them... instead of blaming each other and fighting internally. what ever will be the fate of Jews.... will be our fate too.... and the real story for us is after the jews....
and in case of Muslims, they do come on streets to kill infidels... the law of land is hijacked and is enforced to accept evil sharia..... and the already had broke the limits various times...... and in al directions, it can be in india, or in russia, or in serbia or even in israel....
do rechristianize Europe.... but there are Minority groups who had supported christians from a long time... don't go aganist the rule... remember respect is a mutual policy; and those who are giving respect to you in modern world... you should also give that respect to them....
In case of fighting islam and rechristianize them, then i will not stop you to fight those barabarism...
Submitted by Dan on Thu, 2007-03-08 04:57.
For an atheist or agnostic that might be true but when one talks of militant atheists they are speaking of something else entirely. It’s fairly obvious that militant atheists don’t disbelieve in god, they hate god.
Question marks?
Submitted by marcfrans on Wed, 2007-03-07 23:13.
@ Snorri Godhi
You make interesting comments, but do they deal with the core of Pipes' argument?
1) All these Prime Ministers may be nominally Christians, but are they real Christians? Are the Christian churches themselves by and large still "Christian"? Do they still have a 'missionary' spirit? Do they actually 'fight', or sacrifice, for the primacy of individual conscience and for true freedom of religion everywhere and for everyone? Or, are they accomodating to modern relativism? And, what are the consequences of that in a world which - history shows - constantly produces new forms of totalitarian ideologies?
These "christian" churches certainly did not stop communism nor fascism in Europe in the past century, but were rather 'accomodating'.
2) Also, we are currently (and only temporarily) in an asymmetrical conflict. So, those "thousands of nuclear warheads" are irrelevant in terms of determining "the key to the outcome of this global conflict". Their value lies solely in 'deterrence', and that assumes a 'rational' adversary. Thus, "the key" will not lie in weapons systems as such, but rather in willpower or political will.
3) But, your reference to "American campuses" is well taken. Indeed, whether western civilisation in the end will defend itself again, or not, will ultimately be 'determined' by the values transmitted by the American educational system (broadly) to American voters.
So, the outlook appears rather grim at present.
4) I think that Pipes made more sense than either Fried or Farrah did.
spaced out
Submitted by Snorri Godhi on Wed, 2007-03-07 18:24.
Daniel Pipes has lost touch with reality: the prime ministers of the UK, the Netherlands, Germany, Italy, Poland, and who knows how many other countries, are all believing Christians, and nobody has any problem with it (except Brussels, perhaps). Christian Democratic parties dominate the politics of Germany and the Netherlands.
As for Joseph Farah, I don't agree that the key to the outcome of this global conflict is in Europe for the simple reason that Europe does not have thousands of nuclear warheads. I believe that the current conflict will be decided on American campuses. David Horowitz seems to have the best insight into the current situation.
lost for this world
Submitted by peter vanderheyden on Wed, 2007-03-07 16:35.
Why should atheism always be “leftist-induced” and “militant”? Couldn’t it be that a man just thought about it, religion that is, and found out that it is just impossible? And does that man, by doing so, become all of a sudden “leftist”? And if that same person wants just to tell other people that he doesn’t believe anymore, and give arguments for his atheism, does that make that man a “militant” Christian hater? Of course not! Most certainly not! It proves him human! It even proves him western! “Christianity underpins the culture of the west.” You would probably agree with that. “One of the things that makes western culture what it is to day, is believe in the free will of the individual, his ability to think and decide for himself.” You’d probably agree with this one to. So somebody actually puts this in to practice and decides to think for himself, not taking all the stuff for granted they’ve told him when he was too young to understand anyway. By doing so he reaches a conclusion. It turns out not to be the same as yours, but that’s what western civilization is all about: He has the right to his own opinion. But then something weird happens. All of a sudden he is seen as the enemy of western culture itself, spit out and despised by his Christian compatriots, the heritors of the underpinning philosophy of his right to an own opinion. He becomes a leftist-induced militant, lost for this world.
in the real world
Submitted by Armor on Wed, 2007-03-07 17:11.
" Why should atheism always be “leftist-induced” and “militant”? "
Yes, but in the real world, we can observe that aggressive anti-christianism mainly comes from the far-left.
Going...going... gone.
Submitted by Lancelot Owen on Wed, 2007-03-07 15:01.
Britain [and much of Europe] is in the grip of a Leftist-induced militant atheism that has nothing to do with the separation of church and state and everything to do with deconstructing the common Christian heritage that underpins Western civilisation. So successful has this anti-Christianity been that the majority of the population are no longer even capable of acknowledging the historical role Christianity has played in shaping our culture - let alone practicing the actual religion on a day-to-day basis. God has been brain-washed out of their lives.
Clean brain syndrome
Submitted by Bob Doney on Wed, 2007-03-07 16:24.
Whereas "God" was never brainwashed in ...
Secular Europe
Submitted by Sam Iqbal on Wed, 2007-03-07 12:55.
We should all try, regardless of background, Hindu, Muslim, Jew, Christian to ensure that secular values and a secular Europe free from the shackles of religion prevails. There is no place for religous dogma in a modern Europe.