Do Not Blame Him, Blame the State
From the desk of The Brussels Journal on Wed, 2008-02-13 21:11
A quote from Mohammed Salim’s neighbour in News of the World, 10 February 2008
There is something very wrong with a society that allows this to happen.
Time to leave a sinking ship
Submitted by longun45 on Fri, 2008-02-15 16:30.
Europe is sinking under the weight of it's own socialism. It is only held afloat by the people who are honest, hardworking and want only to be left alone to pursue their dream, what ever that is. These are the people who want to be self sufficient and have no part of the welfare state. These people are to be applauded.
If these people leave then the socialist system will collapse under it's own weight. These people are needed in places like the US where they can help stop the tide of socialism and big government. Not with guns or bombs but with hard work and the demonstration that getting standing on your own while not easy is far preferable to having the government prop you up.
To be honest many of the people who grew up here have no idea what is coming, but many of us do. We are a minority that understands that government has always been the problem, we are not anti government, just anti MOMMA government. WE do not need rules because we have our own rules that are above those of our liberal citizens.
Our liberal citizens need rules because they are children and as children need very clear boundaries, such as when to go to bed, what to eat , when to take a bath, when it’s time to work. And since they are in-charge in many places they like to change the rules without notice. But they are still in the minority here and can be uprooted.
They fail to realize that the government can suck the live out of a society with policies that encourage self defeating behavior, laziness, and penalize hard work and making something out of our life by imposing heavy taxes and regulations. Many of the people I talk to know “something is wrong” but have not the resources or the experience to fully realize exactly what that is or what to do about it. We need help and you need freedom. We need immigrants who are educated and productive and most of all want FREEDOM and are not afraid to fight for it.
Shame and Disgrace On Him!!
Submitted by Dr. D on Wed, 2008-02-13 23:44.
Yes, I do blame him. I blame him for stealing. I blame him for coming into a country such as England and maintaining his own culture that includes this disgraceful idea that it is acceptable to take all you can get from the system as he is doing.
This system was established to take care of the British people, a people with a work ethic, a concept of doing your own part to look after yourself, a sense of pride. It was never intended to become a welfare magnet to attract the lazy people of Pakistan and the rest of the muzlim world who would like to sponge off the system as this ingrate is doing. The system has given him a very valuable education for free, and he expresses his gratitude by continuing to abuse the system. There is one and only one proper response to this sort of thing.
He and all of those like him, all the muzlims in Great Britain, must be sent back to their countries of ethnic origin. If Pakistan wants to support him and his wife to sit around and have more and more babies, that is between them and the other Pakis. It is disgraceful that he has no sense of honor in the slightest and is willing to abuse the hospitality of England in this way. Shame and disgrace be upon him forever!!
They must all leave, every last one of them, NOW!!
Submitted by onecent on Thu, 2008-02-14 05:17.
When the dole stops parasites like him will jump to another accommodating EU country. It will never happen under the Labour party because they need welfare slobs like him as their constituents.