Let’s Kill the Beast

A quote from Ambrose Evans-Pritchard in The Daily Telegraph, 18 June 2007

If Europe’s political leaders succeed in ramming through a barely disguised remake of the same European constitution rejected by the French and Dutch people, I for one will come off the fence after years of hesitation and join the fight for total British withdrawal from the Union.

[…] This battle is personal, I confess. I was at the Laeken “razor-wire” summit in December 2001 when Europe’s bruised leaders chewed over Ireland’s “No” to Nice, and Denmark’s “No” to the euro, and vowed henceforth to listen to the people. There would be an end to the “creeping expansion of the competences of the Union”. Power would flow back to the nations.

I lived and breathed every moment of the betrayal thereafter: the hijacking of Laeken by Franco-Belgian diplomats to rush through an EU constitution before the Poles, Czechs, and Balts arrived; the charade of a Philadelphia “Convention” of parliamentarians, when the real drafting was done by Commission lawyers answering to a Euro-imperialist.

Gisela Stuart, Britain's sole voice on the Presidium, called the process a stitch-up from start to end, moulded by an “unaccountable political elite”. Dissent was ignored. Documents were slipped through in French late at night. “Not once did representatives question whether deeper integration is what the people of Europe want,” she said.

One would have thought that the French and Dutch had driven a stake through the heart of this animal. Commission chief José Manuel Barroso said as much. But no, Berlin has unwisely brought it back from the dead to haunt Europe. [...] [Mrs Merkel’s] letter suggested sneaking the Charter of Fundamental Rights into the text “by a short cross-reference having the same legal value”.

Why does this matter? Because the Charter [...] empowers Euro-judges to chip away at Britain’s economic model, imposing Rheinland corporatism by the back door. We might as well turn the lights off in the City if the [European Court of Justice] ever gets its claws into that.

There is no off switch on the beast.

From Expatica http://www.expatica.com/actual/article.asp?subchannel_id=1&story_id=40982"

The Netherlands has succeeded in getting rid of the name and symbols of the constitution, but that does not mean that the contents of a new treaty will meet the demands set by the Netherlands.

For instance the Netherlands also wants the Charter of Fundamental Rights scrapped from the text of the EU treaty. But there is still disagreement on this point among EU members.

The Netherlands can accept replacing the Charter with an article that refers to the Charter, but the British do not want even that. Other countries say that the British standpoint on this matter is "unacceptable."

Another Dutch wish is to give national parliaments more opportunities to block proposals from the European Commission using a so-called red card procedure. But the chance of this being included is slim."



The "Charter Of (Socialist) Fundamental Rights" indeed will be the death of freedom and democracy in the EU allowing the EU Politbureau to override all national legislation with sweeping dictates in the name of minority, womens, childrens and labor rights.  Remember!  It's for the children!!!!